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Slow progress is better than no progress

Crazy week or two with so much going on at the moment and I cannot wait to share it all.

How are things going with your new year resolutions / goals etc, are you one step ahead or maybe two steps behind? If two steps behind don’t worry its not to late. Get up, get back and give it your all.

Remember slow progress is better than NO PROGRESS!

Believe you can

So the holiday season is over and everyone is slowly but surely getting back to “reality”. Most of the time a “Holiday” is exactly what we all tend to do over the festive season – (often holidays) an extended period of leisure and recreation, especially one spent away from home or in travelling. A day of festivity or recreation when no work is done…Holiday comes with leisure and loads of snacking, socializing, drinking, eating more than usual. So now that the holiday is over it doesn’t mean all your temptations will be over and that is why we need to be realistic in setting weight loss goals from here. I would like to share a few pointers on how to get back on track.

* START by making sure you are well hydrated. Replace all your sugary / alcohol drinks with water and loads of it. Start by cleaning your system by drinking a glass of luke warm water with fresh squeezed lemon. This will kick start your digestive system and it is a great liver cleanser. There is so many advantages of lemon to the body but I’m not going into the details now!

* Then prepare your food in advance as far as possible. This will not only prevent you from driving into the first available fast food drive through! Remember fail to plan and plan to fail.

* Set a weekly goal. For example: I will attend gym 4 times this week and have one jog / walk over the weekend…Print a calendar and put it up on your fridge. Make healthy living FUN and part of your life. It doesn’t have to be a barrier to get to the gym – see it as a fun and effective way of stress relieve and let the feeling of accomplishment drive you!

* REWARD yourself: Yes you’re right I said reward yourself. Depending on your budget or what you perceive as a reward and let it be once a month where you go and actually “reward” yourself with a manicure / pedicure / sport massage / a nice t-shirt whatever it is. Set out 1 day in the month and stick to 1 reward per goal. This is a great way to stay motivated if you know there is something “at the end”…If it is pizza / food make sure the timing you have your meal is correct! Don’t over indulge in a pizza or dessert before you go to bed for example lol.

Start with small steps and in the end you will be a runner towards success in every aspect of your life! Don’t fear failure. Let everyday be a new day. Forget about the past and move forward!

One of the things I said to myself was that I want this to be my best year yet when it comes to Fitness / Nutrition and assisting others to reach their goals and to transform not only bodies but minds & lives. If I can be an inspiration or a motivation to one person to start their journey to become healthy, then I’m already happy and one step closer to my goal.

As you all know by now I have a passion for “healthy living”, nutrition & being a fit.

So I decided to do a 2 year Diploma in Sport Science…I just realized that I have such a passion for this and would LOVE to further my passion with knowledge, by being even more qualified to help individuals. This will be done part time, so where I will manage to find the time with my life / work / 1 year old hehe I don’t know yet BUT I WILL SUCCEED and live my dream one day at a time!  I want to offer something different! Not just an average personal trainer you work out with leaving the gym empty handed, but rather equip and educate you in the process of what it is that you’re really doing! I will use my Design background and design workout log sheets for each client with a gym & nutrition plan specifically designed for you. It will be compiled either in a file or booklet format with a unique personalized program etc. This will not only motivate yourself to track your results / process but will also inspire yourself to look back on a “journal” to becoming the best version of yourself! I’m almost done with my Sport Nutrition & Supplementation Certificate so I’m excited to say the least :-)…Busy busy busy

Then: GREAT NEWS for Potchefstroom!!!

Perfect Pulse

Myself and Perfect Pulse have just finalized the details for the “Perfect Pulse Truth about Fat loss Nutrition and Exercise Workshop”. We will be hosting it on the 15th March @ Willows Garden Hotel Potchefstroom. 82 Govan Mbeki Drive and we will be starting at 10am sharp. Please contact me Claudine on 082 555 2174 or e-mail to book your place. Once you know the truth, you will see just how easy it is to achieve that dream body and maintain it WITHOUT dieting. It is time you know the truth….see you there!!!! It is R150 per person and believe me when I say this will be the best investment you can make for yourself!

Hope to see you there…

Then Personally:

I had to share this with you all. My baby girl is so cute she is “at a stage” where she copycats everything I do and when I saw this picture of us (which I never thought I would share) it reminded me of her = mommy & baby TEAMwork lol

2014-01-22 14.59.19

You must have a blessed week and remember to get up and give it your all. Set goals and believe in yourself!