Blog Archives

Eating plan for women

So for those who don’t know where to start with your fat loss, healthy living journey, take the first step towards a healthier balanced lifestyle and get your diet on track. Click on the image to download your Eating Plan.

Body Makeover Eating Plan_Women_Jan18-1

Each food categories exchange list contains food items which can be interchanged with each other. The serving sizes of each food is important to note as it is calculated so that the macro-nutrients per portion are similar. Remember, some processed foods such as sauces, ready-made meals and spices contain added sugar. It is recommended to avoid processed foods and sauces as far as possible for best results.

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Often the hardest part of achieving your lasting weight control goals is the ability to create the mental shift that is needed to develop routine. You can have total control over the way you look by taking charge of the things that you do. 

Introducing forward planning and preparation into your lifestyle helps you to take charge over your habits and routines. By simply getting to grips with this concept, you can make your ultimate physique a reality. It is often the small changes that yield the biggest results.


The USN Body Makeover Challenge has been designed to significantly transform your body and lifestyle during a 12 week period. For more information click here:

Believe in yourself first…

Believe in yourself first

USN Ultimate Sports Nutrition: The Industry’s first…

The first ever Premium Whey Protein developed based on consumer feedback research.

This is the Protein that I supplement with, it comes in the most delicious and innovative new flavors! The BEST of the BEST. #USNBlueLabWhey #designedbyme.  Claudine Kidson




It is a source of protein that is easily absorbed by your body, contains minimal fat and carbohydrates, and has various health benefits including:

  • Preventing muscle loss & assisting with recovery
  • Aiding weight loss
  • Curbing hunger
  • Encouraging anti-aging
  • Boosting immunity
  • Promoting better bone health

Protein is a key nutrient your body relies on for optimal health. Whey Protein contains more protein per gram than any other supplement, as well as so many other health benefits, that’s why whey protein should be part of everyone’s healthy eating habits.

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You can get yours online and use my product code: claudineUSN (Case Sensitive) and get 10% discount and free delivery!

JUST be.

For a brief second, for a moment everything came to a stand still…Breath in, breath out, and just be, for this few seconds, minutes, for this moment in time. Words playing a sweet sound over and over in my mind calling out. Come to rest, it is time for a sound mind.

This moment. . . Now, this moment. . . Oh, girl, stay

enjoy this day

Light Italic words embed on my computer screen in front of me became words with meaning, that touched my soul deep down…

I don’t know if you are a mom, a dad, a wife, a husband, a single parent, married, divorced, full time business women, an entrepreneur,  a caregiver, an athlete, a student, jobless or whatever your “status” take a moment in this “busy” life and reach out to your deepest feelings and be still and JUST be…


Lay down the burdens of the things that you carry around if there is any. Ask yourself for a moment what it is that sets your soul on fire. What it is that you do that brings a smile to your face. Don’t get so busy and overwhelmed with life and all the expectations there might be, and most of the time the ones we set out for ourselves. For a moment this moment and a few more to come think about “YOU”! Do more of the things that sets your soul on fire and less of the things that drags you down. The little things in life that gives meaning and purpose. Find balance in everything you do.

It does not have to be big or small – Just a moment to appreciate the moment. Even if it is 5 minutes that you need as a  “Time Out” for yourself to sit down and appreciate every little thing there is to be thankful for, without thinking about the “next”.

We are all on a different path leading to different destinations but I want to encourage you, and myself to learn how to be still, and just BE and enjoy life without being to serious :-).

Reach out to someone today or just a simple smile and hello for someone in need or whatever it is.

No matter what tomorrow holds, live for the moment, for now, appreciate the little things in life, listen to the soft voice and come to a standstill if needed.

There is so much that I want to share and say but without the perfect words I wan’t to get to the POINT – STOP being to busy, embrace every precious moment. Take care of your mind and enjoy life.

Have an amazing day.

You are worthy of a TIME OUT every now and again. 

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