Blog Archives

USN Product Review: Diet Whey Isolean

Everyone wants to get into the best shape of their life. Whether you want to lose or maintain your weight, USN Ultimate Sports Nutrition have a perfect shake ideal for you.


USN’s Diet Whey Isolean is a delicious shake that would be the perfect addition to any weight loss plan. It is specially formulated to contain high protein and low carb – the perfect ratio for healthy weight loss and maintenance of lean muscle. Per serving contains up to 23g of protein and only 1.5g of carbohydrates, as well as a variety of important vitamins and minerals. There are four delicious flavours available, so you are able to switch it up whenever you want. High levels of fibre keep you satisfied for longer and prevent unhealthy snacking during the day.  Green tea extract and L-carnitine is also incorporated to boost your metabolism, speeding up the rate at which you burn calories all day long. The main source of protein included is whey protein, which is a great protein recommended for people who are trying to drop body fat and maintain lean muscle.

You can drink this shake at any time during the day and either before or after exercise.

Safe and healthy weight loss along with the maintenance of a healthy body and mind are best achieved by being consistent and following a few simple sounding steps.

  • Eat a balanced diet, containing wholefoods
  • Remain calorie-controlled
  • Get regular exercise

However, it’s not always that easy. We all have a busy lifestyle, which can make it a constant challenge on a daily basis to eat right and exercise hard.  So, support your recovery, maintenance, metabolism and fatigue, USN Diet Whey Isolean could be your key supplement to shed those extra kilos and really make a difference.

Order yours Online:

Eating plan for men

So for those who don’t know where to start with your fat loss, healthy living journey, take the first step towards a healthier balanced lifestyle and get your diet on track. Click on the image to download your Eating Plan.

Body Makeover Eating Plan_Men_Jan18-1

Each food categories exchange list contains food items which can be interchanged with each other. The serving sizes of each food is important to note as it is calculated so that the macro-nutrients per portion are similar. Remember, some processed foods such as sauces, ready-made meals and spices contain added sugar. It is recommended to avoid processed foods and sauces as far as possible for best results.

Body Makeover Eating Plan_Men2.jpg

Often the hardest part of achieving your lasting weight control goals is the ability to create the mental shift that is needed to develop routine. You can have total control over the way you look by taking charge of the things that you do. 

Introducing forward planning and preparation into your lifestyle helps you to take charge over your habits and routines. By simply getting to grips with this concept, you can make your ultimate physique a reality. It is often the small changes that yield the biggest results.

The USN Body Makeover Challenge has been designed to significantly transform your body and lifestyle during a 12 week period. For more information click here:

Eating plan for women

So for those who don’t know where to start with your fat loss, healthy living journey, take the first step towards a healthier balanced lifestyle and get your diet on track. Click on the image to download your Eating Plan.

Body Makeover Eating Plan_Women_Jan18-1

Each food categories exchange list contains food items which can be interchanged with each other. The serving sizes of each food is important to note as it is calculated so that the macro-nutrients per portion are similar. Remember, some processed foods such as sauces, ready-made meals and spices contain added sugar. It is recommended to avoid processed foods and sauces as far as possible for best results.

Body Makeover Eating Plan_Women_Jan18-2

Often the hardest part of achieving your lasting weight control goals is the ability to create the mental shift that is needed to develop routine. You can have total control over the way you look by taking charge of the things that you do. 

Introducing forward planning and preparation into your lifestyle helps you to take charge over your habits and routines. By simply getting to grips with this concept, you can make your ultimate physique a reality. It is often the small changes that yield the biggest results.


The USN Body Makeover Challenge has been designed to significantly transform your body and lifestyle during a 12 week period. For more information click here:

Face the Fat

USN Face the Fat – Your New Year’s weight loss solution to reach your goal. I will help you where possible. This was the best decision I ever made for myself.Daily-Eating-Plan.jpg


Decide | Commit & Change your lifestyle forever. You will be in the best shape of your life! Take control and make this a reality and not just a far fetched dream…

YOU GOT THIS – Pledge and join in. Get the support from an online community all sharing the same goal

This Is Why You’re Not Losing Fat

Lean. Ripped. Shredded. No matter what you want to call it, the process of stripping body fat from your frame and revealing the dramatic muscle beneath isn’t easy. It requires patience, dedication, consistency and hard work.

Did we mention patience? Because damn, sometimes that scale will just not budge, despite what you’d rightfully consider superhuman effort.

In those moments of doubt—when you’ve hit the gym regularly, dieted religiously, avoided temptations, and otherwise applied the perseverance of a monk to your fitness efforts, all to no avail—sometimes an outside perspective is key.


“More is better.” It’s the mantra that built America, right? So if 20 minutes of cardio is good, 40 must be even better. Heck, let’s just round it up to 60, and I’ll be ripped in a week!

Ah, if only it worked that way. Yet in reality, if you could plod your way to a great body—and catch up on your favorite shows in the process—everyone in your gym who camps out on the cardio equipment for hours at a time would be spectacularly lean.

In the case of cardio, more is not always better. In fact, it can be wasteful at best, and counterproductive at worst, as you often end up compromising your muscle mass without ever adequately tapping your fat stores for energy. Instead, you’ll want to drastically cut down your cardio sessions while ramping up your intensity to maximum levels.

“If somebody really wants to drop and burn body fat in the quickest, most efficient way possible, and they have the drive to undergo it, there’s nothing better than high-intensity interval training,” Balcombe explains. “Nothing is as effective as HIIT. There’s no exercise protocol I would recommend more to someone who wants to get lean.”


HIIT alternates periods of high intensity and low intensity in a repeating pattern. For instance, if you’re running, you’ll do 15 seconds of an all-out sprint followed by 15 seconds of a slow recovery jog or walk. The better your fitness levels, the further you can push yourself during the active phase—you can do 15/15, 30/30, 45/45, or even 60/60, although a 60-second all-out phase is definitely pushing the upper limits of your short-term abilities and may cause you to fatigue early in your workout. Someone new to HIIT can also consider a 15/45 work-to-rest ratio, which is obviously easier because of the longer low-intensity periods.

“These alternating periods of intensity target both type I and type II muscle fibers, enhancing not only overall aerobic conditioning but muscular strength and power too,” Balcombe says. “HIIT not only helps you burn fat, you’ll also spare muscle because of the shorter workout periods, as you’ll spend less time in a catabolic exercise state.”

To do HIIT right, you’ll need to approach cardio like you do your toughest lifting sessions. That means no reading, no watching TV, no chitchat; you’re waging war, and every rep—or in this case, interval burst—counts.

“Back when I was following a HIIT program on a regular basis, I would either set aside a whole training session for it, even though the sessions are only 10 or 15 minutes, or I would do it at the beginning of a regular weight workout,” Balcombe says. “I personally loved to do it before I worked out with weights, because you go into your weight workout with all the fat-burning hormones like epinephrine and norepinephrine elevated, giving you an additional fat-burning effect long after your cardio session is over. Of all exercise protocols, HIIT just annihilates all others in terms of how much fat you burn, both during your workout and afterward.”


Frequency 2-3 times per week
Warm-up 5 minutes
Sets/Time 5-9 sets,* 5-12 min.
Intervals 15-20 sec. high intensity
45-60 sec. low intensity
Cool-down 5 minutes
Frequency 2-4 times per week
Warm-up 5 minutes
Sets/Time 10-12 sets, 10-18 min.
Intervals 30 sec. high intensity
30-60 sec. low intensity
Cool-down 5 min.
Frequency 3-4 times per week
Warm-up 5 minutes
Sets/Time 15-25 sets, 11-18 min.
Intervals 30 sec. high intensity
15 sec. low intensity
Cool-down 5 min.

* One set includes the high and low intensity components; so a 30-second work-to-rest interval would mean each set is 1 minute.


With HIIT in your repertoire, you’ll have taken a great leap forward in your training efforts. But that’s not even half of the equation if weight loss is your goal, Balcombe warns. “Exercise has a very small impact on fat loss compared to dietary changes,” he says. “More than any training or supplementation changes you make, diet has by far the most major effect on weight loss. And the biggest mistake I’ve seen people make nutritionally is [eating] portion sizes [that] are so out of whack.”

Blame it on restaurants—or your well-meaning family members—who heap dinner plates with food, throwing off our ability to eyeball a proper serving of just about anything, from steak and potatoes to breads and cereals.

“People may think they’re eating a normal portion, but in reality they’re eating 3-4 times what they should be,” Balcombe says. “It’s the most important part of weight loss, and it’s the one part people have the least awareness of. They’ll instead focus on the next level, which is looking at things like macronutrient ratios and food types. Of course, those other aspects have an effect, but when you’re overconsuming calories, the ratios don’t make much of a difference.”

The solution, thankfully, is simple, and temporary as well. Balcombe recommends a set of measuring cups and spoons. “You don’t need to actually weigh all your food, just put it in a measuring cup before plating it,” he suggests. “Over the course of a few weeks, you’ll start to get a real feel for what a proper portion is, and eventually you’ll no longer need the measuring devices to know what you’re doing.”



“Once you have portion control down, you can start experimenting with macronutrient ratios,” Balcombe says. He recommends that 15-20 percent of overall calories come from fat—mostly the healthy unsaturated variety found in foods like nuts, fish and avocadoes. The rest will come from protein and carbohydrates.

How much of each? Well, that depends on you. “It comes down to your lifestyle and training,” Balcombe says. “For instance, if you’re doing HIIT regularly, you won’t be able to handle it if you’re going low carb. When I first started HIIT, I was on a diet of no more than 50-70 grams of carbs per day, and I just couldn’t pound out the interval sessions. So I had to crank up my carbs.”

Balcombe suggests a 2:1 carbohydrate-to-protein ratio for people on a HIIT program, with the carbs consisting mainly of slow-digesting carbs. “I don’t use the terms ‘complex’ or ‘simple’ carbs, because they don’t really mean much,” he says. “You have complex carbs like maltodextrin that break down fast and behave just like a simple sugar, for instance. So forget about simple and complex, and just rely on slow-digesting carbs as your main source.” Options include sweet potatoes, brown rice, green leafy vegetables, and steel-cut oatmeal.

The one exception, where a fast-digesting carb is preferred, is within the 30-minute pre-workout window. “That can include anything from a Gatorade to a dextrose drink to maltodextrin or waxy-maize starch, which might be included in a pre-workout supplement,” Balcombe says. “Having carbs that break down faster in this time is okay because your body is chopping through massive amounts of glycogen (energy) during these workouts.”



“Even though I run a supplement company, we don’t pretend that these products are a magic bullet,” Balcombe says. “We want people to have proper expectations, which is that they can lose weight from dieting and exercise. A well-designed supplement, meanwhile, will help give you an extra edge in propelling your results forward.”

When it comes to choosing a fat-loss supplement, look for research-backed ingredients like green tea extract,caffeine, and yohimbine, all of which have been shown to increase energy expenditure and accelerate fat loss. “Green tea extract—specifically its level of epigallocatechin-3-gallate, or EGCG—has an impact on caloric expenditure, while caffeine improves energy and alertness,” Balcombe explains.

Natural plant extracts, like Sphaeranthus indicus and Garcinia mangostana, may also help to fuel your fat-loss efforts. In a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study, subjects taking 400 milligrams of Meratrim (an ingredient composed of both Sphaeranthus and Garcinia) two times a day (for a total of 800 milligrams) showed significant weight loss in as little as two weeks.1


“At eight weeks, subjects on Meratrim reduced their waist and hip circumference,” Balcombe adds. “This research suggests these benefits are being brought about through Meratrim’s ability to partially block fat cells from both the uptake and the formation of fat.”

Resource: – Sebastian Balcombe

The real value of setting goals…

When I saw this quote it got me thinking…

Real Value
There are values in setting goals… The number 1 value  that it adds to our lives is the person we become while on the journey of setting goals and achieving & reaching them.

Today I want to share my personal view and opinion on the importance of setting goals for YOURSELF. We can so easily get discouraged or derailed from our goals the moment things get tough or we slipped up. We tend to experience the emotions of failure and disappointment in self the moment we slipped up! Whether you missed a workout or made a bad choice when it came to nutrition. Maybe your cheat meal ended in a cheat day and then snowballed to a cheat weak or month?! Can you relate, have you experienced the feeling of condemnation for not having enough willpower to succeed the first time? Well I have and its a terrible feeling indeed.

NOW how can we overcome this pattern and make it sustainable to reach our goal?

You can have the willpower to set out a short/long term goal BUT without a plan and a sustainable vision you are most likely to stumble and fail.

My advice is to take your overall goal and to break it up into smaller realistic goals…Let this be a journey and embrace it as an investment in yourself. Be realistic with yourself. This way you will be sure to reach your ultimate goal.

Then, set time frames for each and be sure to focus on them one step at a time. Once you overcome the first hurdle then think of and take on the second goal towards the “BIGGER goal”. You know yourself. Maybe you perform on rewards. Whatever it is do this for yourself. e.g If I lose 2 kg by week 3 I will buy myself a new training top. No matter what you DON’T purchase that top if you haven’t reached your personal goal. I promise you will take accountability for your decisions and this will form part of your commitment to what is important to you!

Your nutrition and training don’t have to be complex. By sticking to a fundamental, realistic, and systematic approach to your goals you are more likely to achieve them. Don’t over complicate things – This is often my problem and as a result I jump between diets and training programs. Don’t go there. Get a program, stick to it and pull it through! Get to know your body and what works for YOU.

I’m sharing this and believe it is a good read for those in need of change.


First and foremost, you need a plan that is curtailed to your needs, goals, and lifestyle. You can’t pick up your husband’s, brother’s, or cousin’s workout plan and expect it to work. Before you jump in, sit down and think about what you want and why. If you’re not absolutely positive about what you want or why you want it, then you’ll struggle to follow through. It might seem like a really basic first step, but it’s the one most people fail to do.

You also need to be realistic. I see too many people with the get-back-into-my-high-school-jeans-by-tomorrow mindset fall off the wagon. Sure that’s a great goal for the long term, but you need to ask yourself: What am I capable of right now? If you are 50 or more pounds overweight, thinking you’ll be down to a size 32 in a matter of weeks will set you up for failure. Instead of focusing on that big, 50-pound goal, take a smaller bite. Try, “I will lose five pounds by the end of the month.” It may not be a drastic change, but achieving it will feel great and will serve as excellent motivation.

Additionally, choose a goal that bolsters your health and well-being and doesn’t just focus on the way you look. By improving your overall health, you’ll feel better, sleep better, think better, and live better!

Successful goal-achievers also pay constant attention to their progress. Write down your goal in hardcopy journal, in a phone app, or on BodySpace! This way you can revisit and assess how you’re doing.


True, training is probably the most difficult aspect to figure out. When I first began, I would walk into the gym and train my chest, biceps, and triceps. I would do this every single day. If this sounds familiar, that’s OK—you have to start somewhere.

This year, instead of doing some biceps curls and then heading to the treadmill, follow this basic system:

Build Muscle Shed Body Fat
Weight training frequency 3-6 days per week 4-6 days per week
Rep range 6-10 10-15
Rest periods 1-2 minutes 30-45 seconds
Lifting load Heavier weight Lighter weight
Cardio frequency 2-4 times per week 4-6 times per week
Cardio duration 10-30 minutes 15-50 minutes

Like I said before, the most important aspect of training is to support your goals. If you want to gain muscle, aim for longer rest periods between sets, exercise with heavier weights, and shoot for lower rep ranges. If you want to shed body fat, train with lighter weight, high reps, and short rest periods.

Remember, this doesn’t need to be super complex! It is better to keep it simple. The key is constant progress. Each week try more weight, more reps, or shorter rest periods. Record your workouts so you can keep track of your progression.

Although resistance training will be the most effective way to achieve your physique goals, I like to encourage cardio. If your goal is to gain muscle, keep your cardio sessions to just three times per week. Use high-intensity interval training (HIIT) techniques to ensure the preservation of your hard-earned muscle. If you want to lose body fat, I still suggest HIIT, but I’d increase the session frequency to 4-6 times per week and increase the duration.

Finally, you have to rest. Spending days away from the gym will allow your body adequate time to rebuild and repair. You can schedule rest days whenever they best fit your schedule, but don’t leave them out!


Nutrition might be the last thing I’ve written about, but it’s the most important part of your progress—it always trumps training. Despite its importance, people tend to overlook it because they “work so hard” in the gym. You can kill yourself every day, but if you supplement that training with cupcakes and hot chocolate, you won’t see gains or losses where you want them.

I also see people eat too little. The point of your fitness resolution is to make lasting change. Nobody wants to lose 50 pounds and then gain it all back again, right? A month-long liquid diet or 1,000-calorie plan might work in the short term, but they won’t provide you the nutrition for a healthy mind and body or the building blocks for a lifestyle change.

Don’t make it complicated. Simply put, your calories should come from all the major macro-nutrients: fat, carbohydrates, and protein. You need all of them— there isn’t a magic way to meet your goal by eliminating one or the other! Eat more protein than you think you need, don’t skimp on complex carbohydrates, and don’t skip healthy fats. Don’t worry about counting calories just yet. Get in the gym, eat whole, nutrient-dense food, drink plenty of water, and cut out the processed crap.

Similar to goal-setting and training, it’s important to keep track of your diet in a journal, app, or BodySpace. Write down what you eat, how you feel, and any other aspects of your nutrition you’d like to chart.


We covered the essentials, but there’s one more thing I need to cover. To be a success story, find something fitness-related that you enjoy doing. Whether it’s Zumba, CrossFit, bodybuilding, cycling, or powerlifting, do what you like. If you hate what you’re doing, then it’s difficult to be motivated to get back in and do it again. Furthermore, your fitness and your goals are personal. Make sure whatever you do is going to help you be the best you.

You have the tools to succeed. Now go do it!



S – Specific
M – Measurable
A – Accountable
R – Realistic
T – Time-frame

From my side my friends, I want to encourage you to take up this goal, challenge yourself and go out and DO IT FOR YOURSELF. For no other reason but YOURSELF. If you failed before so be it. Don’t dwell on the past or where you find yourself at this moment. Take it one small step at a time and be proud of every single healthier choice that you make.

We all mess up some point or another – I did too but NOW is the time to get back up, look up and NEVER EVER GIVE UP on yourself.

Be passionate about what you do and always give your best. You deserve to look and feel your best. Value yourself enough to make the changes toward becoming the BEST VERSION OF YOU!

I believe in you, so now believe in yourself.

You can follow me on Twitter:


Facebook: Body and Lifestyle Challenges Claudine Kidson:


Have a fit and fabulous week everyone.


It is all about the journey…

My topic today is: It is all about the journey…

HEALTH | FITNESS | LOVE | COMMITMENT | DEDICATION | TEARS | SWEAT | JOY = REWARD – only to mention a few keywords, there is so much to say…

As most of you know I’m prepping for the WBFF South Africa taking place Friday 20th & Saturday 21st June 2014 at Carnival City Casino. This will be my first ever Fitness Stage Bikini Competition and believe me what a journey indeed.

WBFF South Africa


I took a moment to sit down and recap on how far I have come and in the process I realized my deep passion for the sport! From being so unhealthy, fat, low self-esteem to being fit, happy, content, and blessed where I’m at. Some people say but WHERE do I start…Or they think about the duration of the journey to reach their goal and that in itself is discouraging for some BUT today I want to encourage YOU!

Take the first step, you will never look back!

This sums it up for me:

Working out and eating clean doesn’t have to be a chore, have fun with it…


You have to get the right mindset and stop seeing this as an obligation and a chore, but rather an investment in your health and overall life.

So many moan non stop about their diets, the schlep of working out, prepping food etc…Well I cannot wait to food prep not even to mention my gym hour.

As a single mommy this to me is absolutely necessary. Doing something for myself only for it to be a benefit to my beautiful princess girl. I want to be the kind of mommy to whom she will look up to and see an example of living a healthy lifestyle. I want her to value herself enough to one day take care of her body & mind. I believe with working out and a good nutritional diet there comes a sense discipline and commitment. This I believe will form part of your everyday life whether in your workplace or in an environment surrounded by others. Be an inspiration to yourself first and then to others. Believe in yourself and you’re halfway there.

People ask me how do I get abs, or have time to food prep or go to the gym, or how do I get the time with a 1 year old girl? Well I make time and prioritize and set boundaries with certain things in my life!!

Well let me tell you it is all about consistency. I have abs all year round, why? Because this is my lifestyle this is part of who I am. I don’t believe in quick fix diets etc and I don’t see my lifestyle as being on a diet. I love my food and I make sure I fuel my body with the best. And yes of course I cheat and have sweets and the occasional night out partying but AGAIN its about consistency. No matter what I stay to my routine and I will be in gym the following day. Stop condemning yourself for the bad choices you make. Get up and go on…

“If you correct your mind, the rest of your life will fall into place.” Lao Tzu

Make it fun and love the journey…

This is some of the pics of my journey the last month or two…

Let me start at the beginning – This little beauty is my little princess. She is what my life is about. I live, breath and do EVERYTHING for her. I strive to be the BEST EVERY single day.


This is what my life is about…LOVE this angel with my life

Secondly I want to share my excitement that I my sponsorship with USN Ultimate Sports Nutrition has been extended for another year. I’m so grateful to be part of the USN family and so passionate about the brand. I believe in the best and only the best and this is the ONLY Supplements that I use…

Thank you USN for an amazing 3+ years I am honored to represent the Brand. Visit the website or please do ask if you need more information:

I adjust my supplement plan as I go along to form part of my goal.



My monthly supplement supply. Blessed to be sponsored by the best!

The beginning of my journey to WBFF…


All about dedication & having fun in the process..

week 1&2

My food prep for week 1 & 2


I lift & squat bro…Love my new training vests…


Then the USN Gala Evening – This was the high-lite of my evening when I had the honor of meeting Bella Falconi. Wow she is a true inspiration. Again an athlete who breaths success and who is a true example of consistency.


Myself and Bella Falconi – She is such an inspiration.

This is my current progress on the ABS – I’m going for 8 😉 so lets see how the definition goes along as my diet gets adjusted













































Then thank you for each and every one of my Blog & Facebook & Instagram & Twitter followers. There is so many amazing people that I got to meet over time and I appreciate each one of you. If you havent followed me yet please do so @ClaudineKidson

Every comment, every like, every share, every Inbox message is what makes this journey even more rewarding. I want you to be the best version of yourself.

Good-luck to all those prepping for shows – Be YOUR best!

Have a super amazing Easter Weekend and don’t overindulge more than you can handle 😉 Stay fit and think fit…


Truth about Fat Loss and Nutrition

Truth about Fat Loss and Nutrition

So this weekend was the Truth about Fat loss and Nutrition Workshop and I believe it was a huge success, educating people about some general guidelines on nutrition / food labels and understanding the Truth about Fat Loss.

“We did a little test with the 4 products listed here and did you know that if you had to consume 1 litre of this milk, 1 litre of this 100% orange juice, 50 g box of future life cereal and 500g box of Kellogg’s Special K in a week….you would be putting 57 teaspoons of sugar into your body. No wonder people are not winning the fight against the bulge!!!!!! Avoid health foods…..especially if they come with an advert!!!”

Some of the foods we looked at was:


Thank you Eugene for an Exceptional Perfect Pulse Seminar – the knowledge you have is amazing and the passion you have for sharing the truth is absolutely inspiring…This is only the beginning of big things to come.


I decided to do a post today on my view on a few things…Why do I feel the need to bring the truth to people on Fat Loss and Nutrition or health in general? Because I feel we need to start moving forward by knowing the truth. We live in a world where things get covered up way to easy and I’m so sick of companies making millions of profit by clever advertising skills, “covering the truth and exposing lies”. The general public in return are the ones walking around with sickness and health concerns.

I walked into a well known “Health Shop” yesterday where they sell supplements etc. So you would think the people employed in this positions will be educated in their field of expertise. As I walked down the isle I couldn’t help but to overhear the conversation of the guy (Supplement sales person) giving advice for a lady wanting to buy supplements & products to lose weight! I almost felt as if I can run the guy against the wall when the first thing he said to the lady was to cut out ALL CARBOHYDRATES and limit protein by replacing it with a “Shake”. Even typing this message makes me so angry when I think of this misleading and wrong advice…Listen today – NO Shake will replace good quality protein and neither will you have sustainable energy to get through a day without carbohydrates. We tend to trust others with our health or follow advice without really focusing on what the truth behind it is…We put our trust in someone who walks around with the qualifications without taking the time to research if it is indeed the correct information…

First of all Ladies & Gents you NEED PROTEIN | CARBOHYDRATES & FAT in your diet.

Your body needs carbs, healthy fats and protein. Protein is essential for tissue growth and repair. Dietary protein supplies the building blocks of muscle tissue. You have to remember that when you hit the gym for your weight training routine you are actually breaking down your muscle tissues. So WHY is your diet so important? Because you build your muscles outside of the gym just like they say Abs are made in the kitchen – that is the TRUTH…To do that you need a proper nutritional plan with the correct amount of protein/carbs/healthy fats to fuel your body…That is why I believe BCAA  (Branch Chain Amino Acids) is a good “supplement” to add to your plan if possible. If insufficient amino acids are present, your body will start breaking down muscle tissues to get the required aminos and you don’t want that. So what is the use of a good weight training session, if you don’t nourish your muscles when you walk out of the gym?! So never leave out the correct amount of Protein and Carbohydrates to fuel your body for sustainable energy levels throughout the day! So if you feel depleted and hungry most of the time consider looking at your protein intake. Remember protein takes longer for your body to digest which means you will be fuller for longer…

Since your body expends more energy to process proteins than it does to digest carbohydrates and fats, people who consume more protein throughout the day might see faster fat-loss results than people on a lower-protein diet plan.

Ladies protein WON’T make you bulky or muscular that is NOT the truth…You don’t have the amount of testosterone like males to build muscles like your boyfriend 😉 So make sure you incorporate high quality protein sources into your diet like fish, eggs, chicken and lean cut red meats. And if needed SUPPLEMENT with a good quality Pure/Isolated/ Whey Protein.
Not replace it but SUPPLEMENT with a protein shake…

Your body needs energy to survive. Your systems energy requirements are mostly met by your daily food intake. The energy value of food is important but the source of the calories and your portion control takes priority. The more processed and refined the lower the vitamin and mineral value of food will be and the higher the Glycemic Index or fat value tends to be. Processed and refined foods tend to have a drastic effect on elevating your blood sugar levels and increase the likelihood of fat storage occurring. And don’t ask questions when those cravings kicked in…

Guideline on how to measure Calories and Kilojoules:

Calories and Kilojoules is measured per gram of food:

1g of Carbohydrate = 4 calories / 17kj

1g of Protein = 4 calories / 17kj

1g of fat = 9 calories / 37kj

1g of alcohol = 7 calories / 29kj





Stay away from refined and process foods and try to balance your macro values to support your goals or general healthy living. Never follow a diet by leaving out a macro nutrient. DON’T follow a low carb diet / a low protein diet. It is not healthy and your weight loss goals will not be sustainable. Everything is about BALANCE…Consistency is key and always option for the best healthiest choices. Make a mindful decision to educate yourself on the values of food and see it as an investment in your health. Don’t let weight loss become an obsession but rather see it as a journey to better health and lifestyle.

Its all about the choices you make, so think about what you fuel your body with!

Have a super amazing and productive educated week 😉


Time for a new goal…

So my 12 Week Total Body Transformation Challenge came to an end and I was super happy with my results and reached my goal as I hoped to. I lost a total of 25kg and I reached my goal weight of 48kg… The aim is NOT to be be skinny but rather to be STRONG & FIT, TONED & LEANED OUT!!!


Skinny is not sexy – Strong & Healthy is beautiful – This is my opinion…


But now it is time for a new challenge and a new goal… I reached my transformation goal now I want to focus more on the detail of building muscle, to boost my strength, and get absolutely shredded by burning fat, AND to top it off I only have six weeks to achieve the next “thing”. I cannot reveal it now but I will tell you everything in 39 days. 🙂

So new program – new diet –  new goals – new supplementation…I decided to try out Jim Stoppani’s  6 Week Shortcut to Shred! I absolutely LOVED the LiveFit trainer from Jamie Eason but I did the trainer a few times over the last two years, so I’m up for a new challenge/program…

More about the program:
Shortcut to Shred is a fast-paced fitness attack guaranteed to torch body fat, build muscle, and boost your strength. It’s an intense, six-week plan built on six workouts per week, linear and reverse linear periodization, cardio acceleration, a precise three-phase nutrition plan, and a cutting-edge supplement program. Best of all, it’s absolutely free.

Shortcut to Shred isn’t easy, but you don’t want easy. You want results.

So is there anyone out there NOT on a specific program who wants to join in on this challenge?

I’m starting today – I switched the days around cause I did Chest & Shoulders yesterday – So here goes:


Whoop lets do this… I will post more about my supplementation etc soon.

Then to all my new blog visitors & subscribers & Facebook group friends – Welcome – I hope we can encourage, motivate and inspire each other on the journey on becoming fit and fab! Get your friends to like my Facebook page, join the blog, follow a tweet and lets get this circle of friends going.

Have a super day.
– C –

25 Debunked Training And Diet Myths

I had to share this with you…

The best defense against failure is good information. These debunked fitness myths will help you recognize right from wrong and truth from lies! Don’t hit the gym without reading this!

Practice Smart Fitness:

Starting a fitness journey can be intimidating, especially if you’re going in without any previous study. If you go to the Internet to find information, you might find yourself smack-dab in the middle of bad logic and bad ideas. It’s difficult to sort out the fact from the fiction—especially when the fiction sounds so good.

That’s where I come in! Check out these busted fitness myths so you can get started or continue moving down the right path. You’ll find that with the right information, your fitness goals will become much more tangible than a speck of light in the distance.

Myth 1 /// If You’re Heavy, You’re Fat.

TRUTH: When you start weight training, it’s natural to initially gain weight. Weight training stimulates the body to build lean muscle which will help to improve your metabolic rate. But this muscle also contains a large amount of water.

Weight training is also a source of inflammation, a well-known cause of water retention. After a week or two of weight training, you might jump on a scale and notice that you’re heavier than when you started. Don’t freak out. After a few weeks, your body will start to melt fat and your newly-acquired muscles will make you look leaner.

It’s common to weigh more while your clothes fit looser. Muscle is denser and takes up less space than body fat. That’s why a smaller, more muscular person may weigh more than a bigger person with more fat.

Myth 2 /// You Can’t Build Muscle With Veggies.

TRUTH: To build muscle, you need three consistent elements: stimulus from exercise, calories, and nutrients to support muscle building and recovery. Vegetables are filled with slow-digestingcarbsminerals, and vitamins. They’re like grains, but with fewer calories. If you eat enough calories and sufficient, complete proteins, you’ll gain muscle.

Overeating is anabolic in itself and that’s why stuffing yourself all day is good for muscle. However, all that eating will also lead to unwanted fat gain. By eating vegetables as your carb source, you’ll be able to stay leaner, feel fuller, and be healthier while you build muscle.

The only time this myth is actually real is when you fail to meet your caloric requirement. Without enough calories, you won’t build muscle. Moreover, you can’t hope to build muscle if you only eat vegetables. You need food that gives you complete proteins. So, if you’re a vegetarian, combine those veggies with protein like nuts, dairy products, or soy and hemp protein.

Myth 3 /// You Have To Eat Fruit To Be Healthy.

TRUTH: Vegetables have more minerals, vitamins, and even more anti-cancer properties than fruit. The difference between the two food groups is the calorie content. In general, vegetables have fewer calories than fruit. Also, fruit’s sugar is mainly fructose, which is stored in the liver instead of in the muscles.

If you fill up on fruit, you’re unlikely to eat as many servings of vegetables as you should. It’s also true that filling yourself with high-calorie fruit means you won’t achieve your fat-loss goal. I know people who eat apples and grapes every night, thinking they’re helping themselves lose weight.

Myth 4 /// Women Tone, Men Build.

TRUTH: Muscle is gained by stimulating muscle fibers to grow larger. We stimulate muscles by overloading them with resistance training. All bodies release growth hormone when they weight train, but men grow more muscle because they have more testosterone—a lot more. Men and women build muscle in the same way.

“Toning” and “building” are just different words to the same end: hypertrophy. Women use the word “tone” because they’re afraid of “getting big.” Most of the time, what they mean is that they want to see their muscles. So, most women want to be leaner with more muscle mass. In reality, most men want the same thing.

The typical rep range for muscle growth is 8-12 reps with limited rest time. The point is to exert your body and continuously add more weight during those sets. The longer your muscles are under tension, the better they’ll respond to training.

Myth 5 /// If You Take A Long Break, Your Muscle Will Turn To Fat.

TRUTH: Muscle is created by exposing your body to things that make it say, “Unless I get stronger and plump myself up, I will get killed!” When you stop training, you change the environment for your muscles. Suddenly, the need for them to hang around and be ready for battle will cease. Why keep something you don’t need? Without constant tension, your muscle mass will atrophy and you’ll burn fewer calories.

Most likely however, your appetite will stay the same and you’ll suddenly find yourself eating way more calories than your body needs to maintain its weight. Muscle doesn’t literally turn into fat, but with a slower metabolic rate, you’ll accumulate more fat as your muscle size shrinks.

Myth 6 /// Salt Is Bad For You.

TRUTH: Salt, just like all other minerals, is necessary for your health and your looks. If you’re lean but never get a pumped or vascular look when you work, you’re probably low on sodium. When your diet is lacking in salt, your body holds on to the little amount you give it.

When you finally increase your sodium level or eat a particularly salty meal, you’ll retain water and feel bloated. Eat a normal amount of salt (1,000-2,000mgs) each day and your body will stop retaining sodium and will get better at releasing it. Eating a proper amount of salt will balance your electrolytes.

Myth 7 /// You Can’t Be Ripped All Year.

TRUTH: Ripped is a subjective state. But if by “ripped” you mean “visible striations and ultra-low body fat,” you might have a hard time staying there, especially if you’re a woman.

Women are supposed to have higher body fat, so a woman’s body will fight her to keep it. To maintain an extreme condition, you’ll need a disciplined diet and training program.

As a woman, staying ripped year round can have detrimental effects on your hormones. To assure optimal health, you must use strategies to replace what your body lacks. An unnaturally lean body will usually lack in sex hormones. That’s just the way it works.

Most physique athletes are in great shape all the time, but they’re ultra-lean for only a couple months out of the year.

Myth 8 /// Carbs Are Bad.

TRUTH: If you want to gain muscle, you’re going to need carbs. If you take them out completely, you’ll burn more body fat during training perhaps, but you can’t keep it up for long. Carbs are fuel for intense workouts, fats are not. Choose a macro plan that suits your athletic goals. If you’re an athlete, you’re going to need more than protein to make it through a game.

On a more serious note, you need a minimum amount of carbs to ensure that your brain functions properly. The brain needs glucose to work. Your body can be ketonic and use fatty acids to fuel your muscles, but your brain can’t.

Myth 9 /// Weight Training Turns Women Into Men.

TRUTH: If women aren’t supposed to have muscles, why do we have them? The definition of “manly” differs from one individual to another, but we all have a different body structure. Some women have more feminine lines, others more androgynous. Wide hip bones and narrow shoulders are typical female shapes, but that doesn’t mean an athletic woman is less feminine. Our society forms our ideals; you choose what you find attractive.

What makes athletic women bulky is more-than-average muscle mass combined with “excess” body fat. If you couple weight training with a smart diet, you’ll be much smaller than you’d expect.

Myth 10 /// You Can Eat What You Want If You Train Hard And Take Fat Burners.

TRUTH: To burn fat, you need to expend more calories than your body uses. Fat burners will increase your heart rate and aid in training performance, but it’s not a magic pill. You can’t hope to sit around and eat hamburgers all day and expect your fat burner to make you thinner. That’s just silly.

Myth 11 /// If You Want To Lose Fat, Avoid Fat

TRUTH: Fats are necessary to maintain healthy hormone levels and make use of vitamins. Without it, you’ll create a terrible environment for muscle growth. Fats also help you regulate your appetite. A carb-and-protein-only diet can make any fat-loss or muscle-build goal almost impossible to reach.

Myth 12 /// Lots Of Calories Make You Fat.

TRUTH: Chronically eating more calories than your body needs will make you gain weight. But you can gain both muscle and fat depending on where the calories are coming from and whether you stimulate your muscles into growth.

Occasional overeating will not make you fat unless you really gorge on thousands of fat and sugar calories and you’re prone to gaining weight. When you increase your calories, you’re at risk for gaining weight, but you’re also speeding your metabolism.

Myth 13 /// Cheat Meals Are The Same As Re-Feeds.

TRUTH: A re-feed is a strategic increase of calories—usually carbs—that will boost your training intensity, replenish your muscle glycogen, and lead to further fat loss. A cheat meal, in my opinion, is a treat, and should only be used if you actually need it and have worked for it. It’s a reward, not a sudden binge.

Myth 14 /// Natural/Organic/Gluten-Free Foods Are Best For
Weight Loss.

TRUTH: No matter how “organic” your bread is, it still has calories. Yes, these foods may be healthier because they’re more likely to be free of pesticides and other chemicals, but over eating “natural” food is still over eating.

Myth 15 /// Carbonated Drinks Suck Calcium Out Of Your Bones.

TRUTH: This myth got its start because soft drinks contain phosphorus. High levels of phosphorus/phosphate have been linked to reduced bone mass and higher fracture risk.

The effect is probably due to people replacing dairy with soda, not the phosphorus itself. Furthermore, carbonation has not been linked to depleted calcium levels.

Myth 16 /// If You’re A Woman, Don’t Work Your Upper Body More Than Once Per Week. You’ll Look Like A Man.

TRUTH: What? Once per week? Well, for bone health, you should definitely train your upper body. Without it, you’ll be fragile. It will also look weird to have a buff lower-body (which in general, women already have), and sport a tiny upper body. Ever heard about the hunt for symmetry?

Myth 17 /// If You Want To Lose Weight, Do Cardio Until You Drop The Weight You Want. Start Lifting Only After You’ve Lost The Weight.

TRUTH: If you do that, you’ll shed unnecessary muscle mass. More muscle helps your metabolism stay high. It’s true that weight training doesn’t burn a ton of calories, but the more lean mass you carry, the higher your all-day energy expenditure will be. Muscles require fuel all the time. If you kill yourself doing cardio, your body will get rid of muscle mass and it will be hard to lose fat at all.

Myth 18 /// Your Metabolism Slows Down After Age 30. After That, You’re Doomed To Fat-Hood. It’s A Woman’s Destiny.

TRUTH: The reason metabolism slows down as we get older is a combination of lower hormone levels and less athletic activity. If you don’t work out and eat healthy food, you’ll get out of shape. Sadly, an untrained body is even more evident as you get older.

Myth 19 /// Women Cannot Gain Muscle After Age 50, So There’s No Point In Lifting.

TRUTH: You can build muscle at any age. As long as you’re challenging your muscles and feeding them the proper nutrients, your body will respond. As you age, building muscle gets more challenging. But like anything else, if you do your best, you’ll get good results.

Myth 20 /// Diet Sodas Make You Fat.

TRUTH: You can’t gain fat from something you don’t drink or eat. Diet sodas don’t have calories because they don’t have any nutrients.

It’s wrong to blame diet sodas for weight gain. They might, however, cause bloating and stomach discomfort, but that’s hardly the same as body fat.

Myth 21 /// Do Crunches For A 6-Pack.

TRUTH: A flat belly comes from being lean. If you eat too much, your abs will remain trapped beneath a layer of body fat. Everybody is born with abdominal muscles. You just need to lose fat to make them pop.

Myth 22 /// One Cheat Day Per Week Won’t Harm You. Eat, Drink, And Be Merry!

TRUTH: This is only true for people who don’t struggle with getting or staying lean. Alcohol inhibits fat burning while your liver is detoxifying you. Alcohol is also indirectly fattening because we all tend to eat the wrong things after we’ve been drinking.

Myth 23 /// Stay In The Fat-Loss Zone And You’ll Be Ripped.

TRUTH: The fat-loss zone was “created” when research showed the body burns calories at a higher percentage during low-intensity cardio workouts than high-intensity ones. However, this study didn’t take into account the calories you burn after you work out.

After a high-intensity cardio workout, you’ll continue to burn calories long after you’re out of the gym. High intensity training usually works better. After all, losing weight comes down to expending more calories than you take in.

It’s difficult to do high-intensity cardio every day. So if you need to do cardio each day, you’ll need some variety. For more information, check out my best-selling ebook Cardio For Leanness.

Myth 24 /// If A Product Has No Calories, I Can Have As Much As I Want.

TRUTH: Zero-calorie syrups, jams, dressings, etc. aren’t really no-cal. In our country, a product can advertise being no-cal if it has fewer than 5 calories per servings.

In reality, most of these products have about 5 calories per serving, so if you’re going to down the whole bottle, you’ll actually end up having more like 60 calories. Although that doesn’t seem like much, adding 60 calories of meager nutrition to your diet won’t do much to help you meet your goals.

Myth 25 /// Healthy On The Outside = Healthy On The Inside.

TRUTH: That’s called denial! Many symptoms, deficiencies, toxins and diseases are silent. They show nothing on the surface or don’t have initial warning signs. You can never know if your organs are healthy or your bones are strong unless you do the right tests. – Practice Smart Fitness: 25 Debunked Training And Diet Myths.

Decided to share…

Hey everyone,

Allot of people ask me about what protein/carbohydrate/fruit options did I have during my transformation challenge etc.

So I decided to compile these to maybe give you a guideline on the options you can use!

Remember one thing – You must never see this as a diet – This will only set you up to fear failure or believing that it is to hard to achieve!

Get your mind in the right place first – I can give you my word this is the only reason I could succeed in this was by seeing it in a different perspective! It makes it so much easier I promise!

Living a healthy life is not that difficult, you can still enjoy your food and love what you eat!

Let me know what you think or if this can help you.

Remember I have a passion for what I do and would love to share it with you. So if you have any suggestions let me know and we can compile something awesome!

Have a super Tuesday!



Girls, Get Your Guns

Why Women Should Lift Weights!

Hormones and diet make the sexes different, but women can still build muscle and gain strength. You don’t want to look like a man, but you need to become a stronger woman!

Many women make a huge mistake when they step foot in the gym. They assume that heavy weightlifting will turn them into gargantuan man-ladies. If you’re a woman, answer this: when you go into the gym, what is the typical tact you take to your workout program?

Do you first do a light warm-up on the mats? Then do you head over to the cardio machines for a good 20 or 40 minutes, thinking you’ve gotta blast that cheesecake you mashed last night? Then, do you flex with a few rounds of lightweight circuit sets? Finally, maybe you head off to the exercise mats to crunch for 10 to 20 minutes trying to lean that tummy?

If this is your patty-cake program, it’s time to change your course! The program above illustrates most women’s workout programs. They don’t want to get big and “bulky,” so they gravitate toward exercises they think burn the most calories and “tone” their muscles. “No bulk needed. Thank you very much.”

If you're reaching for the pink weights, it better be your warm-up.
If you’re reaching for the pink weights, it better be your warm-up.

Lift, Ladies!

These women actually accomplish very little. They may burn a few hundred calories during the cardio workout, and possibly a hundred more in the circuit training, but they won’t reshape how their bodies look. A complete body transformation cannot take place when you’re pushing daisies instead of iron.

If you want that complete body transformation, to the point where your family hardly recognizes you, then you have to sit up and change, right now. Take action and start lifting heavy weights.

“But won’t I get bulky?”

No – and here’s why.

Female Testosterone Levels

The first reason lifting heavy weights won’t make you don tights, rip sleeves, and become the next Incredible Hulk is that you don’t have the testosterone levels to pack on tons of mass.

Men have higher testosterone levels than women; women have higher estrogen levels than men. Compare testosterone levels in a man to the amount in a woman and you find a large gap. Why? Simply put, women don’t have testicles. The lion’s share of male testosterone comes from the testes.

Women do produce the hormone, but it comes from your ovaries and adrenal glands in smaller doses. Talk to your doctor and have your testosterone levels tested, especially if you’ve had your ovaries removed, as you will produce even lower levels of the important hormone.

Testosterone is the primary muscle-building hormone in the body. Since women have significantly less of this “Heracles Hormone,” they cannot put on muscle mass as easily as men.

Even women who want to build bigger muscles and work extremely hard to bulk still build muscle mass at a fraction of the rate that men do. Stop worrying and start lifting – you won’t turn into the Hulk overnight … unless you get blasted with weaponized Gamma radiation.

If you're worried about bulking up, remember you don't have enough testosterone.
She’s checking out her form … and so are we.

Female Dietary Habits

The second reason women won’t go “GREEN” from lifting heavier weights is that most women don’t consume enough calories to create the mass. Think about it this way: when was the last time you purposefully over-ate to gain weight? Christmas dinner over-indulgence doesn’t count.

We’re talking purposely consuming more calories than you need, not because of enjoyment, but because you want to gain. When was the last time you forced down extra servings of protein at dinner because it fit your mass-gaining goals? Chances are, never. Most women are born restriction eaters. They have a built-in tendency to want to be slimmer.

To become the bulky beast you needlessly fear, you would have to eat excessive calories daily, add supplementation, and then lift heavy weights on a regular basis. Many women hardly eat enough calories to maintain their current body weight. Getting huge isn’t easy. It won’t happen to you if you learn how to bench press.

Female Force Development

Finally, you won’t get big and bulky because you typically won’t generate the degree of force that men will. There are some strong women out there who push themselves to the max. But for the most part, men have a larger degree of drive to push their bodies beyond the limits of comfort. (Refer to the difference in testosterone levels above!)

Building significant amounts of muscle mass requires pushing yourself past the point of comfort. Can you still squat near your max when you know your muscles are tearing? Can you push past and go harder? Many men go on, sometimes to the point of injury. The force factor keeps most women from generating extremely large volumes of muscle mass.

Higher Metabolic Rates

Now that we’ve established that you’re not going to suddenly put on 1,000 pounds, turn green and rampage through downtown, let’s talk about some of the great benefits to weight training.

Heavier weight offers women a higher metabolic rate. Since you work against a high degree of resistance with heavy weights, you create tiny muscular tears throughout the body. You will expend a greater number of calories post-workout to repair those tiny tears, thus increasing your overall calorie requirements.

Most women want to get lean and shed body fat. Doesn’t a high metabolism sound like something that might help you achieve that goal? You bet it does.

If you're looking to get lean, lifting weights expends considerably more calories than cardio.
Barbell lunges push your metabolism into the red zone.

Greater Muscle Definition

The next benefit to lifting heavier weights is that you’ll see greater overall muscle definition. When you lift such a light weight as most women do (really? 2-pound curls?), the muscles are barely challenged.

As a result, your muscles won’t feel any need to adapt (grow) since they can easily handle what you throw at them.

Push yourself harder and take the weight up to the next level – that’s when you see muscle definition and form improve. Provided you also follow a proper diet for fat loss, heavy weights will create the greatest change to how your body looks.

Improved Functional Strength

The final benefit you achieve by lifting heavier weights is that you improve functional strength capabilities. Since you get much stronger by lifting heavier weights, everyday activities will get much easier over time. You won’t need to call your brother to move a couch anymore, or even have your son carry your suitcase. Muscularity also means a lower chance of injury if you participate in sports or other activities.

Do not fear heavy weights any longer. What you should fear is being old and weak. What you should fear is wasting more time training strategies that just won’t get you where you want to go. Push your body – you are stronger than you think.

Guess what? Muscular strength translates into female independence!

Lifting weights is what changed my figure for the first time in my life! Cardio was never enough. Trust me today for results adjust your training program and incorporate strength training TODAY~ “Claudine Kidson”

Reference: – Shannon Clark

USN – Post Challenge Claudine 22 May 2012

Hi all my fit and fabulous friends. If you’ve missed Expresso this morning check it out here.

Stay motivated throughout the cold winter months, set new goals and make sure you keep your program interesting at all times!

Don’t let the winter months get to you and set you back on where you want to be. During the colder months we tend to reach out to warmer comforting foods and beverages. Make sure to go for the healthier options!

Keep up the hard work and work around those cold mornings, even if you don’t always feel like it get out of bed go to gym and before you know it you will feel energized and ready for the day!


Hi everyone, so how is your week so far?

Well I’m busy as usual but excited to say that I launched our new website whoop whoop – I’m getting into this, time to design our next site…

This is a screen shot check it out and let me know what you think? You can click on the image to be directed to the site.

This is what I do for a living for those who wondered: I’m a Brand & Marketing Manager for a group of 3 Companies. I’m passionate about my work and love every minute spend at work. Being in the hospitality industry requires time / dedication and this forms a part of your lifestyle.

I studied BA Graphic Design & Multimedia so the design work is currently an added bonus 😉

What do you do for a living? Is it what you want to do? Are you passionate about your job?

Update on training & Diet:

So who attended the Arnold Classic Sports Festival this weekend? If you did share on the Facebook page: Body and Lifestyle Challenges Claudine Kidson | I wish there was an event like this in South Africa, must have been awesome to meet Jamie Eason or just to be encouraged by others in the fitness industry?

Then I started my second round with Phase 3 of the LiveFit program yesterday and did legs…Oh goodness I’m sore today but love the feeling.

The Workout:


Leg Press Leg Press

Leg Press (shoulder stance) 3 sets of 15 reps

Freehand Jump Squat Freehand Jump Squat

Freehand Jump Squat 3 sets of 15 reps

Working Set + Active Rest:

Smith Single-Leg Split Squat Smith Single-Leg Split Squat

Smith Single-Leg Split Squat 3 sets of 15 reps, per side

Rope Jumping Rope Jumping

Rope Jumping 3 sets of 1 min


Barbell Lunge Barbell Lunge

Walking Barbell Lunge 3 sets of 20 reps, 10 steps down, 10 back

Long Jump Long Jump

Long Jump 3 sets of 20 reps, 10 steps down, 10 back


Leg Extensions Leg Extensions

Leg Extensions 3 sets of 20 reps

Lateral Bound Lateral Bound

Lateral Bound (side-to-side single leg hops) 3 sets of 20 reps

End of superset; resume normal sets

Smith Machine Squat Smith Machine Squat

Smith Machine Squat 3 sets of 30 reps, place a plate under the heels to emphasize quads

Working Set + Active Rest:

Standing Calf Raises Standing Calf Raises

Standing Calf Raises 3 sets of 20 reps

Rope Jumping Rope Jumping

Rope Jumping 3 sets of 1 min

Working Set + Active Rest:

Calf Press On The Leg Press Machine Calf Press On The Leg Press Machine

Calf Press On The Leg Press Machine 3 sets of 20 reps

Rope Jumping Rope Jumping

Rope Jumping 3 sets of 1 min

Diet wise I’m keeping it clean! No more M&M’s and time to limit the Sushi to a cheat meal once a week like it use to be! For some reason I craved Sushi that I reached a point having Sushi 4 times a week…Oooooops I know!!!

Once you give in to snacking / sweets it can easily form part of a habit or become a routine. Don’t fall into that trap. Stay focused and don’t give in to temptation. Option out for a healthy alternative!

Well enough for now have a super day everyone.

– C –

Expresso Show SABC 3 Interview

I had so much fun with the Expresso Team and with USN. It is amazing that I had the opportunity to share my story with you and I truly hope that I can encourage or motivate you to become the best you could be.

You are so beautiful within and what a added bonus to feel super from inside and outside!

Know that it is possible – It will be hard but it is NOT that hard once you make it a lifestyle and a goal to achieve.

Have a super day…


Welcome to a new week!

Hi and welcome to all the new followers to the blog…

If you are a USN 12 Week Challenger Contestant | LiveFit Trainer | or just a friend on the blog — here you will find the much needed motivation/inspiration/advice and just a good “blogging” chat towards a better healthier lifestyle…

So how was your weekend? I must confess I had a horrible weekend snacking wise or actually the last 2 weeks. I’m so glad to start the 12 Week Clean Eating Changed Lifestyle journey with you all. No more M&M’s / Rusks / Cappuccinos 🙂

Had a little downer after the operation and gave in to snacking on some sweets/ice-cream here and there BUT as from today it is time to FOCUS and to reach new goals. Have you also noticed that once you snack or give in to temptation or a cheat your mind goes into overdrive thinking oh well I have already messed up so I can just as well carry on and start “new” tomorrow?? I know that feeling but we need to be stronger and harder on yourself even more when we know its an unhealthy choice we are making!

Put yesterday behind you and lets focus on today. Give everyday your EVERYTHING! Don’t see this as a 12 week diet PLEASE for it is not. It honestly becomes a lifestyle. It will get tough at times but I promise you today that EVERY drop of sweat or tear will be 100% worth it.

If you haven’t yet joined the Facebook page do so today by clicking on the Facebook icon at the top.

Do you plan your night before gym?

I put my gym gear out every evening – Mrs Organized 😉

So I spend yesterday planning my weekly program and this is how it looks like:

This is my Calender for the week… I like to print this out and to put it in my Diary then I know how to plan my busy day/schedule.

What are you up to this week?

I am in the process of working on the meal plans but for now I will post them either here or on facebook.

Get MyFitnessPal and add me as a friend so that we can be kept accountable over this 12 week and encourage one another.

Let me know how was your first day.

I had a great back session in the gym this morning and I’m really making an effort to focus on my form/posture. I am in Phase 2 of the trainer and the repetitions in this phase fall between 8 and 10 reps and I’m working/lifting at about 85% of my maximum effort which means my last rep in each set is a struggle but still doable.

I’m doing some sprints on the treadmill tonight oh my don’t know how that will go but will let you know.

Chat soon.

USN 12 Week Challenge starting 30 January 2012

Is there anyone who wants to start the USN Challenge or just live a healthier lifestyle and get rid of unwanted fat? I have decided to guide my sister through a second round of the Challenge being her personal trainer and guide her through the use of correct supplementation and nutrition/diet! If you like to join in like my Facebook page: Body and Lifestyle Challenges Claudine Kidson (click on the link above) and spread the word. Challenge starting on 30 January 2012! I will share a training program/weekly diet/recipes.

YOUR life can and WILL be changed!

Cellulite…That pain in the…

Hi everyone so how is your day so far? I decided to read up/research more on Cellulite, for this is an area that I struggled with for quite some time. So I got the relevant information explaining this little pain in the butt 😉

Cellulite is very common in women, much more in woman than men and is mostly found in the abdominal area, buttocks and thighs/legs…So have you ever wondered how you can reduce cellulite? Well I can tell you today you can reduce cellulite by decreasing excess body fat. By having a cleaner diet and by exercising more for a start!

By following a balanced diet can significantly reduce your amount of cellulite. I can speak out of my own experience for I had “ALLOT” of cellulite before I lost the amount of fat and weight like I did! My legs even had cellulite and this resulted in me having no self confidence to even wear a short!

I believe that the cellulite I had was from eating allot of junk food, excess consumption of saturated fats and from allot of sweets/sugar and the fact that I have a underactive thyroid. But all of this was used as an excuse for way to long and today I can honestly confess that the cellulite disappeared the more toned I became!

Cellulite is also caused by: (This paragraph/material from Wikipedia)

1.       Hormones play a dominant role in the formation of cellulite. Estrogens may be the

important hormone to initiate and aggravate cellulite. However, there has been no reliable clinical evidence to support such a claim. Other hormones, including insulin, the catecholamine’s adrenaline and noradrenalin, thyroid hormones, and prolactin, are all believed to participate in the development of cellulite.

 2.       Genetic factors

There is a genetic element in individual susceptibility to cellulite. Researchers led by Dr. Enzo Emanuele have traced the genetic component of cellulite to particular polymorphisms in the angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) and hypoxia-inducible factor 1A (HIF1a) genes

3.       Predisposing factors

Several factors have been shown to affect the development of cellulite. Gender, race, biotype, distribution of subcutaneous fat, and predisposition to lymphatic and circulatory insufficiency have all been shown to contribute to cellulite.

4.       Diet

Improving one’s diet, combined with exercise, can improve the appearance of cellulite.

5.       Lifestyle

A high stress lifestyle will cause an increase in the level of catecholamine’s, which have also been associated with the evolution of cellulite.

What is cellulite?: and by having excess fat underneath the skin (

Cellulite is a collection of fat that pushes the connective tissue beneath the skin which causes the changes in appearance of the skin. Cellulite is much more common in women than men because of differences in the way fat, muscle and connective tissue are distributed under the skin.

The best way to reduce the amount of cellulite is to decrease excess body fat, eat fewer calories and exercise more.

Changing Your Diet

A combination of proper eating habits, aerobic exercises and strength training are the best things you can do to fight against cellulite. Opposite from that, if you live a sedentary lifestyle and you continue eating fatty foods, the cellulite will get bigger and bigger.

A well balanced diet can help women reduce cellulite. Improper diet and lack of physical activity can lead to accumulation of fluid, toxins and waste products in the body that make cellulite formations.


A balanced diet contains the right proportions of protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals.

The diet should contain a high amount of fiber, lean proteins and complex carbohydrates.

Intake of trans and saturated fats must be minimal.

The food must be rich in omega fatty acids and essential fatty acids.

Avoid junk foods and fast foods, which contain bad cholesterol.

Add fresh fruits and vegetables to your diet.

Drink plenty of water every day. Avoid the use of caffeinated drinks.

Junk foods, most canned foods, fast foods, food with preservatives, oily foods, sugary foods, and refined foods all provide extra calories, slow down metabolism and increase the chances of getting cellulite.

Fresh fruits and vegetables contain a great amount of fiber and essential minerals that help detoxify the body.

Fresh Fruits And Vegetables Help Detoxify The Body.

Restrict the use of alcohol and sweetened carbonated water because there is nothing nutritious about them. Alcohol and smoking affect metabolism by slowing it down which can result in worsening of the cellulite.

Besides a healthy diet, the most effective and long lasting way of fighting cellulite is by performing cardiovascular exercises like jogging, cycling, running, and performing weight training exercises.

As you exercise, you sweat, which flushes out toxins from your body and reduces cellulite appearance. There are many great exercises and types of equipment that can burn calories and fat beneath the skin. There is an excellent selection of exercises which can target cellulite problem areas.

So are you one of those women who has to hide an area of dimpled, cottage cheesy flesh? If you said yes, then you’re pretty normal. Here is what to do!

Sad but true though, even women of ideal body weight can still have cellulite. Cellulite is alleged to be a special type of “fat gone wrong,” a combination of fat, water, and “toxic wastes” that the body has failed to eliminate.


The safest and long lasting way to reduce cellulite is by combining a low-fat diet with an appropriate exercise program that tones the underlying muscle. Therefore, an aerobic only exercise program aimed at burning fat is not enough.

Strength training is an important element in reducing the unsightly appearance of cellulite since it increases muscle tone and decreases total body fat. But the way you strength train is even more important. A program that targets fat loss in the lower body, specifically hips, thighs, abdomen and buttocks is ideal for most women.

The routines that I recommend for women with these goals in mind involve a 15-25-repetition concept, which also keeps the heart rate up. I also encourage that when training for shape, not size, that the exercises are performed with no rest between sets, only for a drink of water. This type of training will create more fat-burning muscle while still giving you a longer, leaner and shapely, not bulky body and can also be considered as a two in one system. Resistance training and cardio in one.

First, let’s discuss some of the physical issues that plague many women regarding body shape and body composition. Most women have the same issues. They want to become more firm and leaner, they want delicate feminine cuts, and they want to defeat the battle with the hips, thighs and back of the upper arms. In many cases, women want to not only firm up these problem areas, but they want to reduce the size of these areas.

Although nothing can replace the benefits of aerobic training for the heart, aerobic training does not tone muscle, and muscle tone is the only answer to the battle. Women need to incorporate lightweight training into their fitness routines in order to have the best body that they as an individual can possibly have.

In addition to the visible physical changes that will result from consistent resistance training, there are numerous health benefits that only resistance training can provide for women such as:

Slowing down the aging of the skeleton and increasing bone mass.

Improve the strength and function of tendons and ligaments.

Rev-up metabolism by building lean muscle. For every pound of lean muscle built, an additional 50 calories a day will be used.

Replaces the 1/2 pound of muscle that we lose each year as we age, beginning at around the age of 30.

There are many other benefits of resistance training, but those are several important ones. If properly done, your workout can not only give you that swimsuit model physique that you want, but it also can provide you with results that can reverse some of the inevitable results of aging.

It will in fact reduce and firm the areas that you battle with that won’t go away, no many how many aerobic classes you take.

The Bottom Line

The amount of fat in the body is determined by the individual’s eating and exercise habits, but the distribution of fat in the body is determined by heredity. In most cases reduction of a particular part can be accomplished only as part of an overall weight-reduction program.

Remember that you are never too old to begin. No matter if you are in your 20’s or your 80’s, if done properly and safely, resistance training can change your life by making you stronger, and firmer in a very feminine way.

HaPpY nEw YeAr!

Hi everyone first of all I want to say HAPPY NEW YEAR, may 2012 be a year filled with blessings, joy, love and may you be prosperous in every single thing that you take on…May you be renewed with a new way of thinking and living…

Do you have any New Year resolutions? Well, I have never made specific New Year resolutions but this year around I decided to make a list of things that I would love to achieve personally and in my life (still have to do the list) lol. I would say it will be more goal orientated than specific resolutions. The most important thing to me is to live everyday as if it is my last! I want to be passionately driven by everything I do. The days of living a mediocre life is something of the past. I will make a point to enjoy everything I do. Whether its work, gym, running or whatsoever.

Let’s recap on the last week or two. It was my birthday on the 23rd of December and wow what a stunning day!! I was so spoiled throughout the day. Thanks to the special people in my life! I got a pair of Puma Faas 300 from the hubby, beautiful light pink roses, lots of Total Sport vouchers :-), make-up and then of course my USN Supplements arrived just in time to crown of a wonderful birthday. Thank you USN South Africa, without the correct supplementation my results would not have been possible!

My birthday - 23 December 2011

Some photographs from the weekend:

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Then we spend a few days at Sun City with my husband and amazing friends/cousins! Thank you Sergio, Larissa, Gino and Chantelle it was great fun and would love to do it again!  I must confess that my diet was not all clean and there was some drinking involved! I did however manage to do an 11km run the one morning and a 12km run the other morning. Must have been driven by guilt to go for a run after only a few hours of sleep ;-). I did make the healthy choices wherever possible so did not go all out eating unhealthy! I had my water during the day, decaf coffee with Xylitol, my fruit, rye bread and oats with cinnamon in the mornings. It was only in the evenings that I had Nandos. One thing is a given fact and that is that alcohol is a HUGE SET BACK when it comes to training! I am not a drinker so have never really been affected by it throughout my diet but I had a few drinks while at Sun City and could feel the effect. Again, not overindulging but 2/3 drinks per night is something my body is not use to. I could feel a MAJOR difference in my running/endurance ability.

The few days spend at Sun City was absolutely amazing – We watched a show at the Barnyard, had an awesome New Years Eve at the Valley of the Waves, got a nice tan at Vacation Club and Valley of the Waves and the evenings was filled with great entertainment and some clubbing ;-). The days were filled with lots to do and we had great laughs. The few days spend there was exactly what I needed!

Then today 2.01.2011 the start of the LiveFit trainer:

Those of you doing this program with me how was your first day? It was great to be back in the gym today!

I must say it is a MAJOR challenge for me not to do cardio or to not be able to run my 4-12km a day! The one thing I did not cut out is my skipping between sets. I don’t skip as much as I used to but I did do a few sets of minute skipping between sets just to get the heart rate up a bit! Obviously the more fit you get the harder it becomes to get the heart rate up and the less calories is burned if not done correctly! Diet wise I still had to do a lot of prepping on the food side. I went to get a few things today for it was not possible to get everything before we left to Sun City. It is a challenge to follow the LiveFit diet to the T for there is a few things that are not available in South Africa… But I will see how things go as I go along with the 12 Week Trainer.

I do not have much weight to lose for I already reached my goal weight with the completion of the USN 12 Week Challenge, I have 1kg or so to lose so my focus will be on some muscle gain and serious toning/cutting at the end of Phase 3!

This program is aMaZiNg for those that want to lose a lot of body fat and weight so stick to the program it does work that I promise you!

Would love for you to share your thoughts as you go along.

HaPpY tRaInInG everyone

Festive season…

Hi everyone, sorry for being quiet on the blogging side of things but I have been really busy working on compiling the LiveFit training log sheets and spend allot of time prepping for the Challenge starting on 2 January 2012. So are you excited already? Well I am SUPER excited and can’t wait to start this challenge with all of you…2012 will be your best year yet! How is your motivation level over the festive season? I must admit it’s been a tough week or two. Diet/Food wise there is no problem but oh my when it comes to my craving for sweets it’s another story.

Training wise things is going great. I’m taking it easier now; only to hit it hard again on Monday 2 January 2012. When I say taking it easy I mean trying to stick to 1 training session per day and not the usual 2…

The first phase of the Challenge will definitely be a HUGE challenge for me when it comes to the no cardio part but I just HAVE to do it. I am a little cardio junky who loves my running/zumba/mountain biking etc. but if that is what it takes I’m doing it.

Then I have been approached a few times and asked if I will compete in the fitness industry next year. After long thinking and pondering about it I have decided that I will give it a try ;-). The first competition is in April 2012 and by that time we will finish the LiveFit program and definitely be ready to hit the stageJ. So will you compete next year? The Challenge will end 26 March 2012 do you have any rewards set in place for achieving your goal? This is a great way to stay motivated.

Post a comment here if you will join in on the challenge. It is always better to have a support system and close friends/family/online friends who can encourage you at times when it gets tough. Believe me it does! There will be days that you feel discouraged, tired, bloated and irritated. Those days are the days where you need that support system, so follow the blog and let us help each other. For those of you that don’t already have MyFitnessPal get it today. This is a wonderful app to keep track on your food dairy, calories etc. You can add me if you like then we can share our food dairy etc. My user name is ClaudineKidson on twitter and and MyFitnessPal.

Supplementation wise for those that asked: I will carry on using my USN products and will keep you posted on what I will use. I’m still deciding though. If you have any questions about supplementation please feel free to post your questions here.

Tomorrow will be my last day at the office for this year, or NO wait I work on Christmas day 😉 but that’s ok after lunch is served I’m officially on holiday. I can’t wait to take some time out and to get a good rest. We will spend some time with family at the Lodge and then a few days at Sun City Resort. We have a Christmas Lunch at the Hotel every year and the Menu looks amazing I have to say. This will be the one day that I will enjoy the menu – Even though I will NOT over indulge I will enjoy it! What will you do on Christmas day? Remember the food can be overwhelming on such a  big family gathering/occasion but DONT over indulge and make up for all the food you did not get to have throughout the last couple of months ;-). It’s not worth it…Be one step ahead in January.  As I’m typing this paragraph it’s as if I’m preaching to myself

Well I just wanted to let you know I’m still here (on the blog) even though I don’t post every day… It’s time for me to get back to work on Phase 3 – Will keep you posted once it’s done.

Have a blessed day and if you are on your way to your holiday destination or to family/friends be safe. Drive save and stop next to the road for some stretching…


Your life WILL be changed…

Ok so I have some news to share with you…I get ALLOT of requests on training programs, nutrition etc and have decided to start a dedicated page on my blog where I will share my training programs, tips and diet exactly to the T.

The more great physiques and good health there is out there the better!

The first time around on my 12 Week Total Body Transformation I was rather clueless on where to start and which gym program to follow etc. Well I have found the most AMAZING / BEST program yet to accompany you to a 12 Week Total Body Transformation! This is for men and women!

I did not follow the eating plan but I have decided to redo the LiveFit trainer from Jamie Eason starting on the 2 January 2011 and would love if you join me for the 12 weeks.

I will upload every exercise, training log sheet, diet for the day. This will be like a portal where all the information will be shared and where each one can interact and share on how you have experienced the day. This is a GREAT way to encourage each other by staying motivated and dedicated!

I however want this to be interactive, so what do you think?

This will require dedication and hard work from my side so I am interested in your feedback if this will be worth it?

Time for new beginnings…

Hey everyone…How is your weekend so far? I am officially on leave and wow how amazing does that feel. I am sick in bed but I still feel great ;-).

I must say it is a killer not to be able to go to the gym being sick, but it is better to doctor myself now. Who wants to be sick on holiday at the beach?? We are going to Ballito for a week or so and I can’t wait. I will definitely stick to my diet and I’m taking my running shoes, dumbbells and yoga mat with for those early morning training sessions. I wanted to transfer my gym contract there for the week but there is no virgin active :-(… It is in times like this that planning and sticking to clean eating is crucial and important. I have worked so so hard that I just WONT give it up in one week. I will pack the healthy beach snacks for those cravings, but will not indulge in the food like I use to over December holidays!

Recap over the last week: This week have been a week filled with emotions like I can’t describe in words or over a post. It was a 12 week journey that came to an end, final preparations in gym,  final measurements, final photo shoot, writing and compiling my winning report and so the week was packed full of to do’s.  But what an excellent week it was.

I am excited about what is ahead. This 12 week total body transformation may have come to an end but that is only the beginning for me to what is to come.

I will be visiting the USN head office on Monday where I will personally hand in my passport for the competition as well as discuss my maintenance diet and supplement changes! Looking forward to that and will keep you posted!

I want to thank USN South Africa and everyone involved in this campaign – 12 Week Body Transformation. I can confess today that it exactly what it says! I was always the one pointing fingers saying it is impossible to make such a big transformation in your body, or those people must get paid to do that advertisement, or that is some good editing skills etc. But today I can wholeheartedly say that I believe in the product with my whole heart and that I am proof that change is possible!

You can give hundreds of excuses why you can’t do it believe me been there, sayings like this: I don’t have time for gym, I don’t have time to plan or make healthy meals, I have an underactive thyroid I can’t lose weight or things like I have depression I can’t use any medication/tablets or products, my lifestyle does not allow such drastic change….

Yes you can go on forever making excuses and each one listed there was what I used…Until I wanted it bad enough.

Today I can tell you this: I am no longer tired, don’t have a headache every single day, don’t have mood swings, don’t struggle with panic attacks/anxiety anymore, and don’t feel bloated. There is so many things I can mention here why it is so worth the effort to how you will feel at the end. But the shift must happen/take place in your heart!

I will walk this road with you and share all the advice I possibly can. You can ask me. If it is personal and you don’t want to comment on the blog feel free to email me at

You absolutely do have the power to change…Believe in yourself! Have a super fabulous Saturday.

2-3 November 2011 – Day 77- Day 78

Hi all how is your week so far? My week is great and I have to say I’m going through emotions like never before…

Good ones though and occasionally the mixed emotions. I get ALLOT of queries about the last 11 weeks of my transformation, and there is so many things to write about but then I will go on forever.

There is one thing that I want to share about this journey so far and that is the following:

There is NO quick fix in undergoing such a body transformation and no pill / supplement will give you overnight results, and it is so important to know that SUPPLEMENTation is exactly what it says. It is a supplement to a healthy diet! Not a replacement of food whatsoever. I am definitely a walking testimony that changes CAN take place in your physique or lifestyle but that it will require hard work and much dedication. I believe in my heart that anyone can do it, but you will have to make the decision within yourself that you will persevere! Set a goal and be motivated. For motivation is what will get you started…You must have the will to succeed. I really did put in ALLOT of effort, hard work, intense training and clean eating over the 11 weeks and that is what gives the results.

I had measurements this morning and it was disappointing to see that there is almost no change! See measurements page / progress gallery if you would like to see the results. I did send my measurements through to Gareth at USN and he said it is definitely wrong? I don’t know anymore. He said I must go for a second measurement.

I started with my dehydration cycle today and I have never done this before 🙂 always a first time! I cannot believe that today marks Week 11 of this challenge of mine – Time goes by so fast… It feels like only a few days ago that I woke up crying feeling “ugly”, fat, tired and bloated.

I’m so relieved that those days are finally over, and I will never ever look back. I will love my body as a temple of God and will look after myself like I am suppose to. I will respect my body by knowing what I put into it. NO I am not saying I will never have a treat or a take away or whatsoever I’m just saying that I will be more aware of what I eat or drink and definitely more specific on my portions!

Yesterday was a great training day. I did legs in the morning and some Zumba in the afternoon. I LOVE ZUMBA and believe it is the best high intensity workout/cardio for me. Because of the fact that I so enjoy what I do is what helps to burn those calories even more. So after all, this is a fun exercise with benefits of some good cardio. Have you tried a Zumba class at your gym? The girl giving Zumba at my gym is so passionate about it and you can really see the hard work/effort she puts in by her preparation for each class. You can see when someone is passionate about what they do.

Training 2 November

Training Morning: Legs

Gym: 6:12 am
Calories: 327 kcal
Calculated fat: 31%
Duration: 56 min
Average heart: 135 Maximum: 174
Fitness and fat burn improving

Training Afternoon: Some Calves and Zumba
Gym: 16:59
Calories: 634 kcal
Calculated fat: 21%
Duration: 1hour and 33 min
Average heart: 145 Maximum: 181
Maximal performance improving

Training 3 November – I did Back & Biceps

Gym: 5:19 am
Calories: 527 kcal
Calculated fat: 34%
Duration: 1 hour 38 min
Average heart: 131 Maximum: 166
Fat burn and fitness improving

Tuesday 1 November 2011 – Day 76

Hi everyone today was a tough day…I am on my stimulant free day and man do I get tired on these days? I definitely need a pre-workout on stimulant free days, just for the extra focus!

Because of my starch/carb dropping the energy levels are low but just keep telling myself it is ok and that it is essential for the last conditioning to take place. I am in a stage where I need to be so FOCUSED and not to let my mind let me think any different! The mind is powerful and you need to get to a place where you can decide what you meditate on. It will get hard, you will get discouraged at times but that is when you need to focus and focus once more.

Don’t put your confidence or source of motivation in other people for you definitely not going to get it there! Get focused by your own willpower!

I took my “ouma” for some grocery shopping today and man it felt like torture looking at all those muffins/chips/donuts etc. I was so hungry at the time and she didn’t make it any easier by offering some of her “treats”. Never the less I did not give in to temptation and I am proud to say that. It is so easy to give in to (unhealthy) snacking but you have to stay strong when temptation steps in.

These last few weeks are only the beginning for me and being serious about fitness. There was nothing like the feeling of reaching Elite Fitness on my Polar training watch! This may sound stupid to some but this is another goal that I set for myself way back. I never reached it for I did not train correctly. I was either over training in the wrong Zones or did too much High Intensity training. This is not always the answer guys! You have to learn to know your training zones for your results to be efficient!  Getting into competition shape for the first time ever is definitely a learning school for me. I look at bodybuilders/fitness athletes in a way different perspective! I have respect for the ones competing in the fitness industry, for let me tell you it is hard work and perseverance is absolutely KEY!

So training wise I did Cardio in the morning, Chest/Shoulders for the afternoon followed by an Action Netball game (this was not planned). Don’t know if you remember that I told you I do Action Netball for the fun of it, but then I had to stop a few weeks back for my shins gave me problems and I could not take the risk for this to affect my competition preparations! But then they asked me so nicely yesterday to come and help out that I could not say no! It was great fun though but today I feel the shins again! After the challenge I will definitely take the time to see someone about this!

Training Morning: Cardio
Gym: 5:43 am
Calories: 363 kcal
Calculated fat: 30%
Duration: 58 min
Average heart: 139 Maximum: 168
Fitness improving

Training Afternoon: Chest and Shoulders | Action Netball
Gym: 16:24
Calories: 667 kcal
Calculated fat: 24%
Duration: 1 hour 52 min
Average heart: 137 Maximum: 191
Max performance improving

Diet for the day:

1/3 Oats

6 Raw Almonds

1 Serving Whey Protein

10:00 Serving – 1 Serving Whey Protein


100gram steamed fish with green steam it veggies (broccoli and cauliflower)

15:00 Afternoon Snack – One serving whey protein

Action Netball:

After Netball: 1 Serving Whey Protein


100 gram grilled fillet

1 Cup Mixed Steam It Green Veggies with cauliflower and broccoli

Green Salad with avo

“Unless you change how you are, you will always have what you’ve got. We can have more than we’ve got because we can become more than we are.” – Jim Rohn

Monday 31 October 2011 – Day 75

Hello everyone, so how was your Monday? My day started off with an awesome gym session.

Diet for the day:

1/3 Oats

8 Raw Almonds

1 Serving Whey Protein

10:00 Serving – 1 Serving Whey Protein


1 Tin Tuna with a big green salad

Late afternoon after gym 18:00 – One serving whey protein


100 gram steamed fish

1 Cup Mixed Steam It Green Veggies with cauliflower and broccoli and beans

Cucumber Slices

Half Avo

1 Small Peach – Just had to

Before bed – 1 Serving Pure Protein IGF-1

Ok everyone so as you all know by now I am in the de-carb phase of the challenge, that means cutting out unnecessary carbohydrates. Some things that changed is: No more rye bread, potato or starch in the afternoon, no more “1” small glass coke zero from here, no more coffee/fat free milk/xylitol. Only green veggies as far as possible, green beans, asparagus or broccoli, no more spices or the occasional drop of Nandos pepper sause ;-). Have to confess I just can’t seem to cut the salt and vinegar spice although I know I absolutely HAVE TO!

Less red meat and more Tuna/Fish and Skinless Chicken Breasts oh and no more sushi for now. If I really crave sushi it has to be in the afternoon. NO SALT or sodium rich foods.

When de-carb – You will feel tired, depleted and fatigued, but you force your system to burn fat. This is an uncomfortable, but very essential part of getting the best physique. Cardio will be particularly uncomfortable as you have very low energy levels.

In general: I’m really starting to see drastic changes in my body and I realize that the end of the competition is in sight and I am actually sad about it. Hehe. Just the thought of doing a competition can drive you more towards your goal than you think. But that is definitely not the end of my journey. This new lifestyle and passion for fitness, my blog and by being and inspiration to others will definitely not stop there.

I started this blog from day one firstly to keep myself accountable but more so to reach other people. Helping others, being an inspiration and to have a portal where all with the same goals/fitness goals etc can come together and can share some stories/advice or by being an inspiration to each other.

If there is anything you would like to know more about please let me know and I will make sure we get it done.

People are starting to ask me questions and this is definitely something to get use to! The supplement sales rep at Dischem actually asked me if I won’t consider competing in the fitness industry! Well that question came unexpected but let me tell you one thing it got me thinking! I realized during the challenge how much I really do enjoy this. Even though I have been active most of my life by playing sports, trained etc I never did it right! I thought I’m living a healthy lifestyle but I never really did. I thought I had my health under control but I never did, I thought I had my general well being under control but I never really did…What I am trying to say is that even though I thought I’m living a rather healthy lifestyle I did the opposite. The convenience of drive thru restaurants, take always, quick and easy options is on the rise and believe me I know how convenient it is. You won’t feel all bad in the beginning, you won’t pick up weight in the first month, you won’t have immediate health alerts but you can be sure that that will be the result in the wrong run. I don’t want to preach here and I don’t want to tell you to never have fast food again that is NOT the idea but as a walking testimony I want to encourage you to live/maintain a healthier lifestyle for the reward of the feelings you will experience is far beyond the effort of healthy living.

P.S I have measurements on Thursday…

The bottom line is: Live healthy and start making those small adjustments everyday!

Have a super amazing blessed week and I will be posting soon!

Saturday-Monday 22-24 October: Day 66-68

22-24 October 2011 (Day 66 – Day 68)

Happy Monday all my wonderful blog followers whom I don’t even know who is reading my blog ;-)…But again thank you for visiting my blog and for those who comment! They really help a lot and always come on the perfect time!

This is only the beginning of my journey and this blog will go on after this 12 week challenge is completed.

So let’s start at the beginning: How was your weekend? I had a wonderful weekend apart from some disappointments. So let me get the confessions of from my chest ;-). On Saturday we had a wedding and how difficult was this to plan or eat beforehand for the wedding started at 16:00?? My weekend started with an awesome gym session Saturday morning before we were on the road to Pretoria…Everything went great until the evening when it was time to have dinner. I had a small piece of fillet, with salad, mushrooms (think canned) and then….a pumpkin fritter with little bit of caramel sauce! Yes I know I know…Only one but this is not where it ended! Then came dessert, oh my, oh my only seeing the desert table was like being in heaven lol. See the pic. I just had to capture it even though you can’t really see what it smelled or looked like in real life! I had 2 marshmallows, a handful of sweetie heart sweets, two Mari biscuits and some unsalted biscuits, a mouse mallow (only half of it then I threw it out of the car window) and then two ginger heart biscuits! I recon it could have been much worse hey? This was hectic and I felt HORRIBLE/TERRIBLE after all I had. I condemned myself to a point where I felt very guilty. UNTIL I realized NO WAYS this is not healthy thinking patterns and what is done is done…I had to make a mind shift and realize that by meditating on the past or things that went wrong will only pull you down. So it is behind me and hey this was my first real cheat in almost 10 weeks.

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This is a new week and now it is time to keep my eyes focused on the end result. I already feel like a new person after almost 10 weeks and hey isn’t this what it was all about in the first place. I started this challenge to feel better about myself and comfortable in my clothes etc. We tend to be way too hard on ourselves. Are you the same?? If you put less pressure on yourself things will tend to go more naturally!

I took leave for this coming Friday for the model photo shoot that I have told you about…I am excited and nervous at the same time. Have no clue what to wear but I am excited about my hair, makeup and nail appointment. Wonder what I am going to do with my hair. Any suggestions? I must say I like Jamie’s hairstyle it’s just a schlep in the gym for I don’t have the time to dolly up for gym.

Well again I hope you have a blessed week filled with lots of energy and smiles.

Saturday Training Morning: Cardio
Gym: 6:07 am
Calories: 392 kcal
Calculated fat: 22%
Duration: 1 hour 6 min
Average heart: 150 Maximum: 179
Maximal performance and fitness improving

I spend some time on the treadmill and jogged my 4.5km or so! I am not a jogger but hey with my Phedra cut slim pack I seem to be a natural lol!

I decided to join my sister in the gym for the last 3 weeks of the challenge to assist each other with the verbal motivation 😉 but I must honestly say I hate doing weight training in the afternoon. The gym is PACKED and there is no equipment available when needed. This makes it extremely difficult during this Phase where super setting plays a big role! There is no time to wait for some equipment. But hey if we can help each other why not. For now I do my cardio hour session in the morning and my weight training session in the afternoon? I am very use to training twice a day for this is how I have trained the entire year, but have to say I will definitely take it slower after the  challenge and only train my 5 / 6 days a week!!!

Thursday is measurement day and I am little skeptical on what the results will say…My weight is definitely on a point where I don’t even lose one gram! Don’t know why. Think I am on 48.4kg now and no clue what the fat percentage will be on Thursday. Don’t think it dropped too much though.

Monday 24 October 2011

Monday Training Morning:
Gym: 5:45 am
Calories: 283 kcal
Calculated fat: 35%
Duration: 1 hour 14 min
Average heart: 128 Maximum: 169
Fat burn and fitness improving

Monday Training Afternoon:
Gym: 16:27
Calories: 407 kcal
Calculated fat: 30%
Duration: 1 hour 38 min
Average heart: 131 Maximum: 180
Fitness and maximum performance improving

During Gym:

Phedra Cut Sachet

Half cup cooked oats with 6 raw Almonds
2 CLA 1000
1 Serving 100% Whey Protein

Mid morning Snack:
1 Serving  100% Whey Protein

30 minutes before lunch:
3x Phedra Ultra XTs

1 Slice Rye bread with fat free cottage cheese and cucumber

Late afternoon:
1 Serving  100% Whey Protein

30 Minutes before dinner:
3 Phedra Cut Stimulant Free

8 pieces smoked salmon Fashion Sandwiches without mayo and added salmon. This was not filling and I’m actually still hungry! L

After Dinner – 2 CLA 1000′s

Before bed – Pure Protein Shake

Friday 21 October: Day 65

Wow the intensity of the training is getting intense! I must say the time it takes to get through my program is a bit hectic… I hate being in the gym for more than a hour and a half! This program is something else but never the less amazing! I’m starting to see the results!

I don’t regret going on this 12 week live fit training program and will definitely do it over once my USN challenge is completed. I will stay longer in Phase 2 to make sure to gain as much muscle as possible before the cutting phase. I had to start with my cutting/toning phase yesterday otherwise I won’t get the results needed to win this challenge 😉 all jokes!

So how was your day? As said previously I had a golf day today where we did some marketing for our company, serving the most delicious pancakes/wraps filled with chicken/bacon/salami,spinach, feta etc.mmmm looked delicious not even to mention the dessert and the juice and grenadine and extra light ice cold white wine… Won’t think this was all done on a golf course but believe it or not we did it. The response was really amazing and we made the impression we wanted to! Can’t really see on the pic for there was another table etc.but see our hole!


You must have a wonderful, clean eating weekend!

30minutes before breakfast: 3 Phedra Cut Ultra XT

Half cup cooked oats with 8 raw Almonds
2 CLA 1000
1 Cup Decaf Coffee

Mid morning Snack:
1 Serving 100% Whey Protein

30 minutes before lunch:
3x Phedra Ultra XT

1 Slice Rye bread with fat free cottage cheese and cucumber
Small piece of chicken wrap

Late afternoon:
Green Apple
1 Serving 100% Whey Protein (before gym)

Before Dinner: 3 Phedra Cut SF

Mixed Veggies – Steam it
3 x Skinless Drumsticks steamed +-150g
Cucumber wheels

After Dinner – 2 CLA 1000′s

Training: Afternoon Session:
Gym: 16:26 pm
Calories: 298 kcal
Calculated fat: 39%
Duration: 1 hour 33 min
Average heart: 121 Maximum: 160
Fat burn and fitness improving


Wide-Grip Lat Pulldown
3 sets of 15 reps – 22.5 kg

Underhand Cable Pulldowns
3 sets of 15 reps – 22.5kg

Working Set + Active Rest:
One-Arm Dumbbell Row
3 sets of 15 reps, per arm – 7kg

Exercise Ball Pull-In
3 sets of 15 reps did 20 reps last two

Working Set + Active Rest:
Seated Cable Rows
3 sets of 15 reps – 30kg

Jackknife Sit-Up (on a bench)
3 sets of 15 reps

Working Set + Active Rest:
Bent Over Barbell Row
3 sets of 15 reps – 15kg

Mountain Climbers
3 sets of 20 reps

Dumbbell Alternate Bicep Curl
3 sets of 20 reps – 5kg

Bench Dips
3 sets of 15 reps

Preacher Curl
4 sets of 12 reps – 7kg

Pushups (Close and Wide Hand Positions)
3 sets of 15 reps

Working Set + Active Rest:
Triceps Pushdown – Rope Attachment
3 sets of 12 reps – 20kg

Mountain Climbers
3 sets of 15 reps each side

Thursday 20 October: Day 64

During Gym:

Phedra Cut Sachet

Half cup cooked oats with 8 raw Almonds
2 CLA 1000
1 Serving 100% Whey Protein

Mid morning Snack:
1 Serving  100% Whey Protein

30 minutes before lunch:
3x Phedra Ultra XT

1 Slice Rye bread with fat free cottage cheese and cucumber

Late afternoon:
Green Apple

Mixed Veggies – Steam it
180gram Fish Steam It – Sea Harvest

After Dinner – 2 CLA 1000′s

Training: Morning Session:  Cardio (30 min treadmill, Stepper where you use arms (don’t know the name) some rowing and bicycle.
Gym: 5:53 am
Calories: 398 kcal
Calculated fat: 24%
Duration: 1 hour 8 min
Average heart: 148 Maximum: 175
Maximal performance and fitness improving

Training: Afternoon Session:  Legs (What a killer)
Gym: 16:20 pm
Calories: 405 kcal
Calculated fat: 26%
Duration: 1 hour 20 min
Average heart: 141 Maximum: 185
Maximal performance improving

Legs - Cutting/Toning Phase

Hi almal ek is jammer as ek bietjie stil was die laaste paar dae, maar hier is ek weer ;-). Ek sien die interaction op die blog word nie meer nie en sou graag bietjie meer advies wil he van julle af van hoe ons meer soos ‘n community kan word waar ons idees en gedagtes en ervaringe kan deel? Die challenge sover vir my is LIFE CHANGING! Mense ek was al moeg, opgewonde, sad, happy, challenged en alles in een die laaste paar weke.

Kyk myself leer ken in die proses is defnitief op die lysie! Ek is oppad na week 10 toe wat volgende Donderdag sal wees en die tyd raak min. By tye voel dit of die tyd vlieg en by ander tye voel dit of dit stilstaan…

Ek het besluit om die post in Afrikaans te tik, sommer net omdat ek wil ;-). Dan het ek ook my oefen program aan gepas en het besluit om nie die laaste week van my Phase 2 te doen nie maar dadelik in te gaan op Phase 3 wat beteken cutting/toning tye wat nou voorle.

Vandag was die eerste dag van bene en ek is GEDAAN. Nee wag dit is ‘n understatement. Die intensiteit van die Phase is redelik hoog en defnitief in die rigting van baie fat burn en endurance so tussen in. Die reps is aangepas na meestal 15 toe asook met ander vlakke as die van die gewone program. Meestal supersets of working sets met ‘n aktiewe rus soos bv. Springtou tussen in. Dit was rof maar lekker.

Diet gewys gaan dit baie goed en het nog nie regtig een cheat gehad nie. Dalk die 6 chippies nou die dag maar that is about it! Die is al absoluut vir my ‘n leefstyl en weet nie of ek ooit weer anders sal kan leef nie. Dalk die feit dat dit sulke harde werk verg elke dag.

More het ek ‘n Golfdag waar ek bietjie gaan bemarking doen vir ons groep: Willows Garden Hotel | Elgro Hotel |Elgro River Lodge. Sal more oggend moet seker maak oor my kosblik wat ek pak want dit gaan beteken mooi pak…Dan gaan ons die naweek bietjie Pretoria toe waar ons dan ‘n troue aan het die Saterdag. Julle ek het besef hoeveel motiveering dit verg by sulke geleenthede. Ek het in die week (Dinsdag aand) die Luiperd Rugby Jaareindfunksie gehad en kon natuurlik niks eet nie. Het myself darem voor die tyd bederf met Sushi maar dit was net nie dieselfde nie! Het wel bietjie slaai ingeskep en moet maar se dat die mense jou maar vreemd aankyk aan tafel as jy nie eet nie! Boonop het ons maatskappy nog die catering ook gedoen so wonder wat die mense gedink het ;-). Maar nou ja so kom mens ook op ‘n plek waar wat ander dink nie noodwendig meer saak maak nie…

Dan as dit kom by die supplementasie: Ek het bietjie adjustments gemaak bv GEEN Creatine meer nie (gelukkig net so 3 keer gedrink) en dan ook geen Diet Fuel vir in between meals nie maar net 100% Whey Protein. Dan het ek nou begin om my Phedra Cut Ultra Xt te vermeerder na 3 kapsules i.p.v 2. Ek moet eerlik se al die pille en dinge is vir my nog moeilik om deel te maak van my leefstyl. Ek is glad nie lief vir medikasie/pille nie so dit bly nogal vir my moeilik om te grasp dat soveel wel gesond en noodsaaklik is? Wat dink jy?

Wel ek is gedaan en gaan nou nag se aan almal en ek hoop dat jou Vrydag more amazing sal begin en dat jy ‘n clean eating naweek sal he.

Groete tot volgende post,

Los gerus ‘n comment by hierdie post!

Journal day 62: 18 October 2011

30 minutes before breakfast:
2 x Phedra Cut SF

1 Whole egg and 2 egg whites on 1 toasted rye bread
2 CLA 1000′s

Before gym: Pure Creatine

Training Morning: Arms
Gym: 5:50 am
Calories: 225 kcal
Calculated fat: 38%
Duration: 1 hour 6 min
Average heart: 123 Maximum: 159
Fat burn and fitness improving

Mid morning Snack: 10:30
1 Serving whey Protein

30 minutes before lunch:
3x Phedra Ultra XT

1 Small steamed fish
1 Cup mixed veggies
2 CLA 1000′s

Late afternoon:
2 Phedra cut SF
Serving Diet Fuel

8 Pieces Sushi
After Dinner – 2 CLA 1000′s

15-17 October 2011 (Day 59- Day 61)

Half cup cooked oats with cinnamon and 6 raw Almonds
2 CLA 1000′s

Before gym: Pure Creatine

Training Morning: Shoulders and Cardio (Zumba)
Gym: 8:00 am
Calories: 722 kcal
Calculated fat: 23%
Duration: 1 hour 50 min
Average heart: 141 Maximum: 189
Maximal performance improving

During gym: Phedra Cut Slim Pack

Mid morning Snack: 10:30
1 Serving whey Protein

30 minutes before lunch:
3x Phedra Ultra XT

8 pieces Sushi

Late afternoon:
2 Phedra cut ultra xt’s
4 Sushi pieces
Half Pure protein bar

110 gram mince
Green Salad
Mixed Veggies (Stir Fry)
1 Small glass coke zero
After Dinner – 2 CLA 1000′s

This is so beautiful


So how was your day/weekend? I had a wonderful day and spent some time with friends. My morning started off with an awesome gym session and ended with a shopping spree for my upcoming photo shoot on Friday the 28th of October. Remember I told you about the model photo shoot that I have won well time flies and I can’t believe it is almost the day. Hopefully my leave will be approved for I already booked my nail and hair appointment lol!

I am really looking forward to the experience of the shoot and that is the reason why I actually entered for the competition, not the fact that it is a model shoot (for that I am definitely not), but rather to be part of the experience and learning more about studio photography, lighting techniques, equipment etc. Photography is overall my passion and hobby just wish I get to spend more time doing it!

So I went shopping for some outfits today and wow, this was the first time in months/years that I did not curse the person in the mirror. I know it sounds harsh but that is really what we do when we feel so fat and without any confidence…I won’t say I am 100% confident, for I still have HARD work ahead towards the way I want to look. That still requires some hard work. I honestly don’t think I’m going to reach my ultimate goal/ look at the end of the challenge but rather after the challenge. I am busy with a 12 week training program and I will only be in phase 3 week 2 at the end of the USN challenge…And phase 3 in my training program is the actual cutting/toning phase! But we will just have to see. One thing I know is that I will work hard this last 4 weeks. Need to be stricter on some diet requirements cutting out on some things and giving more of an effort on the abs etc…


So Saturday evening came and believe it or not at 22:00 I was so sick that words can’t describe it. I got food poisoning from the mince I had earlier the evening! I have not felt that nauseous and sick in a VERY LONG TIME. I was sick throughout the night and felt terrible throughout the day. I slept most of the time and was so tired/exhausted and dehydrated and did not have energy for anything! I did not stick to my diet for the only thing I had for the entire day was one dry toasted rye bread and yes believe it or not one ice cream. Don’t ask me the name or the nutritional values for that was the only one without any information on it ;-). But an ice cream is what I wanted and that is what I had. Then after that it was back to sleep! I almost lost 2kg from being so sick. Don’t know if I will pick it up once the water is back I don’t know have never experience this before! But I can tell you one thing it was TERRIBLE!

Oh my word I just saw that I said dairy of the day and not DIARY, oh my terrible error hiehie sorry for that! Ok ok I am 100% pure Afrikaans and mistakes like that can slip in my apologies!


So it is a new week with new challenges and new motivation is needed. We are in crunch time now and must stay motivated!

Good luck and I trust you will have a wonderful week.

30 Minutes before breakfast: 2x Phedra Cut Ultra XT

Half cup cooked oats
6 raw Almonds
2 CLA 1000′s

Mid morning Snack:
1 Serving Diet Fuel

30 minutes before lunch:
2x Phedra Ultra XT

Toasted rye bread with cucumber and some tuna

2x CLA 1000’S after lunch

Late afternoon:
2 Phedra cut ultra xt’s
1 Serving Diet Fuel

Training Afternoon: Legs
Gym: 16:35 pm
Calories: 386 kcal
Calculated fat: 32%
Duration: 1 hour 30 min
Average heart: 133 Maximum: 167
Fat burn improving

1 Small green apple

180 gram steamed sea harvest fish
half a avocado
1 Cup Mixed Veggies
1 Small glass coke zero

After Dinner – 2 CLA 1000′s