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The real value of setting goals…

When I saw this quote it got me thinking…

Real Value
There are values in setting goals… The number 1 value  that it adds to our lives is the person we become while on the journey of setting goals and achieving & reaching them.

Today I want to share my personal view and opinion on the importance of setting goals for YOURSELF. We can so easily get discouraged or derailed from our goals the moment things get tough or we slipped up. We tend to experience the emotions of failure and disappointment in self the moment we slipped up! Whether you missed a workout or made a bad choice when it came to nutrition. Maybe your cheat meal ended in a cheat day and then snowballed to a cheat weak or month?! Can you relate, have you experienced the feeling of condemnation for not having enough willpower to succeed the first time? Well I have and its a terrible feeling indeed.

NOW how can we overcome this pattern and make it sustainable to reach our goal?

You can have the willpower to set out a short/long term goal BUT without a plan and a sustainable vision you are most likely to stumble and fail.

My advice is to take your overall goal and to break it up into smaller realistic goals…Let this be a journey and embrace it as an investment in yourself. Be realistic with yourself. This way you will be sure to reach your ultimate goal.

Then, set time frames for each and be sure to focus on them one step at a time. Once you overcome the first hurdle then think of and take on the second goal towards the “BIGGER goal”. You know yourself. Maybe you perform on rewards. Whatever it is do this for yourself. e.g If I lose 2 kg by week 3 I will buy myself a new training top. No matter what you DON’T purchase that top if you haven’t reached your personal goal. I promise you will take accountability for your decisions and this will form part of your commitment to what is important to you!

Your nutrition and training don’t have to be complex. By sticking to a fundamental, realistic, and systematic approach to your goals you are more likely to achieve them. Don’t over complicate things – This is often my problem and as a result I jump between diets and training programs. Don’t go there. Get a program, stick to it and pull it through! Get to know your body and what works for YOU.

I’m sharing this and believe it is a good read for those in need of change.


First and foremost, you need a plan that is curtailed to your needs, goals, and lifestyle. You can’t pick up your husband’s, brother’s, or cousin’s workout plan and expect it to work. Before you jump in, sit down and think about what you want and why. If you’re not absolutely positive about what you want or why you want it, then you’ll struggle to follow through. It might seem like a really basic first step, but it’s the one most people fail to do.

You also need to be realistic. I see too many people with the get-back-into-my-high-school-jeans-by-tomorrow mindset fall off the wagon. Sure that’s a great goal for the long term, but you need to ask yourself: What am I capable of right now? If you are 50 or more pounds overweight, thinking you’ll be down to a size 32 in a matter of weeks will set you up for failure. Instead of focusing on that big, 50-pound goal, take a smaller bite. Try, “I will lose five pounds by the end of the month.” It may not be a drastic change, but achieving it will feel great and will serve as excellent motivation.

Additionally, choose a goal that bolsters your health and well-being and doesn’t just focus on the way you look. By improving your overall health, you’ll feel better, sleep better, think better, and live better!

Successful goal-achievers also pay constant attention to their progress. Write down your goal in hardcopy journal, in a phone app, or on BodySpace! This way you can revisit and assess how you’re doing.


True, training is probably the most difficult aspect to figure out. When I first began, I would walk into the gym and train my chest, biceps, and triceps. I would do this every single day. If this sounds familiar, that’s OK—you have to start somewhere.

This year, instead of doing some biceps curls and then heading to the treadmill, follow this basic system:

Build Muscle Shed Body Fat
Weight training frequency 3-6 days per week 4-6 days per week
Rep range 6-10 10-15
Rest periods 1-2 minutes 30-45 seconds
Lifting load Heavier weight Lighter weight
Cardio frequency 2-4 times per week 4-6 times per week
Cardio duration 10-30 minutes 15-50 minutes

Like I said before, the most important aspect of training is to support your goals. If you want to gain muscle, aim for longer rest periods between sets, exercise with heavier weights, and shoot for lower rep ranges. If you want to shed body fat, train with lighter weight, high reps, and short rest periods.

Remember, this doesn’t need to be super complex! It is better to keep it simple. The key is constant progress. Each week try more weight, more reps, or shorter rest periods. Record your workouts so you can keep track of your progression.

Although resistance training will be the most effective way to achieve your physique goals, I like to encourage cardio. If your goal is to gain muscle, keep your cardio sessions to just three times per week. Use high-intensity interval training (HIIT) techniques to ensure the preservation of your hard-earned muscle. If you want to lose body fat, I still suggest HIIT, but I’d increase the session frequency to 4-6 times per week and increase the duration.

Finally, you have to rest. Spending days away from the gym will allow your body adequate time to rebuild and repair. You can schedule rest days whenever they best fit your schedule, but don’t leave them out!


Nutrition might be the last thing I’ve written about, but it’s the most important part of your progress—it always trumps training. Despite its importance, people tend to overlook it because they “work so hard” in the gym. You can kill yourself every day, but if you supplement that training with cupcakes and hot chocolate, you won’t see gains or losses where you want them.

I also see people eat too little. The point of your fitness resolution is to make lasting change. Nobody wants to lose 50 pounds and then gain it all back again, right? A month-long liquid diet or 1,000-calorie plan might work in the short term, but they won’t provide you the nutrition for a healthy mind and body or the building blocks for a lifestyle change.

Don’t make it complicated. Simply put, your calories should come from all the major macro-nutrients: fat, carbohydrates, and protein. You need all of them— there isn’t a magic way to meet your goal by eliminating one or the other! Eat more protein than you think you need, don’t skimp on complex carbohydrates, and don’t skip healthy fats. Don’t worry about counting calories just yet. Get in the gym, eat whole, nutrient-dense food, drink plenty of water, and cut out the processed crap.

Similar to goal-setting and training, it’s important to keep track of your diet in a journal, app, or BodySpace. Write down what you eat, how you feel, and any other aspects of your nutrition you’d like to chart.


We covered the essentials, but there’s one more thing I need to cover. To be a success story, find something fitness-related that you enjoy doing. Whether it’s Zumba, CrossFit, bodybuilding, cycling, or powerlifting, do what you like. If you hate what you’re doing, then it’s difficult to be motivated to get back in and do it again. Furthermore, your fitness and your goals are personal. Make sure whatever you do is going to help you be the best you.

You have the tools to succeed. Now go do it!



S – Specific
M – Measurable
A – Accountable
R – Realistic
T – Time-frame

From my side my friends, I want to encourage you to take up this goal, challenge yourself and go out and DO IT FOR YOURSELF. For no other reason but YOURSELF. If you failed before so be it. Don’t dwell on the past or where you find yourself at this moment. Take it one small step at a time and be proud of every single healthier choice that you make.

We all mess up some point or another – I did too but NOW is the time to get back up, look up and NEVER EVER GIVE UP on yourself.

Be passionate about what you do and always give your best. You deserve to look and feel your best. Value yourself enough to make the changes toward becoming the BEST VERSION OF YOU!

I believe in you, so now believe in yourself.

You can follow me on Twitter:


Facebook: Body and Lifestyle Challenges Claudine Kidson:


Have a fit and fabulous week everyone.


USN – Post Challenge Claudine 22 May 2012

Hi all my fit and fabulous friends. If you’ve missed Expresso this morning check it out here.

Stay motivated throughout the cold winter months, set new goals and make sure you keep your program interesting at all times!

Don’t let the winter months get to you and set you back on where you want to be. During the colder months we tend to reach out to warmer comforting foods and beverages. Make sure to go for the healthier options!

Keep up the hard work and work around those cold mornings, even if you don’t always feel like it get out of bed go to gym and before you know it you will feel energized and ready for the day!

Quick Poll: 12 Week Training Program

I’m doing a quick poll on whether you would pay R150 for a complete 12 week training program created and designed by me. It is A5 in size, easy to print, laminate and perfect to take with to the gym!

I took all the exercises that I used over completing my 12 week total body transformation challenge and designed the program accordingly.

Believe me I know what it feels like not having a program or a personal trainer. I did not have a Personal Trainer during my 12 week Challenge I had to figure everything out myself.

Let me know if you would be interested or not by completing the poll below?


How awesome is this???

I was a winner yesterday for Ryan Hughes Ebook!

Now let me tell you I am super excited to start incorporating this into my program!

This style of training is exactly what I need, taking things to a new level 🙂

I have experienced that the fitter I become the harder it is to work up a sweat and to end up getting a good calorie burn and explosive workout.

My resting heart rate is somewhere in the 60/70’s sometimes lower so for me to get it up I need to incorporate active rests between my sets!

What type of style do you have when it comes to training?

Wednesday already…

Hello blogging friends…

So the long weekend came to an end and everyone is back in the rat race ;-).

I had a mini vacation for a week – but have to admit it was anything but a time for rest! We went to Cape Town for a few days for the wedding of my beautiful friends Landi & Roy. I was a bridesmaid and was proud to be part of such a beautiful meaningful day! The venue was in Yzerfontein named Strandkombuis. It was a perfect beach wedding and it turned out to be the day with perfect weather conditions. The day before was everything but perfect weather wise, but deep down in my heart I knew the weather on the wedding day will turn out to be perfect!

Then on the NOT SO COOL NOTE: I lost my purse or it got stolen 😦 what a bummer to stop all my cards etc.  Also no gym for the week and let me tell you I felt like crap after the week although I did manage to go for 1 run hehe, and to crown it all off I got a phone call from USN for the next Expresso shoot within a week…This Friday 4th of May! Feeling bloated, irritated with myself for not being able to workout and I feel few kg heavier after the “mini vacation”. But in good spirit I’m back in the gym and loving every minute of it!

Tonight is Zumba whoop whoop always the best high intensity cardio workout. I love the sweat and the burn is just a bonus.

What do you have planned for the day?

Well have a super fantastic HuMp DaY – Stay healthy & fit…

For those doing the USN 12 Week Challenge – DON’T give in or don’t give up. You have what it takes to be transformed from inside and out. It will get hard at times but that is when you must keep your eyes focused on your goal!

Good luck to those entering dehydration phase keep it up almost there…


Blogging for the love of it…

Blogging for the love of it…

Oh how have I missed my blogging everyday, the place where I can  let my thoughts free ;-).

Its almost weekend, how is your week so far? There is so much to share on here as its been a while since I last blogged. You may wonder why? Well honestly I went through a little “bad” patch training wise but I’m back in full swing. Have you experienced this before? The feeling of being so overwhelmed by things, lack of interest in something you use to love so much or just being uninspired and demotivated?

Well friends those are the things that sometimes happen in life and we all experience this sometime or another!

You know what…It’s ok to feel that way — BUT now is the time to get back up and take charge…

I have also came to the conclusion that I will get back to blogging about my everyday life, experiences and the things I love. This is not only a fitness blog but more a network of friends getting together sharing about the journeys of everyday life!

So I moved into my new house soon to be home when all the work is done on the inside and when everything is unpacked argh I hate moving ;-). How draining is it to move? Packing and unpacking, organizing and cleaning so the list goes on! Well this will be the last move for a very long time.

As from yesterday I started a new gym program that I’ve put together for myself, and I’m loving it so far! It helps to do what you ultimately love or like doing. I will eventually create log sheets for myself – Nothing bigger than an A5 and nothing longer than 90 minutes spend in the gym including cardio! Those days spending 2 hours+ in the gym is a no no for now! I want to be a wife for my hubby, do things a women loves doing – No use to spend my morning in the gym before work – getting back from work and another hour or so in the gym and before you know you are exhausted by the time you get home in the evenings without any energy to prepare food.

I still prepare my food in advance once a week – But this is only for my lunch meals. Dinner is always served fresh. My new favorite is Smoked Chicken from Woolworths – Have you tried it before? Oh its yummy I love it.

Some of my lunch options are:

Option 1:

100g Smoked Chicken Skinless Breast

1 Cup Mixed Veggies

Green Salad

Sweet potato slices

Option 2:

1 Slice Toasted Rye bread

Shredded Tuna

+-3 Cocktail tomatoes sliced with cucumber roles and a tad of green Tabasco

Option 3:

1-2 Small Wholewheat Buns

Norwegian Smoked Salmon



Option 4:

Steam It Fish / Hake

1 Pack Steam it mixed vegetables



All is low in fat, ready to eat and takes max 10 minutes to prepare. I just add my cup of veggies, large salad and I am happy 🙂

What is your favorite meal to prepare? I also want to experiment more with smoothies and want to incorporate smoothies for my in between meals. Not loaded with sugar and fruit obviously… Will let you know what I come up with.

It is so so important to enjoy what you eat – I can tell you today if you don’t enjoy your food/diet you will never stick to it! Healthy eating can be delicious. Just make smarter choices and focus on how you prepare your food. I steam most of my food and I love the taste. Its fresh.

Check this out: Love it – So creative. If I have kids I will definitely make a point to make every meal/lunch pack interesting 🙂 For now I will do it for myself

Training – this is my week:

Yes I have action netball twice a week – great fun and loving it and then Zumba twice a week. So all good and balanced this is how my week looks like:

Monday: Chest and Triceps

Tuesday: Legs and Action Netball in evening

Wednesday: Super Circuit & Zumba in evening

Thursday: Back and Biceps and Action Netball in evening

Friday: Shoulders and Abs

Saturday: Zumba Fitness morning aerobic class

Sunday: Rest Day/Early morning Spinning!

I always do a 5-10 min warm-up before exercise and always add skipping or boxing in between my sets! Whenever I have time I add a 20 min run on the treadmill after my session or a mountain bike road session on a Sunday afternoon. BUT again I aim to keep it to 90 minutes per session as from this week!

Do you have a set goal or program that you follow – What is it that works for you?

Being fit and healthy is a lifestyle and must in no means be an obligation or a temporary thing – you must enjoy it while getting amazing results…

Have a super awesome day friends 🙂


Hi everyone, so how is your week so far?

Well I’m busy as usual but excited to say that I launched our new website whoop whoop – I’m getting into this, time to design our next site…

This is a screen shot check it out and let me know what you think? You can click on the image to be directed to the site.

This is what I do for a living for those who wondered: I’m a Brand & Marketing Manager for a group of 3 Companies. I’m passionate about my work and love every minute spend at work. Being in the hospitality industry requires time / dedication and this forms a part of your lifestyle.

I studied BA Graphic Design & Multimedia so the design work is currently an added bonus 😉

What do you do for a living? Is it what you want to do? Are you passionate about your job?

Update on training & Diet:

So who attended the Arnold Classic Sports Festival this weekend? If you did share on the Facebook page: Body and Lifestyle Challenges Claudine Kidson | I wish there was an event like this in South Africa, must have been awesome to meet Jamie Eason or just to be encouraged by others in the fitness industry?

Then I started my second round with Phase 3 of the LiveFit program yesterday and did legs…Oh goodness I’m sore today but love the feeling.

The Workout:


Leg Press Leg Press

Leg Press (shoulder stance) 3 sets of 15 reps

Freehand Jump Squat Freehand Jump Squat

Freehand Jump Squat 3 sets of 15 reps

Working Set + Active Rest:

Smith Single-Leg Split Squat Smith Single-Leg Split Squat

Smith Single-Leg Split Squat 3 sets of 15 reps, per side

Rope Jumping Rope Jumping

Rope Jumping 3 sets of 1 min


Barbell Lunge Barbell Lunge

Walking Barbell Lunge 3 sets of 20 reps, 10 steps down, 10 back

Long Jump Long Jump

Long Jump 3 sets of 20 reps, 10 steps down, 10 back


Leg Extensions Leg Extensions

Leg Extensions 3 sets of 20 reps

Lateral Bound Lateral Bound

Lateral Bound (side-to-side single leg hops) 3 sets of 20 reps

End of superset; resume normal sets

Smith Machine Squat Smith Machine Squat

Smith Machine Squat 3 sets of 30 reps, place a plate under the heels to emphasize quads

Working Set + Active Rest:

Standing Calf Raises Standing Calf Raises

Standing Calf Raises 3 sets of 20 reps

Rope Jumping Rope Jumping

Rope Jumping 3 sets of 1 min

Working Set + Active Rest:

Calf Press On The Leg Press Machine Calf Press On The Leg Press Machine

Calf Press On The Leg Press Machine 3 sets of 20 reps

Rope Jumping Rope Jumping

Rope Jumping 3 sets of 1 min

Diet wise I’m keeping it clean! No more M&M’s and time to limit the Sushi to a cheat meal once a week like it use to be! For some reason I craved Sushi that I reached a point having Sushi 4 times a week…Oooooops I know!!!

Once you give in to snacking / sweets it can easily form part of a habit or become a routine. Don’t fall into that trap. Stay focused and don’t give in to temptation. Option out for a healthy alternative!

Well enough for now have a super day everyone.

– C –