Blog Archives

Time for a new goal…

So my 12 Week Total Body Transformation Challenge came to an end and I was super happy with my results and reached my goal as I hoped to. I lost a total of 25kg and I reached my goal weight of 48kg… The aim is NOT to be be skinny but rather to be STRONG & FIT, TONED & LEANED OUT!!!


Skinny is not sexy – Strong & Healthy is beautiful – This is my opinion…


But now it is time for a new challenge and a new goal… I reached my transformation goal now I want to focus more on the detail of building muscle, to boost my strength, and get absolutely shredded by burning fat, AND to top it off I only have six weeks to achieve the next “thing”. I cannot reveal it now but I will tell you everything in 39 days. 🙂

So new program – new diet –  new goals – new supplementation…I decided to try out Jim Stoppani’s  6 Week Shortcut to Shred! I absolutely LOVED the LiveFit trainer from Jamie Eason but I did the trainer a few times over the last two years, so I’m up for a new challenge/program…

More about the program:
Shortcut to Shred is a fast-paced fitness attack guaranteed to torch body fat, build muscle, and boost your strength. It’s an intense, six-week plan built on six workouts per week, linear and reverse linear periodization, cardio acceleration, a precise three-phase nutrition plan, and a cutting-edge supplement program. Best of all, it’s absolutely free.

Shortcut to Shred isn’t easy, but you don’t want easy. You want results.

So is there anyone out there NOT on a specific program who wants to join in on this challenge?

I’m starting today – I switched the days around cause I did Chest & Shoulders yesterday – So here goes:


Whoop lets do this… I will post more about my supplementation etc soon.

Then to all my new blog visitors & subscribers & Facebook group friends – Welcome – I hope we can encourage, motivate and inspire each other on the journey on becoming fit and fab! Get your friends to like my Facebook page, join the blog, follow a tweet and lets get this circle of friends going.

Have a super day.
– C –

HaPpY nEw YeAr!

Hi everyone first of all I want to say HAPPY NEW YEAR, may 2012 be a year filled with blessings, joy, love and may you be prosperous in every single thing that you take on…May you be renewed with a new way of thinking and living…

Do you have any New Year resolutions? Well, I have never made specific New Year resolutions but this year around I decided to make a list of things that I would love to achieve personally and in my life (still have to do the list) lol. I would say it will be more goal orientated than specific resolutions. The most important thing to me is to live everyday as if it is my last! I want to be passionately driven by everything I do. The days of living a mediocre life is something of the past. I will make a point to enjoy everything I do. Whether its work, gym, running or whatsoever.

Let’s recap on the last week or two. It was my birthday on the 23rd of December and wow what a stunning day!! I was so spoiled throughout the day. Thanks to the special people in my life! I got a pair of Puma Faas 300 from the hubby, beautiful light pink roses, lots of Total Sport vouchers :-), make-up and then of course my USN Supplements arrived just in time to crown of a wonderful birthday. Thank you USN South Africa, without the correct supplementation my results would not have been possible!

My birthday - 23 December 2011

Some photographs from the weekend:

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Then we spend a few days at Sun City with my husband and amazing friends/cousins! Thank you Sergio, Larissa, Gino and Chantelle it was great fun and would love to do it again!  I must confess that my diet was not all clean and there was some drinking involved! I did however manage to do an 11km run the one morning and a 12km run the other morning. Must have been driven by guilt to go for a run after only a few hours of sleep ;-). I did make the healthy choices wherever possible so did not go all out eating unhealthy! I had my water during the day, decaf coffee with Xylitol, my fruit, rye bread and oats with cinnamon in the mornings. It was only in the evenings that I had Nandos. One thing is a given fact and that is that alcohol is a HUGE SET BACK when it comes to training! I am not a drinker so have never really been affected by it throughout my diet but I had a few drinks while at Sun City and could feel the effect. Again, not overindulging but 2/3 drinks per night is something my body is not use to. I could feel a MAJOR difference in my running/endurance ability.

The few days spend at Sun City was absolutely amazing – We watched a show at the Barnyard, had an awesome New Years Eve at the Valley of the Waves, got a nice tan at Vacation Club and Valley of the Waves and the evenings was filled with great entertainment and some clubbing ;-). The days were filled with lots to do and we had great laughs. The few days spend there was exactly what I needed!

Then today 2.01.2011 the start of the LiveFit trainer:

Those of you doing this program with me how was your first day? It was great to be back in the gym today!

I must say it is a MAJOR challenge for me not to do cardio or to not be able to run my 4-12km a day! The one thing I did not cut out is my skipping between sets. I don’t skip as much as I used to but I did do a few sets of minute skipping between sets just to get the heart rate up a bit! Obviously the more fit you get the harder it becomes to get the heart rate up and the less calories is burned if not done correctly! Diet wise I still had to do a lot of prepping on the food side. I went to get a few things today for it was not possible to get everything before we left to Sun City. It is a challenge to follow the LiveFit diet to the T for there is a few things that are not available in South Africa… But I will see how things go as I go along with the 12 Week Trainer.

I do not have much weight to lose for I already reached my goal weight with the completion of the USN 12 Week Challenge, I have 1kg or so to lose so my focus will be on some muscle gain and serious toning/cutting at the end of Phase 3!

This program is aMaZiNg for those that want to lose a lot of body fat and weight so stick to the program it does work that I promise you!

Would love for you to share your thoughts as you go along.

HaPpY tRaInInG everyone

Festive season…

Hi everyone, sorry for being quiet on the blogging side of things but I have been really busy working on compiling the LiveFit training log sheets and spend allot of time prepping for the Challenge starting on 2 January 2012. So are you excited already? Well I am SUPER excited and can’t wait to start this challenge with all of you…2012 will be your best year yet! How is your motivation level over the festive season? I must admit it’s been a tough week or two. Diet/Food wise there is no problem but oh my when it comes to my craving for sweets it’s another story.

Training wise things is going great. I’m taking it easier now; only to hit it hard again on Monday 2 January 2012. When I say taking it easy I mean trying to stick to 1 training session per day and not the usual 2…

The first phase of the Challenge will definitely be a HUGE challenge for me when it comes to the no cardio part but I just HAVE to do it. I am a little cardio junky who loves my running/zumba/mountain biking etc. but if that is what it takes I’m doing it.

Then I have been approached a few times and asked if I will compete in the fitness industry next year. After long thinking and pondering about it I have decided that I will give it a try ;-). The first competition is in April 2012 and by that time we will finish the LiveFit program and definitely be ready to hit the stageJ. So will you compete next year? The Challenge will end 26 March 2012 do you have any rewards set in place for achieving your goal? This is a great way to stay motivated.

Post a comment here if you will join in on the challenge. It is always better to have a support system and close friends/family/online friends who can encourage you at times when it gets tough. Believe me it does! There will be days that you feel discouraged, tired, bloated and irritated. Those days are the days where you need that support system, so follow the blog and let us help each other. For those of you that don’t already have MyFitnessPal get it today. This is a wonderful app to keep track on your food dairy, calories etc. You can add me if you like then we can share our food dairy etc. My user name is ClaudineKidson on twitter and and MyFitnessPal.

Supplementation wise for those that asked: I will carry on using my USN products and will keep you posted on what I will use. I’m still deciding though. If you have any questions about supplementation please feel free to post your questions here.

Tomorrow will be my last day at the office for this year, or NO wait I work on Christmas day 😉 but that’s ok after lunch is served I’m officially on holiday. I can’t wait to take some time out and to get a good rest. We will spend some time with family at the Lodge and then a few days at Sun City Resort. We have a Christmas Lunch at the Hotel every year and the Menu looks amazing I have to say. This will be the one day that I will enjoy the menu – Even though I will NOT over indulge I will enjoy it! What will you do on Christmas day? Remember the food can be overwhelming on such a  big family gathering/occasion but DONT over indulge and make up for all the food you did not get to have throughout the last couple of months ;-). It’s not worth it…Be one step ahead in January.  As I’m typing this paragraph it’s as if I’m preaching to myself

Well I just wanted to let you know I’m still here (on the blog) even though I don’t post every day… It’s time for me to get back to work on Phase 3 – Will keep you posted once it’s done.

Have a blessed day and if you are on your way to your holiday destination or to family/friends be safe. Drive save and stop next to the road for some stretching…