LiveFit Trainer

A 12-Week Transformation Program for You!
Jamie Eason’s LiveFit Trainer

Who’s this program for? Anyone of any age, of any sex, and from any walk of life. Including you or wait ESPECIALLY for you! It’ll produce great results and lead to lasting success for everyone. You’re all starting from a unique place; no one has perfectly matched genetics, metabolism, hormones and lifestyles. But the beauty of this program is that you start at your own level and work at your own pace. Everyone’s body is different, but the same training, diet and supplement principles work for nearly everyone.

“Before we go any further I want to thank Jamie Eason for the amazingly wonderful role model that she is to others and by sharing her training program / tips with others. This says allot about her character. The more beautiful physiques and healthy people there are the better!”

All the resources is from and only shared here as a portal for others to join in on the Challenge. All credit is given to and Jamie Eason and the team for compiling great programs for others to follow! Here I will share all the information on a daily basis and where we can get together to help each other and share some useful information! Join in today you will NEVER look back…

Are you in???

Here is an example of how I designed the Phases with a log sheet for each day!

Phase 1 Week 1-4

Day 1

Click on the link to download Phase 1:

Phase 1: Start Your Transformation With Weight Training And Clean Eating!

Build Healthy Habits in Phase 1

During this first phase of my 12-week trainer, you’ll make a habit of working out and eating healthy, perhaps for the first time in your life.

You’re going to start with weight training, which is like the fountain of youth, an anti-gravity miracle that helps tighten and tone your body from head to toe. When you add more lean muscle to your frame, your metabolism increases even more. That means you’ll burn more body fat, even while at rest.

What you won’t be doing, believe it or not, is cardiovascular exercise. That’s right — NO CARDIO! Free pass. This’ll ensure your body is adding the muscle you want, and not using up too many calories for immediate fuel rather than muscle building.

What you won’t be doing, believe it or not, is cardiovascular exercise!

Speaking of fuel, you should be having a small, nutrition-packed meal every 2 to 3 hours. Eating this way will supply your body with a steady flow of nutrients, boosting your metabolism too. Your body will begin to release its stored body fat as fuel. The net result will be sustainable weight loss!

You’ll learn about the best supplements to use for increased energy, accelerated fat loss, and optimal results. These are the same types of products I use myself!

The Crucial First Two Weeks

This is the muscle-endurance phase, and it’s based on a traditional training split. The goal is to prepare your muscles for a strength-training program that will also promote muscle growth. Not bodybuilder-quantity muscle, but leaned, toned muscle that’ll give your body the “lines” you’ve always wanted.

During these first two weeks, I want you to do 3 sets of 12 repetitions (3 X 12) per exercise, resting 60 seconds (give or take) in between each set.

The intensity level (i.e. the amount of weight you should aim to lift) should be 60% of what you think would be your maximum effort. For example, if you think most weight you can handle for one perfectly executed dumbbell curl is 30 pounds—but that you could do no more than that—choose either 17½ or 20-pound dumbbells. (The equation: 30 X .60 = 18 pounds, so round up or down to the nearest weight.)

This calculation can and should be tweaked as your actual sets unfold. Your last repetition of the 10 should be difficult but possible to complete with tight rather than sloppy form. If it’s too easy, increase the weight. Too hard? Decrease it. You’re probably champing at the bit to shape up, which is great, but don’t go overboard by doing too much (volume, intensity, etc.) too soon. This can lead to excessive muscle soreness and possibly over training. Stick with the program. It works!

Stick with the program. It works!

Designate four days to complete each week’s training split. Choose any day that works best within your broader schedule, as well as any time of day, although it’s best to separate weight training days with non-training days. Depending on gym traffic, your training pace and other factors, each workout should take you an hour or so to complete.

Building On Your Momentum

The third week marks the start of the muscle-building phase. This will continue for the next 6 weeks and include a variety of exercises and training variables at each stage.

Though your sets will stay at 3 in this phase, your reps will fall to 10 (3 X 10). That’s because I want you to go a little heavier, like 80% of your maximum effort. Bear in mind that your max may have increased after 2 weeks of training. Now, you might be able to curl a 35-pound dumbbell for one clean rep. So 80% of that would be 28 pounds. Last time I checked gyms don’t carry 28s, so round up to 30 or 25, respectively.

Again, the true guide comes from actually doing the set. Your last repetition of the 10 should be difficult but not impossible to complete. Remember, too easy, increase the weight; too hard, decrease it.

As we progress through the program, we’ll be applying techniques to increase strength and promote hypertrophy (muscle building). With heavier weight, you may now need to extend your rest period from 60 seconds to 120, or something in between. The workout for Weeks 1 and 2 required 4 days of training. During Weeks 3 and 4, the split increases to 5 days. Though some muscle combinations (back with biceps; chest with triceps) will stay the same, think about what area of your body is the weakest or troubles you the most aesthetically.

Remember, too easy, increase the weight; too hard, decrease it.

Organize this 5-day split to allow 2 days for training that lagging body part. Start with the lagging body part as your first training day and then place it on your schedule again three days later. This will allow for enough recovery time between training days.

Each of these routines should take about 1 hour to 1 ½ hours to complete, depending on your pace and the traffic at your gym.

Take It To The Next Level In Phase 2

Now that you’ve finished Phase 1, healthy eating, working out, and taking the right supplements should be a regular part of your daily routine. Hopefully your commitment is revealing positive change and increased energy. As this phase comes to a close, prepare yourself for intense muscle-building in Phase Two and the introduction of cardio, to kick-start the fat-burning.

Training: Week 5 & 6

Moving into Phase Two, the focus continues to be building muscle, courtesy of a 6-day workout split. The repetitions in this phase fall between 8 and 10, with the exception of certain exercises, where really taxing the muscle requires more volume.

Work at 85% of your maximum effort, which means your last rep in each set should be a struggle but still doable. Don’t sacrifice form for strength, and ask for a spot as you progressively lift heavier weight. Safety is key!

Lifting heavier means you’ll need longer rest periods between sets. For some exercises, you’ll feel ready to continue after one minute; other exercises might require two. Regardless, the rest period should be long enough to allow you to tackle each set with as much exertion as possible.

The one exception is when you encounter exercises grouped as a superset. This means performing an exercise set immediately after a different exercise set with nearly no rest taken between exercises (sets) — only enough to position yourself for the second exercise.

While we’re on the topic of definitions, you’ll also need to know what “lifting to failure” means: On your last set of an exercise, instead of lifting to a set number (rep), continuing to lift until the muscle is fatigued and another full rep can’t be performed.

Though lifting heavier will increase your heart rate, at this point in the program, we will begin to incorporate 4 days of medium-intensity cardio, done in 30-minute increments. Forgoing the cardio in the first phase allowed your body to use all of the “clean” calories it consumed for everyday activities and building muscle. By introducing medium-intensity cardio in Phase Two, we’ll begin to facilitate fat burning, while minimizing the risk of losing any hard-earned muscle.

Training: Week 7 & 8

These are your last two weeks to achieve as much muscle gain as possible. So work it! These workouts are intense – you should use as much weight as you can safely muster. Instead of consisting of 3 sets, many of these exercises will increase to 4, albeit with fewer repetitions (e.g., 4 sets of 8 reps). As during the last few weeks, you’ll be incorporating supersets and taking your sets to failure. With maximum exertion required, you might need to rest longer between sets. Two or three minutes should suffice for most of you.

Your workouts for these weeks might take longer to execute with the increased volume and rest time. If you feel like you need to, reduce the outlined 4 days of 30-minute-cardio sessions to just three. Once we move into the final and third stage, the workouts will shift from an emphasis on weight training to a greater emphasis on fat burning and cardio.

Nutrition: Weeks 5-8

Because you’re doing even more activity during this phase, you might find yourself becoming hungrier. No worries. Eat up, as long as you make healthy selections! You need more fuel, and your Phase 2 nutrition plan will accommodate your body’s newly developing needs. You’ll still be eating a meal or snack every 2 to 3 hours, focusing on healthy food choices rather than the easy grab-and-go appeal of fast food, but you’ll learn how to adjust your calories so you’re not starving at day’s end.

During Phase 2, I want you to start reducing your carbohydrates, since the goal is to lean out. The best way to taper down is to begin eating fewer carbs later in the day, or at least exchanging starchy carbs like potatoes and grains for vegetable carbs like broccoli. I don’t want to be as rigid as saying, “Now, after your 3 o’clock meal, no more starchy carbs!” But you definitely need to reduce them.

Your total calorie intake during Phase 2 actually won’t change a whole lot from Phase 1, even as we remove some of those starchy carbs from your diet. Your macronutrient mix will change a bit, as those carbs are replaced with a bit more protein. You’re starting to add the cardio, which we didn’t have before, so you’re naturally going to be burning more calories. I don’t want you changing things drastically. You still need to support your muscle, and that’s going to be key going all the way to that last phase.

Are you ready? Let’s do this!

Click on the link to download Phase 2:

Phase 3: Burn Unwanted Fat, Save Hard-Earned Muscle

Let the fat burning fun begin!

By this stage of the program, you’re no stranger to hitting the weights with intensity, and you have quality muscle to show for your efforts. Now, in Phase 3, the training goal changes from muscle building and fat burning to strictly fat burning, while preserving as much muscle as possible.

You worked hard for that muscle. You want to keep it even while burning blubber. Why not add even more muscle even while burning fat? Simply put, it’s difficult to continue to grow while simultaneously creating the sort of calorie deficit needed to burn fat. We’re not drastically reducing calories. However, to create enough of a deficit, we are increasing the intensity of the workouts by adding high-intensity interval training (HIIT), plyometrics, super-sets and active rests.

Some of you might be familiar with those terms, some not. In either case, I’m including a glossary of terms at the end of the write-up for this phase. Just scroll down to the bottom as needed! The information will be refreshed on each day’s program as well, just so you don’t forget.

I’m excited for this phase to begin! It’s intense, but with the finish line now in sight, you can do it!


The Phase 3 workouts emphasize techniques designed to enhance the cardiovascular benefits of training. As a result, you’ll often use a lower weight for higher repetitions.

Several notes to keep in mind:

  • Equipment-wise, I recommend purchasing a jump rope. You will use it often.
  • These workouts are more intense than before, so if you have any joint problems, please respect your limitations. Don’t perform any exercises that cause pain.
  • I recommend taking 1-minute rests between sets during this phase, except as noted. If you need more time, please take it.
  • These workouts should take an hour to an hour and half to complete, depending on the traffic at your gym.


For each circuit, perform the allotted number of reps for each exercise consecutively. Rest 3 to 5 minutes before repeating the routine twice more.

After completing the entire circuit, choose an option for cardio to perform for 30 to 40 additional minutes. Aim for medium intensity. This means breaking a light sweat and exercising at a rate where you could still converse with someone, though you’d rather not.

In contrast, high intensity would force you out of that comfort zone, and it can only be maintained for short durations, anyway. As an upper limit, keep your heart rate beneath its maximum capacity (220 minus your age).

So for me, it would be 220 minus 26 (years) = 194.

We’re in the home stretch, so it’s important not to miss these workouts. That way, when you reach your goal date, you’ll have leaned out as much as possible.

Glossary of Phase 3 Terms:

  • Superset: Perform the first exercise and then immediately do the next exercise. Only then do you take the 2-minute rest in between before repeating again.
  •   Active rest: Do the first exercise, and then instead of resting, perform the active-rest movement (for example, jump rope). Immediately repeat the first exercise.


Week 9’s nutrition plan is basically a continuation of Week 8’s.

WEEKS 10, 11 & 12: NUTRITION

Beginning on the first day of Week 10, you’ll be “carb cycling,” a process that you will continue to follow through the end of the program.

Carb cycling takes the macronutrients (the proteins, fats and carbs) of your meals and manipulates them to reduce body fat to very low levels, with as little muscle cannibalization as possible.

Here’s the theory: Because carbs are the body’s preferred source of fuel, cycling those carbs – eating lower amounts some days, higher amounts other days – confuses the body by not giving it a constant and dependable fuel source. When we reduce the intake of carbs on lower carb days, we’ll replace those calories with protein and healthy fats. That way you’ll have an adequate number of calories and maintain as much muscle as possible as you continue to exercise.

This technique isn’t for the faint of heart; following it to the letter takes discipline. You’ll need to count and weigh every meal, taking care to consume the proper portions of macros from day to day.

This carb cycle will last only 3 weeks. Any longer and you might lose too much hard-earned muscle.

So here’s how it works:

To determine your carbohydrate requirements, take the lower number of calories you determined at the start of Week 7. For example, my calorie range was 1300-1800 calories, so the number I’ll use for the carb cycle will be 1300.


Only 20% of your calories will be from carbohydrates.


We’ll again use the total daily calories that we determined for Week 7 (the lower number), only this time, 50% of the calories consumed will come from carbs.

Click on the link to download Phase 3:

Click on this link and please make use of the heart rate calculater / and to determine your carbohydrate requirements:

  1. Beatiful site! Where have you get that awesome design?


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