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YOUR life can and WILL be changed!

If I could do it so can you!

First things first…Do you want to enter the USN 12 Week Challenge 2012 then you have to start by purchasing your 12 Week Body Transformation Starter Pack. Supplements included in the starter pack will be:

(This will last you approximately 3-4 weeks)

  1. Pure CLA 1000 (45’s)
  2. Phedra-Cut Ultra XT (60’s)
  3. Diet Fuel Ultralean (1kg)
  4. Protein Dessert (454g)

What I would add to this:

  1. Women’s Ultra Two-a-day Daily Vitamin
  2. USN OMEGA PRO 3,6,9
  3. Phedra Cut Ultra SF (for the evenings) / Lipo

If you don’t want to enter the competition and only do the Challenge you can buy the products separately. There are great specials available and I would suggest you buy the combo packs for they work out much cheaper in the end.

Next: So lets do a quick breakdown on each product explaining the function of each supplement.

Tip: It is a good idea to get clued up on the supplements that you will be using. Not only to educate yourself on the role it plays but for you to know what you are fuelling your body with. As the Challenge Progress we will add to the supplements but for now this is the most important…

Before I begin it is so important to know your supplements and what you put into your mouth. Why do I use USN? First of all I must give them credit on their AMAZING customer support and advice.

Gareth Powell from USN has been of amazing support throughout my Challenge. All my questions have always been answered and more. So before I go any further thank you Gareth and the team at USN for making each customer/individual feel valued as a client and for the exceptional products!

This is the link to their website: USN – Ultimate Sports Nutrition

Email Gareth at USN should you have any queries on this 12 Week challenge or for some advice:

Trust me even though this is allot of information make the time to read through it and get the foundation right of your knowledge beforehand.


A daily multi-vitamin designed for the female who requires an essential supplement for a balanced, nutritious diet.


USN WOMEN’S TWO A DAY is a scientifically formulated, nutrient rich multi-vitamin/multi nutrient, designed for the active female who has specific micronutrient demands for the continued maintenance of good health, immune support and energy availability.


Daily with breakfast.


  • Increased energy levels
  • Improves overall performance
  • Stimulates cognitive function
  • High in antioxidants

Improves immune function


A combination of Omega-9 (mono-unsaturated fatty acids) and Omega-3 and -6 (poly-unsaturated fatty acids). Omega-3 and -6 are Essential Fatty Acids (EFA’s).


USN OMEGA PRO consists of a combination of Omega-9 (mono-unsaturated fatty acids) and Omega-3 and -6 (poly-unsaturated fatty acids) – Omega-3 and -6 are essential fatty acids.

All these fatty acids are necessary for the formation of healthy cell membranes, the proper development and functioning of the brain and nervous system, and for the production of hormone-like substances called eicosanoids (thromboxanes, leukotrienes, prostaglandins).

These chemicals regulate numerous body functions, including blood pressure, blood viscosity, and vasoconstriction, immune and inflammatory response. They have profound beneficial effects on the body an influence hormone production, immunity and cardiovascular health in addition, they keep the skin and other tissues youthful.


  • Daily with food.


  • Optimises metabolic function
  • Balances hormone production
  • Promotes cardiovascular health
  • Boosts sports performance
  • Reduces exercise related pain


Phedra-Cut Lipo XT provides all the benefits of the Phedra-Cut Ultra XT, but now includes a patent-pending encapsulated form of premium, highly concentrated natural capsicum extract, Capsimax™, which protects the esophagus and gastric barrier from the burn often experienced with cayenne pepper and its extracts. Due to the protective nature of this encapsulation, a higher quantity of capsicum actives form part of the formula, making it even more effective as a weight control aid.


USN’s Phedra-Cut Lipo XT is an advanced fat loss activator, consisting of a synergistic blend of botanical ingredients, which have proven to assist in effective weight control.Not recommended for pregnant/lactating women.


  • Prior to meals.


  • Thermogenesis
  • Supports a healthy metabolism
  • Reduced carb absorption
  • Appetite control
  • Reduced glucose production in liver
  • Inhibited fat cell formation (Anti-adipogenic activity)
  • Mood & mental acuity enhancement
  • Anti-oxidation during fat breakdown
  • Energy boosting


As a dietary supplement, take 2-3 capsules 2-3 times daily, 30 minutes prior to meals/snacks. If training early morning, take 2-3 capsules prior to workout, and then follow with breakfast directly after training. Phedra-Cut Lipo XT is not recommended after 4pm.Take Phedra-Cut Lipo XT for 5 consecutive days of the week and stop use for 2 days before continuing again (2 off days).Optional: Take 3 capsules Phedra-Cut Stimulant Free 30 minutes before your evening meal to prolong the weight control process to an even greater extent throughout the evening.
During the 2 off days of not using Phedra-Cut Lipo XT, it is advised to use Phedra-Cut Stimulant Free 2 times per day, 30 minutes prior to meals.



An advanced, multi-phase extreme thermogenic, fast activating fat loss activator, scientifically formulated to rapidly increase fat metabolism, appetite suppression and to boost energy production.


PHEDRA-CUT ULTRA XT is an advanced fat loss activator, consisting of a synergistic blend of natural ingredients, which have all proven to assist in safe and effective weight loss.

Benefits of PHEDRA-CUT XT:

• Increased fat burning activity (incl. abdominal fat)
• Blood glucose regulation (which may eliminate cravings)
• Reduced carbohydrate absorption
• Appetite suppression
• Reduced glucose production in the liver
• Reduced fat accumulation
• Inhibit fat cell formation (Anti-adipogenic activity)
• Mood and mental acuity enhancement
• No estrogenic interactions
• Anti-oxidation during fat breakdown
• Energy boosting


Prior to meals.


  • Increased fat burning activity
  • Advanced blood glucose regulation
  • Reduced carbohydrate absorption
  • Appetite suppression
  • Reduced glucose production in the liver
  • Mood and mental acuity enhancement
  • Inhibits fat cell formation
  • Antioxidant effect
  • Energy-boosting
  • Non-hormonal


A non-stimulant primary weight loss supplement designed to optimise the metabolic pathways associated with increase fat and carbohydrate metabolism without increasing thermogenisis or central nervous system activity.


PHEDRA-CUT ULTRA SF has been formulated for individuals wishing to achieve optimal weight-control and energy levels, without central nervous system stimulation.

It can also be used in combination with Phedra-Cut Ultra XT to continue the weight-regulating process during the night as well as over weekends.

  • Increased fat burning activity (without CNS stimulation)
  • Blood glucose regulation (which may eliminate cravings)
  • Reduced carb absorption
  • Appetite suppression
  • Reduced fat accumulation (also in liver)
  • Mood & mental acuity enhancement
  • Anti-oxidation during fat breakdown
  • Energy boosting
  • May lower the level of CRP (C-reactive protein) in the body and hence reduce leptin resistance.


  • Prior to meals.


  • Decreases weight and fat mass
  • Suppresses appetite
  • Improves blood glucose regulation
  • Reduces starch digestion
  • Inhibits amalayse enzyme production
  • Improves thyroid function
  • Increases fat and glycogen metabolism
  • Improves metabolic function and energy levels
  • Non-hormonal


A non-stimulant weight loss supplement that supports weight loss and the metabolic processes involved with fat burning. With further health benefits including blood sugar regulation to promote a lean physique.


Conjugated Linoleic Acid is seen as a “wonder nutrient” that occurs naturally in a wide variety of foods such as beef, some dairy products and turkey.

This “wonder nutrient” has been scientifically proven to inhibit the process that is responsible for the deposition of fat in the body (especially in the abdominal and leg areas). CLA directs the body to use fat reserves for energy. Research has shown CLA to increase lean muscle while reducing body fat. A number of other studies also revealed dramatic cholesterol-reducing effects with CLA supplementation.

USN CLA 1000 primarily provides the Cis 9, Trans 10 and Trans 11, Cis 12 isomers in a 50:50 ratio, as recommended for optimal efficiency. Supplementing with CLA should result in a leaner, healthier body.


  • With or directly after meals.


  • Promotes fat metabolism
  • Protect lean muscle mass
  • Increases energy expenditure
  • Anti-cancer properties
  • Enhances immune function
  • Powerful antioxidant
  • Prevents high cholesterol


Premium high protein
Low-carbohydrate meal replacement
Contains the USN Lean System for effective weight management


USN DIET FUEL ULTRALEAN represents the newest and most advanced technology for the reduction of body fat as well as the maintenance of lean muscle tissue.

This delicious, low-GI, low-kJ meal replacement formula provides you with a complete, nutritious meal for anytime of the day. It contains all the essential nutrients in adequate quantities to ensure healthy and lasting weight loss.

The USN Lean System blend consists of N-Acetyl-L-Carnitine, HCA (Hydroxycitric acid) and a high level of bio-available Calcium, which has been shown to assist the weight-loss process through various effective mechanisms (excluding central nervous system stimulation).

The formula has a high fibre content to increase satiety levels and to assist with digestion. The reduction in hunger is further promoted through the addition of 25g High Biological Value Protein from various sources, which triggers a natural weight loss hormone (PYY) in the body.

The high quality Protein substrates also assist in improving Protein synthesis, regulating blood sugar levels to reduce cravings and improving overall health. Lactazyme is added to assist in the breakdown of Milk Protein and improved absorption.


  • As a dietary supplement
  • Two servings daily at 10:00am and again at 3:00pm


  • Muscle retention
  • Muscle growth
  • Stabilises blood sugar levels
  • Suppresses appetite
  • Increases fat and glucose metabolism

Remember to take your first “BEFORE” photos with your measurements the day you start your challenge.

I’m here to assist you if you have ANY QUESTIONS. My 12 week training program as almost done for those who will be interested.

Take on this Challenge you CAN DO THIS, you will never ever look back.

Happy Friday,


Click on the image to download your diet for your fridge!

Cellulite…That pain in the…

Hi everyone so how is your day so far? I decided to read up/research more on Cellulite, for this is an area that I struggled with for quite some time. So I got the relevant information explaining this little pain in the butt 😉

Cellulite is very common in women, much more in woman than men and is mostly found in the abdominal area, buttocks and thighs/legs…So have you ever wondered how you can reduce cellulite? Well I can tell you today you can reduce cellulite by decreasing excess body fat. By having a cleaner diet and by exercising more for a start!

By following a balanced diet can significantly reduce your amount of cellulite. I can speak out of my own experience for I had “ALLOT” of cellulite before I lost the amount of fat and weight like I did! My legs even had cellulite and this resulted in me having no self confidence to even wear a short!

I believe that the cellulite I had was from eating allot of junk food, excess consumption of saturated fats and from allot of sweets/sugar and the fact that I have a underactive thyroid. But all of this was used as an excuse for way to long and today I can honestly confess that the cellulite disappeared the more toned I became!

Cellulite is also caused by: (This paragraph/material from Wikipedia)

1.       Hormones play a dominant role in the formation of cellulite. Estrogens may be the

important hormone to initiate and aggravate cellulite. However, there has been no reliable clinical evidence to support such a claim. Other hormones, including insulin, the catecholamine’s adrenaline and noradrenalin, thyroid hormones, and prolactin, are all believed to participate in the development of cellulite.

 2.       Genetic factors

There is a genetic element in individual susceptibility to cellulite. Researchers led by Dr. Enzo Emanuele have traced the genetic component of cellulite to particular polymorphisms in the angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) and hypoxia-inducible factor 1A (HIF1a) genes

3.       Predisposing factors

Several factors have been shown to affect the development of cellulite. Gender, race, biotype, distribution of subcutaneous fat, and predisposition to lymphatic and circulatory insufficiency have all been shown to contribute to cellulite.

4.       Diet

Improving one’s diet, combined with exercise, can improve the appearance of cellulite.

5.       Lifestyle

A high stress lifestyle will cause an increase in the level of catecholamine’s, which have also been associated with the evolution of cellulite.

What is cellulite?: and by having excess fat underneath the skin (

Cellulite is a collection of fat that pushes the connective tissue beneath the skin which causes the changes in appearance of the skin. Cellulite is much more common in women than men because of differences in the way fat, muscle and connective tissue are distributed under the skin.

The best way to reduce the amount of cellulite is to decrease excess body fat, eat fewer calories and exercise more.

Changing Your Diet

A combination of proper eating habits, aerobic exercises and strength training are the best things you can do to fight against cellulite. Opposite from that, if you live a sedentary lifestyle and you continue eating fatty foods, the cellulite will get bigger and bigger.

A well balanced diet can help women reduce cellulite. Improper diet and lack of physical activity can lead to accumulation of fluid, toxins and waste products in the body that make cellulite formations.


A balanced diet contains the right proportions of protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals.

The diet should contain a high amount of fiber, lean proteins and complex carbohydrates.

Intake of trans and saturated fats must be minimal.

The food must be rich in omega fatty acids and essential fatty acids.

Avoid junk foods and fast foods, which contain bad cholesterol.

Add fresh fruits and vegetables to your diet.

Drink plenty of water every day. Avoid the use of caffeinated drinks.

Junk foods, most canned foods, fast foods, food with preservatives, oily foods, sugary foods, and refined foods all provide extra calories, slow down metabolism and increase the chances of getting cellulite.

Fresh fruits and vegetables contain a great amount of fiber and essential minerals that help detoxify the body.

Fresh Fruits And Vegetables Help Detoxify The Body.

Restrict the use of alcohol and sweetened carbonated water because there is nothing nutritious about them. Alcohol and smoking affect metabolism by slowing it down which can result in worsening of the cellulite.

Besides a healthy diet, the most effective and long lasting way of fighting cellulite is by performing cardiovascular exercises like jogging, cycling, running, and performing weight training exercises.

As you exercise, you sweat, which flushes out toxins from your body and reduces cellulite appearance. There are many great exercises and types of equipment that can burn calories and fat beneath the skin. There is an excellent selection of exercises which can target cellulite problem areas.

So are you one of those women who has to hide an area of dimpled, cottage cheesy flesh? If you said yes, then you’re pretty normal. Here is what to do!

Sad but true though, even women of ideal body weight can still have cellulite. Cellulite is alleged to be a special type of “fat gone wrong,” a combination of fat, water, and “toxic wastes” that the body has failed to eliminate.


The safest and long lasting way to reduce cellulite is by combining a low-fat diet with an appropriate exercise program that tones the underlying muscle. Therefore, an aerobic only exercise program aimed at burning fat is not enough.

Strength training is an important element in reducing the unsightly appearance of cellulite since it increases muscle tone and decreases total body fat. But the way you strength train is even more important. A program that targets fat loss in the lower body, specifically hips, thighs, abdomen and buttocks is ideal for most women.

The routines that I recommend for women with these goals in mind involve a 15-25-repetition concept, which also keeps the heart rate up. I also encourage that when training for shape, not size, that the exercises are performed with no rest between sets, only for a drink of water. This type of training will create more fat-burning muscle while still giving you a longer, leaner and shapely, not bulky body and can also be considered as a two in one system. Resistance training and cardio in one.

First, let’s discuss some of the physical issues that plague many women regarding body shape and body composition. Most women have the same issues. They want to become more firm and leaner, they want delicate feminine cuts, and they want to defeat the battle with the hips, thighs and back of the upper arms. In many cases, women want to not only firm up these problem areas, but they want to reduce the size of these areas.

Although nothing can replace the benefits of aerobic training for the heart, aerobic training does not tone muscle, and muscle tone is the only answer to the battle. Women need to incorporate lightweight training into their fitness routines in order to have the best body that they as an individual can possibly have.

In addition to the visible physical changes that will result from consistent resistance training, there are numerous health benefits that only resistance training can provide for women such as:

Slowing down the aging of the skeleton and increasing bone mass.

Improve the strength and function of tendons and ligaments.

Rev-up metabolism by building lean muscle. For every pound of lean muscle built, an additional 50 calories a day will be used.

Replaces the 1/2 pound of muscle that we lose each year as we age, beginning at around the age of 30.

There are many other benefits of resistance training, but those are several important ones. If properly done, your workout can not only give you that swimsuit model physique that you want, but it also can provide you with results that can reverse some of the inevitable results of aging.

It will in fact reduce and firm the areas that you battle with that won’t go away, no many how many aerobic classes you take.

The Bottom Line

The amount of fat in the body is determined by the individual’s eating and exercise habits, but the distribution of fat in the body is determined by heredity. In most cases reduction of a particular part can be accomplished only as part of an overall weight-reduction program.

Remember that you are never too old to begin. No matter if you are in your 20’s or your 80’s, if done properly and safely, resistance training can change your life by making you stronger, and firmer in a very feminine way.

Saturday-Monday 22-24 October: Day 66-68

22-24 October 2011 (Day 66 – Day 68)

Happy Monday all my wonderful blog followers whom I don’t even know who is reading my blog ;-)…But again thank you for visiting my blog and for those who comment! They really help a lot and always come on the perfect time!

This is only the beginning of my journey and this blog will go on after this 12 week challenge is completed.

So let’s start at the beginning: How was your weekend? I had a wonderful weekend apart from some disappointments. So let me get the confessions of from my chest ;-). On Saturday we had a wedding and how difficult was this to plan or eat beforehand for the wedding started at 16:00?? My weekend started with an awesome gym session Saturday morning before we were on the road to Pretoria…Everything went great until the evening when it was time to have dinner. I had a small piece of fillet, with salad, mushrooms (think canned) and then….a pumpkin fritter with little bit of caramel sauce! Yes I know I know…Only one but this is not where it ended! Then came dessert, oh my, oh my only seeing the desert table was like being in heaven lol. See the pic. I just had to capture it even though you can’t really see what it smelled or looked like in real life! I had 2 marshmallows, a handful of sweetie heart sweets, two Mari biscuits and some unsalted biscuits, a mouse mallow (only half of it then I threw it out of the car window) and then two ginger heart biscuits! I recon it could have been much worse hey? This was hectic and I felt HORRIBLE/TERRIBLE after all I had. I condemned myself to a point where I felt very guilty. UNTIL I realized NO WAYS this is not healthy thinking patterns and what is done is done…I had to make a mind shift and realize that by meditating on the past or things that went wrong will only pull you down. So it is behind me and hey this was my first real cheat in almost 10 weeks.

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This is a new week and now it is time to keep my eyes focused on the end result. I already feel like a new person after almost 10 weeks and hey isn’t this what it was all about in the first place. I started this challenge to feel better about myself and comfortable in my clothes etc. We tend to be way too hard on ourselves. Are you the same?? If you put less pressure on yourself things will tend to go more naturally!

I took leave for this coming Friday for the model photo shoot that I have told you about…I am excited and nervous at the same time. Have no clue what to wear but I am excited about my hair, makeup and nail appointment. Wonder what I am going to do with my hair. Any suggestions? I must say I like Jamie’s hairstyle it’s just a schlep in the gym for I don’t have the time to dolly up for gym.

Well again I hope you have a blessed week filled with lots of energy and smiles.

Saturday Training Morning: Cardio
Gym: 6:07 am
Calories: 392 kcal
Calculated fat: 22%
Duration: 1 hour 6 min
Average heart: 150 Maximum: 179
Maximal performance and fitness improving

I spend some time on the treadmill and jogged my 4.5km or so! I am not a jogger but hey with my Phedra cut slim pack I seem to be a natural lol!

I decided to join my sister in the gym for the last 3 weeks of the challenge to assist each other with the verbal motivation 😉 but I must honestly say I hate doing weight training in the afternoon. The gym is PACKED and there is no equipment available when needed. This makes it extremely difficult during this Phase where super setting plays a big role! There is no time to wait for some equipment. But hey if we can help each other why not. For now I do my cardio hour session in the morning and my weight training session in the afternoon? I am very use to training twice a day for this is how I have trained the entire year, but have to say I will definitely take it slower after the  challenge and only train my 5 / 6 days a week!!!

Thursday is measurement day and I am little skeptical on what the results will say…My weight is definitely on a point where I don’t even lose one gram! Don’t know why. Think I am on 48.4kg now and no clue what the fat percentage will be on Thursday. Don’t think it dropped too much though.

Monday 24 October 2011

Monday Training Morning:
Gym: 5:45 am
Calories: 283 kcal
Calculated fat: 35%
Duration: 1 hour 14 min
Average heart: 128 Maximum: 169
Fat burn and fitness improving

Monday Training Afternoon:
Gym: 16:27
Calories: 407 kcal
Calculated fat: 30%
Duration: 1 hour 38 min
Average heart: 131 Maximum: 180
Fitness and maximum performance improving

During Gym:

Phedra Cut Sachet

Half cup cooked oats with 6 raw Almonds
2 CLA 1000
1 Serving 100% Whey Protein

Mid morning Snack:
1 Serving  100% Whey Protein

30 minutes before lunch:
3x Phedra Ultra XTs

1 Slice Rye bread with fat free cottage cheese and cucumber

Late afternoon:
1 Serving  100% Whey Protein

30 Minutes before dinner:
3 Phedra Cut Stimulant Free

8 pieces smoked salmon Fashion Sandwiches without mayo and added salmon. This was not filling and I’m actually still hungry! L

After Dinner – 2 CLA 1000′s

Before bed – Pure Protein Shake

Journal day 62: 18 October 2011

30 minutes before breakfast:
2 x Phedra Cut SF

1 Whole egg and 2 egg whites on 1 toasted rye bread
2 CLA 1000′s

Before gym: Pure Creatine

Training Morning: Arms
Gym: 5:50 am
Calories: 225 kcal
Calculated fat: 38%
Duration: 1 hour 6 min
Average heart: 123 Maximum: 159
Fat burn and fitness improving

Mid morning Snack: 10:30
1 Serving whey Protein

30 minutes before lunch:
3x Phedra Ultra XT

1 Small steamed fish
1 Cup mixed veggies
2 CLA 1000′s

Late afternoon:
2 Phedra cut SF
Serving Diet Fuel

8 Pieces Sushi
After Dinner – 2 CLA 1000′s

Journal day 54-55: 10-11 October 2011

Hi everyone,

So how is your week so far? It feels great to be back in the gym and my training program is getting more intense, just the way I like it.

Thursday will be the end of Week 8 of my challenge and it is measurement day again. I think my body have reached a point where things will go slower now… This is what I think but will have to see the results.

I’m focussing on going into muscle gaining phase and then the last stretch will be cutting/toning.

I started using my pure creatine today:

Creatine serves as a high energy bond in muscle and nerve tissues for maintenance of Adenosine Tri-Phosphate (ATP) levels during muscular contraction. The power provided by Creatine Monohydrate is unmatched in its ability to boost your muscle’s training intensity and endurance. Creatine supplementation has further proven to buffer lactic acid build-up during training and enhance muscle recovery.

  • Increased strength
  • Increased power
  • Increased glycogen loading
  • Improved workout endurance
  • Increased muscle growth

This will be my focus now. My aim of the competition is not to see how skinny I could get but how toned/fit and active I can be. Yes it was of course necessary to lose those extra kilograms but now it’s time to start with building those nice lean muscles and definition that I want.

I cannot believe there is only four weeks left of this challenge wow time flies! This last 8 weeks have indeed been a lifestyle/transformation for me as a person.

Monday 10 October 2011 – Back / Cardio

Gym: 16:34 pm
Calories: 470 kcal
Calculated fat: 40%
Duration: 1 hour 20 min
Average heart: 134 Maximum: 172
Fat burn improving

Diet for the day:
Woke up: 2x Phedra Cut Ultra XT

Half cup cooked oats
2 CLA 1000′s

Mid morning Snack:
1 Scoop 100% Whey Protein

30 minutes before lunch:
2x Phedra Cut Ultra XT

1 Slice Rye bread with half a tin tuna and cucumber with a table spoon fat free cottage cheese

Late afternoon:
1 Green apple

Phedra cut slim pack – Berry Flavour

30 Minutes before dinner:
3 Phedra Cut SF

100 Gram lean mince, mushroom and mixed veggies

After Dinner – 2 CLA 1000′s

Tuesday 11 October 2011 – Chest and Abs

Diet for the day:
Woke up: 3x Phedra Cut SF

Half cup cooked oats with Cinnamon
2 CLA Green Tea Capsules

Mid morning Snack:
1 Scoop 100% Whey Protein

30 minutes before lunch:
3x Phedra Cut SF

Small skinless chicken fillet, mixed veggies,medium potato and green salad

Late afternoon:
1 Serving Diet Fuel

12 piece sushi -Rainbow rolls (4), fashion sandwiches no mayo and smoked samon (8)

After Dinner – 2 CLA Green Tea