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New year and new goals…

So after a month or 3  “off-season” I’m back and ready for this year more than EVER! Back to “clean” eating & pumped training. Ready to be fit, healthy, strong & toned, are you?!

This is me now :-), don’t look at the hair & make-up cause theres none haha, had a good sweat!

Bring it on

I don’t know if it’s only me but oh my Holidays just make me gain weight! I went all out this holiday and believe me when I say I overindulged in sweets, “good” food NO NOT HEALTHY food 😉 and then of course the more than usual “social” drinking.

I do believe we all let go at some point the question is just will you get back to what is best for you? Do you have any goals or resolutions? I don’t normally have resolutions but I do have goals.

One of them is that I want to be fit to enter a race or two in running and Mountain biking. So I started running again and its GREAT! Going slow but I’m super motivated to get back to where I use to be at and even at a better pace!

Then there is some EXCITING things lined up and I will share them with you as soon as everything is finalised!

Let this be your best year yet. Stick to the plan and don’t be a January / February gym attender, but let this be a year of consistency and dedication. Don’t set unrealistic goals and set yourself up for failure by not achieving them.

Get a plan and stick to the plan…Let everyday be a journey to a healthier & happier you!

Do you have any goals? Please do share them.

Have a super week,
