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Expresso Show SABC 3 Interview

I had so much fun with the Expresso Team and with USN. It is amazing that I had the opportunity to share my story with you and I truly hope that I can encourage or motivate you to become the best you could be.

You are so beautiful within and what a added bonus to feel super from inside and outside!

Know that it is possible – It will be hard but it is NOT that hard once you make it a lifestyle and a goal to achieve.

Have a super day…


Do your best…

As the end of my 12 Week Transformation Challenge is in sight, emotions are running high at times and there is so many questions going through my head…

What if I could have done more, what if I did more Abs, what if I did not have that toffee ;-), what if and if and if. Until I realized the following: I have given it my ALL, I have tried my best and that is what matters. Nothing more nothing less – By giving things your best is the BEST!

For everyone out there and especially my sister Mashinke this is for you. We have worked HARD and persevered throughout this challenge…We have the rest of our lives ahead to make healthy choices and to reach those many goals.

Focus on where you are at now and don’t live or walk in regret. Life is too short for that. If you have worked hard reaching some goals or by making some lifestyle changes – Be happy and stop being so hard on yourself!

Have a super awesome day and share with others the BLISS inside you on this beautiful day!

Journal day 31-32: 17-18 September 2011

Hi all I have updated the progress gallery with my 4 week progress pics...

It is amazing how much of a difference it makes to rather look at the progress pics than just looking at yourself in the mirror…

I would advice that you do the same. This will result in you actually seeing where you need work, focus areas etc. I started with some sun bed sessions so you will see the slight difference in skin tone ;-).

And then oh my I can’t believe I  am sharing this with you…I have the 3 biggest “spots/pimples” on my face. I have NEVER in my almost 26 years had a pimple and NOW all of a sudden my face looks like…..What is strange is that it was not like a pimple it was more like a water “thingy” difficult to explain. I am so self-conscious about this…I think it is maybe because of my body that is in a cleansing/detox phase, I don’t know.

In general about the weekend: It was 100% clean eating for me and all my supplements was taken as usual so not going to post that. Yesterday was my rest day and I was working at the lodge yesterday and today!

I decided that I am going to join in on the mountain bike trail with the group this morning and wow it was awesome. I only did 18 km mountain biking with some up hills and dirt road…This was tough for me for I have not done this before and to top everything of the wind was blowing like crazy. It was fun at the end, I enjoyed it!

Mountain Biking
Gym: 7:34 am
Calories: 635 kcal
Calculated fat: 18%
Duration: 1 hour 15 min
Average heart: 159 Maximum: 184
Maximal performance improving

How was your weekend? Oh I did have Sushi yesterday was delicious as always, I just opt for the non mayo sushi :-).

Tomorrow is a new week and new challenges, stay focused and positive. Don’t get discouraged if the progress gets slower. Focus on your gym program/cardio and set a goal for yourself for this week.

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday afternoon. I am so tired and think I will be in bed early! And if you have popcorn with the 20:00 movie, have it in moderation, popped with extra virgin olive oil 😉

Some pics of the weekend:

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Journal day 30: 16 September 2011

Morning Session: Rest of my Shoulders/Abs workout + Chest and Triceps

Had one Phedra Cut Slim pack mixed in 500ml water. Tastes great!

Started of with 3 minutes walking and 12 min jog.


Chest and Triceps

Added 3 Sets of 15 bench dips!

Gym: 5:44 am
Calories: 374 kcal
Calculated fat: 37%
Duration: 1 hour and 13 min
Average heart: 127 Maximum: 168

Fat burn improving

Breakfast Meal 1:

Half cup cooked Oats

1 Scoop Pure Protein Shake

After breakfast:

2 x CLA 1000′s

Mid-morning meal 2

1 Scoop Diet Fuel

30 min before lunch:

2 Phedra Cut Ultra XT

Lunch meal 3:

1 Small Skinless Chicken Breast, Half cup cooked Brown Basmati Rice, less than half a cup mixed veggies

After lunch:

2x CLA 1000′s

16:00 – 1 Dieet fuel serving

16:30 – 2 Phedra Cut Ultra XT

Abs and 10min stepper
Gym: 16:37 pm
Calories: 199 kcal
Calculated fat: 37%
Duration: 38 min
Average heart: 127 Maximum: 160
Fat burn and fitness improving

1 Apple
1 Orange
Steamed mixed veggies
Small Avo

I promised myself two weeks ago that I will treat myself with a cappuccino my all time favorite but I never did. So I bought the decaf nescafe cappuccino but I don’t know this cup isn’t even like a treat for it doesn’t taste as expected.

This weekend is a hectic one working wise. Must be at work tomorrow at 5:30 to pick up a group at the hotel to take them to the lodge for birdwatching. Then we havena group to take on a mountain bike trail. I will be the photographer and guide tomorrow in the back up vehicle. I’m thinking about joining in on the short route on Sunday. Will still see how I feel.

What are you up to this weekend? Hope you stay motivated and let this be a cheat free one.
P.S The moment I get time I will take 4 week progress photos and will upload them thereafter!

God speed,
