Blog Archives

Just start somewhere

Stop waiting for the perfect time…Whatever it is take the first step, and if you are afraid DO IT anyway.
Just Start Somewhere jpeg

New year and new goals…

So after a month or 3  “off-season” I’m back and ready for this year more than EVER! Back to “clean” eating & pumped training. Ready to be fit, healthy, strong & toned, are you?!

This is me now :-), don’t look at the hair & make-up cause theres none haha, had a good sweat!

Bring it on

I don’t know if it’s only me but oh my Holidays just make me gain weight! I went all out this holiday and believe me when I say I overindulged in sweets, “good” food NO NOT HEALTHY food 😉 and then of course the more than usual “social” drinking.

I do believe we all let go at some point the question is just will you get back to what is best for you? Do you have any goals or resolutions? I don’t normally have resolutions but I do have goals.

One of them is that I want to be fit to enter a race or two in running and Mountain biking. So I started running again and its GREAT! Going slow but I’m super motivated to get back to where I use to be at and even at a better pace!

Then there is some EXCITING things lined up and I will share them with you as soon as everything is finalised!

Let this be your best year yet. Stick to the plan and don’t be a January / February gym attender, but let this be a year of consistency and dedication. Don’t set unrealistic goals and set yourself up for failure by not achieving them.

Get a plan and stick to the plan…Let everyday be a journey to a healthier & happier you!

Do you have any goals? Please do share them.

Have a super week,


What a year… {31.12.2013}

I come to the end of 2013 with a sudden flash of events going through my mind. Trying to recap 2013 is almost impossible, with so much that went on…

I can recall the moments that changed my life! There were moments of tears and moments of uncontained laughter. There were obstacles followed by rewards of conquering what I thought was the impossible. There were sadness and there was uncontained joy, there were heartaches and breakups and there were new relationships! I can honestly confess that this is the one-year that I NEVER want to relive although I will live from what I’ve learned. This however was a year of personal growth and achievements, a year that required strength in the things that mattered most.

We need to learn to take what we need from the experiences only to equip us for what is to come. Most of of all learn how to leave behind the things that pulled you down and look forward to the things that will pull us up.

With a welcoming heart I’m eagerly waiting for 2014…Isn’t it amazing how the human mind perceive the last day of one year to the first day of a new year as a new beginning…

Lets focus on the positive and the amazing things ahead. Enter 2014 with an expectation. Set goals and standards in the areas you wish to improve. Make a mindful decision NOW that this will be your best year to come. Let the past be foundation blocks only to building a better feature. Learn from your experiences and be thankful for how far you have come.

No matter how small the steps, the journey is what counts; always strive for progress and not perfection!

Lets make it count. I look forward to more blogging and sharing my new goals for 2014…

Have a super New Years Eve.




HaPpY nEw YeAr!

Hi everyone first of all I want to say HAPPY NEW YEAR, may 2012 be a year filled with blessings, joy, love and may you be prosperous in every single thing that you take on…May you be renewed with a new way of thinking and living…

Do you have any New Year resolutions? Well, I have never made specific New Year resolutions but this year around I decided to make a list of things that I would love to achieve personally and in my life (still have to do the list) lol. I would say it will be more goal orientated than specific resolutions. The most important thing to me is to live everyday as if it is my last! I want to be passionately driven by everything I do. The days of living a mediocre life is something of the past. I will make a point to enjoy everything I do. Whether its work, gym, running or whatsoever.

Let’s recap on the last week or two. It was my birthday on the 23rd of December and wow what a stunning day!! I was so spoiled throughout the day. Thanks to the special people in my life! I got a pair of Puma Faas 300 from the hubby, beautiful light pink roses, lots of Total Sport vouchers :-), make-up and then of course my USN Supplements arrived just in time to crown of a wonderful birthday. Thank you USN South Africa, without the correct supplementation my results would not have been possible!

My birthday - 23 December 2011

Some photographs from the weekend:

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Then we spend a few days at Sun City with my husband and amazing friends/cousins! Thank you Sergio, Larissa, Gino and Chantelle it was great fun and would love to do it again!  I must confess that my diet was not all clean and there was some drinking involved! I did however manage to do an 11km run the one morning and a 12km run the other morning. Must have been driven by guilt to go for a run after only a few hours of sleep ;-). I did make the healthy choices wherever possible so did not go all out eating unhealthy! I had my water during the day, decaf coffee with Xylitol, my fruit, rye bread and oats with cinnamon in the mornings. It was only in the evenings that I had Nandos. One thing is a given fact and that is that alcohol is a HUGE SET BACK when it comes to training! I am not a drinker so have never really been affected by it throughout my diet but I had a few drinks while at Sun City and could feel the effect. Again, not overindulging but 2/3 drinks per night is something my body is not use to. I could feel a MAJOR difference in my running/endurance ability.

The few days spend at Sun City was absolutely amazing – We watched a show at the Barnyard, had an awesome New Years Eve at the Valley of the Waves, got a nice tan at Vacation Club and Valley of the Waves and the evenings was filled with great entertainment and some clubbing ;-). The days were filled with lots to do and we had great laughs. The few days spend there was exactly what I needed!

Then today 2.01.2011 the start of the LiveFit trainer:

Those of you doing this program with me how was your first day? It was great to be back in the gym today!

I must say it is a MAJOR challenge for me not to do cardio or to not be able to run my 4-12km a day! The one thing I did not cut out is my skipping between sets. I don’t skip as much as I used to but I did do a few sets of minute skipping between sets just to get the heart rate up a bit! Obviously the more fit you get the harder it becomes to get the heart rate up and the less calories is burned if not done correctly! Diet wise I still had to do a lot of prepping on the food side. I went to get a few things today for it was not possible to get everything before we left to Sun City. It is a challenge to follow the LiveFit diet to the T for there is a few things that are not available in South Africa… But I will see how things go as I go along with the 12 Week Trainer.

I do not have much weight to lose for I already reached my goal weight with the completion of the USN 12 Week Challenge, I have 1kg or so to lose so my focus will be on some muscle gain and serious toning/cutting at the end of Phase 3!

This program is aMaZiNg for those that want to lose a lot of body fat and weight so stick to the program it does work that I promise you!

Would love for you to share your thoughts as you go along.

HaPpY tRaInInG everyone