Blog Archives

Protein Rice Krispies Treats Recipe

#USNFitFoodIdea Protein Rice Krispies Treats Recipe

Serves: 9
Prep time: 5 minutes
Freeze time: 30 minutes


Coconut oil
4 cups brown rice crisps (or classic Rice Krispies)
½ cup all-natural peanut butter (or other nut butter), partially melted
½ cup brown rice syrup
3 scoops of USN BlueLab™ 100% Whey Protein Vanilla flavour
1 teaspoon vanilla

Grease a 9-inch by 9-inch pan with coconut oil or line it with parchment paper. Set aside.
In a medium bowl, mix together melted peanut butter, brown rice syrup, protein powder and vanilla until it forms a dough consistency.
Add brown rice crisps to the peanut butter mixture. Use your hands to gently fold the rice crisps into the mixture. Then, pour mixture into the pan.
Using a spatula, spread mixture out evenly and press into pan so the bars are compact.
Place into freezer for at least 30 minutes
Before serving or storing, use a sharp knife to cut your treats into squares.

Pro Tip
Do not substitute honey or agave for brown rice syrup, since this sticky ingredient is essential to the recipe’s texture. Shop USN BlueLab™ 100% Whey Protein:

You can use my code when you shop online and get extra 10% Discount with free delivery (Only valid in South Africa) Discount Code: claudineUSN (Remember it is case sensitive)

Eating plan for men

So for those who don’t know where to start with your fat loss, healthy living journey, take the first step towards a healthier balanced lifestyle and get your diet on track. Click on the image to download your Eating Plan.

Body Makeover Eating Plan_Men_Jan18-1

Each food categories exchange list contains food items which can be interchanged with each other. The serving sizes of each food is important to note as it is calculated so that the macro-nutrients per portion are similar. Remember, some processed foods such as sauces, ready-made meals and spices contain added sugar. It is recommended to avoid processed foods and sauces as far as possible for best results.

Body Makeover Eating Plan_Men2.jpg

Often the hardest part of achieving your lasting weight control goals is the ability to create the mental shift that is needed to develop routine. You can have total control over the way you look by taking charge of the things that you do. 

Introducing forward planning and preparation into your lifestyle helps you to take charge over your habits and routines. By simply getting to grips with this concept, you can make your ultimate physique a reality. It is often the small changes that yield the biggest results.

The USN Body Makeover Challenge has been designed to significantly transform your body and lifestyle during a 12 week period. For more information click here:

Eating plan for women

So for those who don’t know where to start with your fat loss, healthy living journey, take the first step towards a healthier balanced lifestyle and get your diet on track. Click on the image to download your Eating Plan.

Body Makeover Eating Plan_Women_Jan18-1

Each food categories exchange list contains food items which can be interchanged with each other. The serving sizes of each food is important to note as it is calculated so that the macro-nutrients per portion are similar. Remember, some processed foods such as sauces, ready-made meals and spices contain added sugar. It is recommended to avoid processed foods and sauces as far as possible for best results.

Body Makeover Eating Plan_Women_Jan18-2

Often the hardest part of achieving your lasting weight control goals is the ability to create the mental shift that is needed to develop routine. You can have total control over the way you look by taking charge of the things that you do. 

Introducing forward planning and preparation into your lifestyle helps you to take charge over your habits and routines. By simply getting to grips with this concept, you can make your ultimate physique a reality. It is often the small changes that yield the biggest results.


The USN Body Makeover Challenge has been designed to significantly transform your body and lifestyle during a 12 week period. For more information click here:

USN Ultimate Sports Nutrition: The Industry’s first…

The first ever Premium Whey Protein developed based on consumer feedback research.

This is the Protein that I supplement with, it comes in the most delicious and innovative new flavors! The BEST of the BEST. #USNBlueLabWhey #designedbyme.  Claudine Kidson




It is a source of protein that is easily absorbed by your body, contains minimal fat and carbohydrates, and has various health benefits including:

  • Preventing muscle loss & assisting with recovery
  • Aiding weight loss
  • Curbing hunger
  • Encouraging anti-aging
  • Boosting immunity
  • Promoting better bone health

Protein is a key nutrient your body relies on for optimal health. Whey Protein contains more protein per gram than any other supplement, as well as so many other health benefits, that’s why whey protein should be part of everyone’s healthy eating habits.

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You can get yours online and use my product code: claudineUSN (Case Sensitive) and get 10% discount and free delivery!

Order your supplements online 

Hi to all my fitness friends, I’m excited to share my USN coupon code with you. Use this code: claudineUSN (case sensitive) and get 10% discount on supplements and FREE delivery when you order online at  

Share your supplement stack with me on any social media platform and tag me #claudineUSN and you could win The BEST selling fatburner in South Africa ~ USN Phedra Cut Lipo XT. 

Shop now ~ Trusted ~ Fast ~ Secure ~ Convenient

Take back control

It all starts with a decision to change…Take back control ~ Get back up ~ Believe in yourself, commit and change your lifestyle. It will be tough & there will be days that you want to quit BUT don’t and if you did – It’s okay, get up – This is your time!

Winter Shape Up with @usnsa will help you to reach your goals ~ Summer bodies are made in the winter. You could be the next hamper winner. Take a shape up selfie or photo using ‪#‎usnshapeup‬ –

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Lets take back control – One step at a time ‪#‎fitness‬ ‪#‎lifestyle‬ ‪#‎usn‬‪#‎weightloss‬ ‪#‎transformation‬ ‪#‎teamusn‬ ‪#‎fitnessjourney‬ ‪#‎phedracut‬

Do it for YOU!

Win a trip of a lifetime with USN


Do YOU want to win a trip to Las Vegas and attend the 2016 Olympia worth R100 000 ~ Trip of a LIFEtime

Buy your favourite ‪#‎usnhardcore‬ product and post your photo or video on Instagram to show YOU are #usnhardcore

So share your hardcore image and you can be the winner! Remember you can enter as many times as you like 💪🏼


BURO_23211_HARDCORE CAMPAIGN 2016_social media posts_P3.jpg

Also visit for some news, amazing tips & training plans to #ChallengeYourself

Some hardcore products available:

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Truth about Fat Loss and Nutrition

Truth about Fat Loss and Nutrition

So this weekend was the Truth about Fat loss and Nutrition Workshop and I believe it was a huge success, educating people about some general guidelines on nutrition / food labels and understanding the Truth about Fat Loss.

“We did a little test with the 4 products listed here and did you know that if you had to consume 1 litre of this milk, 1 litre of this 100% orange juice, 50 g box of future life cereal and 500g box of Kellogg’s Special K in a week….you would be putting 57 teaspoons of sugar into your body. No wonder people are not winning the fight against the bulge!!!!!! Avoid health foods…..especially if they come with an advert!!!”

Some of the foods we looked at was:


Thank you Eugene for an Exceptional Perfect Pulse Seminar – the knowledge you have is amazing and the passion you have for sharing the truth is absolutely inspiring…This is only the beginning of big things to come.


I decided to do a post today on my view on a few things…Why do I feel the need to bring the truth to people on Fat Loss and Nutrition or health in general? Because I feel we need to start moving forward by knowing the truth. We live in a world where things get covered up way to easy and I’m so sick of companies making millions of profit by clever advertising skills, “covering the truth and exposing lies”. The general public in return are the ones walking around with sickness and health concerns.

I walked into a well known “Health Shop” yesterday where they sell supplements etc. So you would think the people employed in this positions will be educated in their field of expertise. As I walked down the isle I couldn’t help but to overhear the conversation of the guy (Supplement sales person) giving advice for a lady wanting to buy supplements & products to lose weight! I almost felt as if I can run the guy against the wall when the first thing he said to the lady was to cut out ALL CARBOHYDRATES and limit protein by replacing it with a “Shake”. Even typing this message makes me so angry when I think of this misleading and wrong advice…Listen today – NO Shake will replace good quality protein and neither will you have sustainable energy to get through a day without carbohydrates. We tend to trust others with our health or follow advice without really focusing on what the truth behind it is…We put our trust in someone who walks around with the qualifications without taking the time to research if it is indeed the correct information…

First of all Ladies & Gents you NEED PROTEIN | CARBOHYDRATES & FAT in your diet.

Your body needs carbs, healthy fats and protein. Protein is essential for tissue growth and repair. Dietary protein supplies the building blocks of muscle tissue. You have to remember that when you hit the gym for your weight training routine you are actually breaking down your muscle tissues. So WHY is your diet so important? Because you build your muscles outside of the gym just like they say Abs are made in the kitchen – that is the TRUTH…To do that you need a proper nutritional plan with the correct amount of protein/carbs/healthy fats to fuel your body…That is why I believe BCAA  (Branch Chain Amino Acids) is a good “supplement” to add to your plan if possible. If insufficient amino acids are present, your body will start breaking down muscle tissues to get the required aminos and you don’t want that. So what is the use of a good weight training session, if you don’t nourish your muscles when you walk out of the gym?! So never leave out the correct amount of Protein and Carbohydrates to fuel your body for sustainable energy levels throughout the day! So if you feel depleted and hungry most of the time consider looking at your protein intake. Remember protein takes longer for your body to digest which means you will be fuller for longer…

Since your body expends more energy to process proteins than it does to digest carbohydrates and fats, people who consume more protein throughout the day might see faster fat-loss results than people on a lower-protein diet plan.

Ladies protein WON’T make you bulky or muscular that is NOT the truth…You don’t have the amount of testosterone like males to build muscles like your boyfriend 😉 So make sure you incorporate high quality protein sources into your diet like fish, eggs, chicken and lean cut red meats. And if needed SUPPLEMENT with a good quality Pure/Isolated/ Whey Protein.
Not replace it but SUPPLEMENT with a protein shake…

Your body needs energy to survive. Your systems energy requirements are mostly met by your daily food intake. The energy value of food is important but the source of the calories and your portion control takes priority. The more processed and refined the lower the vitamin and mineral value of food will be and the higher the Glycemic Index or fat value tends to be. Processed and refined foods tend to have a drastic effect on elevating your blood sugar levels and increase the likelihood of fat storage occurring. And don’t ask questions when those cravings kicked in…

Guideline on how to measure Calories and Kilojoules:

Calories and Kilojoules is measured per gram of food:

1g of Carbohydrate = 4 calories / 17kj

1g of Protein = 4 calories / 17kj

1g of fat = 9 calories / 37kj

1g of alcohol = 7 calories / 29kj





Stay away from refined and process foods and try to balance your macro values to support your goals or general healthy living. Never follow a diet by leaving out a macro nutrient. DON’T follow a low carb diet / a low protein diet. It is not healthy and your weight loss goals will not be sustainable. Everything is about BALANCE…Consistency is key and always option for the best healthiest choices. Make a mindful decision to educate yourself on the values of food and see it as an investment in your health. Don’t let weight loss become an obsession but rather see it as a journey to better health and lifestyle.

Its all about the choices you make, so think about what you fuel your body with!

Have a super amazing and productive educated week 😉



Look what I came across on Twitter!

A revolution in shaker cups.

Core150 Shaker Cup:

I think this is the next best thing delivering your supplementation on demand…No more carrying around two shakers etc.

What do you think, I love the vibrant colours 🙂 you would think that I get these for free the way I market them but NO I just think this is a great invention!


USN 12 Week Challenge starting 30 January 2012

Is there anyone who wants to start the USN Challenge or just live a healthier lifestyle and get rid of unwanted fat? I have decided to guide my sister through a second round of the Challenge being her personal trainer and guide her through the use of correct supplementation and nutrition/diet! If you like to join in like my Facebook page: Body and Lifestyle Challenges Claudine Kidson (click on the link above) and spread the word. Challenge starting on 30 January 2012! I will share a training program/weekly diet/recipes.

YOUR life can and WILL be changed!