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USN Face the Fat


I know you must have heard about the “New Year New Me” tagline going around all over and I also know what goes through your mind most of the time…”Just another scam, just another quick fix new year resolution to set me up for failure, just another product or diet or plan that doesn’t work and so the list can go on…”

I used to be the one seeing before and after pics online thinking to myself it is a lie, it is impossible, the before and after photos was edited in Photoshop, that transformation wasn’t 12 weeks its impossible etc- UNTIL I made the mindful decision to transform my body and lifestyle and end up being the one with before and after photos that I couldn’t even believe what I have achieved. I made the decision to take on the Challenge and that was the best decision I could have made for myself.

Today I’m here to tell you that if it is your hearts desire to become the best version of yourself and to reach your weight loss goal then there is no better time to start this journey than now with the support of USN Ultimate Sports Nutrition.

The market leader with the BEST products and plan to assist you in your journey to reach your goal – Proven results over and over.

Everything you need is right here: – Set your goal and become part of a community sharing the same passion and goal. Show off your hard work while you’re at it and even stand a chance to win R10 000 in cash or 1 of 12 Phedracut Lipo XT’s. The prize is a bonus – DO IT FOR YOURSELF never the less. Use the tagline on social media #USNfacethefat #facethefatwithclaudine for I would love to follow your journey and motivate you where possible.

You can follow me on social media networks and please do contact me if you need any help while on your journey. I will assist you as far as I can!

Twitter: ClaudineKidson
Facebook: Body and Lifestyle Challenges Claudine Kidson
Instagram: Claudine Kidson

I look forward to see your results!

Your training plan / supplement plan / eating plan ~ So NO MORE excuses ~ Take back control and set a goal that you will reach. The feeling of achieving a personal goal is so rewarding and so worth taking on the Challenge. You deserve to be healthy & fit.

This was my four weeks I did:

My personal goal was to lose 4% of my body weight and I did 🙂 So once again set a personal goal for YOURSELF. Goal weight was 52.8kg

Start weight: 55kg
Weigh in: 52.4kg

 Image-1 IMG_6972.PNG

Bring on the next four weeks 😉 The Challenge is ON are you with me?




What is 28 Days?!

4 Weeks {ONLY 28 Days} can it be that hard?!

NO it’s NOT, so why not accept the challenge to get that summer body in shape.

Have you ever heard of DietBet?! If not join the club:-) DietBet has been around for a few years though…But not to worry I will share more details here.

Jamie Eason started a challenge on DietBet called Jamie Eason’s Holiday Hustle, and I decided to join in. You have NOTHING to lose but that extra pounds/kg’s that added up over the months…

You can follow any plan / training program / nutritional plan but joining the “pot” while doing your #FaceTheFat #USN challenge with the benefit of being part of this amazing fitness community, all with the same goal of losing 4% of your body-weight in a 4 week period and then of course winning in the end.

It is without a doubt worth the while to read more about it. We are currently 3 253 players and the pot is $97,590
(R 1,335,434.06) 

The challenge started yesterday but you can still join – you have 14 days still to enter but remember then its less days to reach your goal of 4%….

So I decided to take on the next four weeks and shred the last bit of fat and reach my goal just in time for summer while HELPING YOU!

I will use my USN Supplementation to assist me in reaching my goal. Here I will share my journey for the next four weeks.

The reason why I decided to join in on her challenge is to be part of a community where you can help inspire and motivate others and yourself. Become part of a fitness community even if it is online/social. By becoming part of a group like this makes it easier to keep yourself accountable and it helps to know you are not alone in this journey!

Everyone have different goals – Even if it is to become fit, or to lose weight, improving on a healthier lifestyle or whatever your goal join me!



Here is the link:

So, this is what DietBet is all about.

How it works

Bet on yourself to lose weight. Reach the goal … split the pot! EASY AS THAT 

What’s your goal?

Face the Fat

Do you feel tired, depressed, irritated, bloated, FAT and discouraged with the way you look and feel?!

Well believe me when I say I can relate with all the emotions only to mention few. I’ve been there and not only once…That is why I’m sharing this post with YOU today. I know how it feels and I want to give you hope to believe that YOU CAN become the best version of yourself.

Im passionate about helping others to reach their goals. There is no better feeling than being happy with who you are. Not only physically but mentally. I want to inspire others to take the first step because YOU deserve this for yourself.

NOW is the time to take back control. You don’t have to feel this way for the rest of your life.

Don’t get stuck in your current feelings and mood. You just have to take the first step even though you dont “feel” like it NOW you will eventually. Just do it!

Losing weight is NOT impossible or as difficult as we perceive it. We are afraid to start before we even begin. WHY?! We fear failure before we even start, rather than believing in ourselves…You have nothing to lose, only extra kg’s 😉

Remember this is a journey not an overnight quick fix. So take the barrier down of failure and overcome it with the believe in yourself that YOU CAN DO IT. You are strong and brave enough. Snap out of the “diet mode” and see this as a kick start to a lifestyle challenge.

I can give you my word that doing this for yourself with the right mindset is what will differentiate your journey between success or failure.

Pledge to lose 4kg in 4 weeks and let the journey begin. Put the winter behind you and focus on the amazing summer sun ahead! You still have time to get that summer body in shape and let this be your best Holiday season to date…

Visit and pledge to lose 4kg in 4 weeks with the help of the new USN Phedra-Cut LIPO XT. I used Phedra-Cut with both my transformations and it assisted me in reaching my goals so much faster. Now there is the new and improved Phedra-Cut Lipo XT available and you can get it from your Local Dis-Chem store.


For all my International friends if you don’t know where to purchase it or get it online send me a message and I will direct you where possible. You can send me a mail: or drop me an Inbox message on Facebook: Body and Lifestyle Challenges Claudine Kidson. I will share meals and training tips with you so keep an eye on my Socail Media Networks and let’s do this together.
Twitter: ClaudineKidson
Facebook: Body and Lifestyle Challenges Claudine Kidson
Instagram: ClaudineKidson

So share your pledge and win fantastic USN starter packs.

I have one Phedra-Cut LIPO XT to give away to help you get started. 

Tell me why you want to lose 4kgs. Tag me, and use #FacetheFatwithClaudine and #USNfacethefat.

I’m looking forward to seeing your entries and remember;

Together we can achieve so much more 🙂

The real value of setting goals…

When I saw this quote it got me thinking…

Real Value
There are values in setting goals… The number 1 value  that it adds to our lives is the person we become while on the journey of setting goals and achieving & reaching them.

Today I want to share my personal view and opinion on the importance of setting goals for YOURSELF. We can so easily get discouraged or derailed from our goals the moment things get tough or we slipped up. We tend to experience the emotions of failure and disappointment in self the moment we slipped up! Whether you missed a workout or made a bad choice when it came to nutrition. Maybe your cheat meal ended in a cheat day and then snowballed to a cheat weak or month?! Can you relate, have you experienced the feeling of condemnation for not having enough willpower to succeed the first time? Well I have and its a terrible feeling indeed.

NOW how can we overcome this pattern and make it sustainable to reach our goal?

You can have the willpower to set out a short/long term goal BUT without a plan and a sustainable vision you are most likely to stumble and fail.

My advice is to take your overall goal and to break it up into smaller realistic goals…Let this be a journey and embrace it as an investment in yourself. Be realistic with yourself. This way you will be sure to reach your ultimate goal.

Then, set time frames for each and be sure to focus on them one step at a time. Once you overcome the first hurdle then think of and take on the second goal towards the “BIGGER goal”. You know yourself. Maybe you perform on rewards. Whatever it is do this for yourself. e.g If I lose 2 kg by week 3 I will buy myself a new training top. No matter what you DON’T purchase that top if you haven’t reached your personal goal. I promise you will take accountability for your decisions and this will form part of your commitment to what is important to you!

Your nutrition and training don’t have to be complex. By sticking to a fundamental, realistic, and systematic approach to your goals you are more likely to achieve them. Don’t over complicate things – This is often my problem and as a result I jump between diets and training programs. Don’t go there. Get a program, stick to it and pull it through! Get to know your body and what works for YOU.

I’m sharing this and believe it is a good read for those in need of change.


First and foremost, you need a plan that is curtailed to your needs, goals, and lifestyle. You can’t pick up your husband’s, brother’s, or cousin’s workout plan and expect it to work. Before you jump in, sit down and think about what you want and why. If you’re not absolutely positive about what you want or why you want it, then you’ll struggle to follow through. It might seem like a really basic first step, but it’s the one most people fail to do.

You also need to be realistic. I see too many people with the get-back-into-my-high-school-jeans-by-tomorrow mindset fall off the wagon. Sure that’s a great goal for the long term, but you need to ask yourself: What am I capable of right now? If you are 50 or more pounds overweight, thinking you’ll be down to a size 32 in a matter of weeks will set you up for failure. Instead of focusing on that big, 50-pound goal, take a smaller bite. Try, “I will lose five pounds by the end of the month.” It may not be a drastic change, but achieving it will feel great and will serve as excellent motivation.

Additionally, choose a goal that bolsters your health and well-being and doesn’t just focus on the way you look. By improving your overall health, you’ll feel better, sleep better, think better, and live better!

Successful goal-achievers also pay constant attention to their progress. Write down your goal in hardcopy journal, in a phone app, or on BodySpace! This way you can revisit and assess how you’re doing.


True, training is probably the most difficult aspect to figure out. When I first began, I would walk into the gym and train my chest, biceps, and triceps. I would do this every single day. If this sounds familiar, that’s OK—you have to start somewhere.

This year, instead of doing some biceps curls and then heading to the treadmill, follow this basic system:

Build Muscle Shed Body Fat
Weight training frequency 3-6 days per week 4-6 days per week
Rep range 6-10 10-15
Rest periods 1-2 minutes 30-45 seconds
Lifting load Heavier weight Lighter weight
Cardio frequency 2-4 times per week 4-6 times per week
Cardio duration 10-30 minutes 15-50 minutes

Like I said before, the most important aspect of training is to support your goals. If you want to gain muscle, aim for longer rest periods between sets, exercise with heavier weights, and shoot for lower rep ranges. If you want to shed body fat, train with lighter weight, high reps, and short rest periods.

Remember, this doesn’t need to be super complex! It is better to keep it simple. The key is constant progress. Each week try more weight, more reps, or shorter rest periods. Record your workouts so you can keep track of your progression.

Although resistance training will be the most effective way to achieve your physique goals, I like to encourage cardio. If your goal is to gain muscle, keep your cardio sessions to just three times per week. Use high-intensity interval training (HIIT) techniques to ensure the preservation of your hard-earned muscle. If you want to lose body fat, I still suggest HIIT, but I’d increase the session frequency to 4-6 times per week and increase the duration.

Finally, you have to rest. Spending days away from the gym will allow your body adequate time to rebuild and repair. You can schedule rest days whenever they best fit your schedule, but don’t leave them out!


Nutrition might be the last thing I’ve written about, but it’s the most important part of your progress—it always trumps training. Despite its importance, people tend to overlook it because they “work so hard” in the gym. You can kill yourself every day, but if you supplement that training with cupcakes and hot chocolate, you won’t see gains or losses where you want them.

I also see people eat too little. The point of your fitness resolution is to make lasting change. Nobody wants to lose 50 pounds and then gain it all back again, right? A month-long liquid diet or 1,000-calorie plan might work in the short term, but they won’t provide you the nutrition for a healthy mind and body or the building blocks for a lifestyle change.

Don’t make it complicated. Simply put, your calories should come from all the major macro-nutrients: fat, carbohydrates, and protein. You need all of them— there isn’t a magic way to meet your goal by eliminating one or the other! Eat more protein than you think you need, don’t skimp on complex carbohydrates, and don’t skip healthy fats. Don’t worry about counting calories just yet. Get in the gym, eat whole, nutrient-dense food, drink plenty of water, and cut out the processed crap.

Similar to goal-setting and training, it’s important to keep track of your diet in a journal, app, or BodySpace. Write down what you eat, how you feel, and any other aspects of your nutrition you’d like to chart.


We covered the essentials, but there’s one more thing I need to cover. To be a success story, find something fitness-related that you enjoy doing. Whether it’s Zumba, CrossFit, bodybuilding, cycling, or powerlifting, do what you like. If you hate what you’re doing, then it’s difficult to be motivated to get back in and do it again. Furthermore, your fitness and your goals are personal. Make sure whatever you do is going to help you be the best you.

You have the tools to succeed. Now go do it!



S – Specific
M – Measurable
A – Accountable
R – Realistic
T – Time-frame

From my side my friends, I want to encourage you to take up this goal, challenge yourself and go out and DO IT FOR YOURSELF. For no other reason but YOURSELF. If you failed before so be it. Don’t dwell on the past or where you find yourself at this moment. Take it one small step at a time and be proud of every single healthier choice that you make.

We all mess up some point or another – I did too but NOW is the time to get back up, look up and NEVER EVER GIVE UP on yourself.

Be passionate about what you do and always give your best. You deserve to look and feel your best. Value yourself enough to make the changes toward becoming the BEST VERSION OF YOU!

I believe in you, so now believe in yourself.

You can follow me on Twitter:


Facebook: Body and Lifestyle Challenges Claudine Kidson:


Have a fit and fabulous week everyone.


Believe and you will achieve…

I have come so far and I believe YOU CAN 2. I’m sharing this even if I can inspire 1 person to make the decision to CHANGE and become the BEST version of yourself. Never EVER EVER give up and NEVER fear failure…

BELIEVE AND YOU WILL ACHIEVE. Never give up on yourself you are worth it.

Believe You Can

perfect pulse poster copy


Thank you USN for sharing my story and my journey. Without the EXCEPTIONAL products this would not be possible to achieve. I’m proud to be associated with the USN Ultimate Sports Nutrition Brand.

Thank you for all the support from friends, followers and my blog visitors. I really do hope I can can inspire others to become healthier. It is possible and YOU CAN DO IT!

Believe in yourself!

This was released in the USN July 2013 Newsletter.


Claudine Kidson is doing the USN 12-week Body Makeover Challenge for a second time. The first time she did so well that she was one of the 10 finalists in the USN Body Makeover Challenge competition. This time, she’s doing it to get back to her best after becoming a mom. The two challenges have been quite different because of so many changes in Claudine’s life and her body. Her journey hasn’t been easy, but it’s inspirational to all women, whether you’re a new mom or not.

What motivated you to do the 12-week Challenge the first time?

I was tired of being overweight and unhealthy. I felt bloated, tired, irritated and left with a low self esteem most of the time. I had the “dream” in my heart of being in shape for the first time in my life by transforming my body to be a healthier version of myself and to experience being confident in my own skin! It was something I wanted to do for MYSELF! Obviously the prize money was a HUGE motivation to enter because I needed it so much…

How long after you completed the Challenge the first time did you discover you were pregnant?

Only five months after being in the best shape of my life I found out I was pregnant, which of course was the biggest blessing of my life. I completed my first challenge at the end of November 2011 and I found out I was pregnant April in 2012.

Was it tough to accept that all your hard work was about to be undone to during your pregnancy?

Yes, it was EXTREMELY hard, as I worked so very hard to achieve my goal. BUT the best part was that I had the “taste” of being in shape for the first time in my life. And once you have felt the feeling of a healthy self-esteem and being confident about your body, you will never look back… So I knew I would work hard to get back into shape post pregnancy!

Did you breastfeed?

Yes I did, but only up to 3 months.

What motivated you to do the 12-week Challenge the second time?

There is no better feeling than being confident with your body… The feeling I felt after my first USN Challenge was priceless. That was amazing and enough to want it for a second time. I also want to prove to other mommies out there that it is possible, even if you gained as much weight as I did, or if you neglected your fitness during your pregnancy months, that you can turn it around. I gained way above 20kg… I love the feeling of being fit, healthy and the best mommy for my beautiful little girl. I want to be an example for her to follow one day. But most importantly, I wanted to show myself that I CAN DO IT a second time no matter what my circumstances are! Giving myself that hour of “me” time in the gym is the best reward for myself…

What have been the major differences between the first time and the second time?


It felt as if I needed to start all over again. I wasn’t fit at all and carried so much more extra weight, water and fat than the first time. I’m obviously more challenged physically with all the changes that took place in my body. I had a c-section so had to keep that in mind as well.


Things are definitely way more difficult than the first time around… I’m now a single mommy and time management is crucial! No more early mornings and late afternoon gym sessions. I have an hour per day for one training session so I have to make it work. Being a first-time mom requires a lot of time and dedication itself. So there are times when I’m emotionally tired of coping with all the new responsibilities; but ultimately, I feel so much better in every area… I still wake up 3-4 times per night for feedings so there are days that I’m really tired, but the hardest part is to get to the gym. Once I’m there and I finish my training I always feel energized and happier!


The effort it takes to get to the gym is an effort in itself! Logistically I need to plan my way to get there after a long day at work. I need to collect my daughter from crèche and on route to the gym. I look like a “pack horse” when I arrive at the gym. My gym bag, baby bag, Kaylen in her car seat… So imagine that! A 7kg baby in a car seat with two bags can get heavy you know!

Has motivation been more difficult the second time around?

Most definitely. It is tough at times. I’m a single mommy now and believe me when I say there are days that I’m so tired and not motivated and have personal things going on as well so I need to be more focused. But then again I realize the reward there will be from all the hard work and dedication. I only have myself to keep motivated so I just pick myself up and work harder!

Your body went through some major changes in the past 18 months, have you adjusted your goals from what they were the first time you did the Challenge?

Most definitely, I had to make adjustments and first and most important was the mental adjustments. If you keep comparing yourself to your first challenge and progress you will set yourself up for failure. You need to take your “current” physique into account and the fact that I just had a baby and then set goals accordingly. I couldn’t expect to drop all the weight I’ve gained during the nine months in one month; it is not realistic at all. I had to adjust my training schedule and I had to focus 101% on my diet to reach my goals in the time frame that I wanted to…

Have you found the same USN supplements as effective in both Challenges or have you made some changes to you supplementation choices?

Again I stuck to the plan – the USN 12 Week Body Makeover Plan – because it works! The only adjustment I made was replacing the Diet Fuel Ultralean with the Elite Whey Gold. The reason is so I was super focused on my diet so I could introduce it sooner. I also take the CLA Hardcore on and off in conjunction with the CLA 1000. I also introduced the USN Hyperdrive N.O on occasion to assist me in training my bigger muscle groups.

I will only adjust my supplements from Week 9 which will be next week, so you will have to follow my progress on my blog to see what changes I make and just how successful I am the second time around –

To find out more about the Body Makeover Challenge vissit USN:

Claudine and her USN 12 week challenge on eXpresso

I needed to take time this morning to reflect on how far I have come. We all get days that we feel down and want to indulge in everything possible but again just realized it so NOT worth it…

Have you struggled before with motivation and dedication?