USN 12 Week Challenge

Challenge starting date: 30 January 2012- Let me know if you are in by commenting on this post/facebook page: Body and Lifestyle Challenges Claudine Kidson

I have decided to guide my sister through a second round of the Challenge being her personal trainer and guide her through the use of correct supplementation and nutrition/diet! If you like to join in like my Facebook page: Body and Lifestyle Challenges Claudine Kidson (click on the link above) and spread the word. I will share a training program/weekly diet/recipes.

YOUR life can and WILL be changed!

First things first…Do you want to enter the USN 12 Week Challenge 2012 then you have to start by purchasing your 12 Week Body Transformation Starter Pack. Supplements included in the starter pack will be:

(This will last you approximately 3-4 weeks)

  1. Pure CLA 1000 (45’s)
  2. Phedra-Cut Ultra XT (60’s)
  3. Diet Fuel Ultralean (1kg)
  4. Protein Dessert (454g)

What I would add to this:

  1. Women’s Ultra Two-a-day Daily Vitamin
  2. USN OMEGA PRO 3,6,9
  3. Phedra Cut Ultra SF (for the evenings)

If you don’t want to enter the competition and only do the Challenge buy the products separately. There is great specials available and I would suggest you buy the combo packs for they work out much cheaper at the end.

There is a 20% Off Sports Supplements at Dischem nationwide starting Friday 27 and Saturday 28 January so I will suggest you stock up that Supplement Corner now for this type of saving doesn’t come to often 😉

Dischem SALE

Next: So lets do a quick breakdown on each product explaining the function of each supplement.

Tip: It is a good idea to get clued up on the supplements that you will be using. Not only to educate yourself on the role it plays but to know what you are fuelling your body with. As the Challenge Progress we will add to the supplements but for now this is the most important…

Before I begin it is so important to know your supplements and what you put into your mouth. Why do I use USN? First of all I must give them credit on their AMAZING customer support and advice.

Gareth Powell from USN has been of amazing support throughout my Challenge. All my questions have always been answered and more. So before I go any further thank you Gareth and the team at USN for making each customer/individual feel valued as a client.

This is the link to their website: USN – Ultimate Sports Nutrition

Email Gareth at USN should you have any queries on this 12 Week challenge or for some advice:

Trust me even though this is allot of information make the time to read through it and get the foundation right of your knowledge beforehand.


A daily multi-vitamin designed for the female who requires an essential supplement for a balanced, nutritious diet.


USN WOMEN’S TWO A DAY is a scientifically formulated, nutrient rich multi-vitamin/multi nutrient, designed for the active female who has specific micronutrient demands for the continued maintenance of good health, immune support and energy availability.


Daily with breakfast.


  • Increased energy levels
  • Improves overall performance
  • Stimulates cognitive function
  • High in antioxidants

Improves immune function


A combination of Omega-9 (mono-unsaturated fatty acids) and Omega-3 and -6 (poly-unsaturated fatty acids). Omega-3 and -6 are Essential Fatty Acids (EFA’s).


USN OMEGA PRO consists of a combination of Omega-9 (mono-unsaturated fatty acids) and Omega-3 and -6 (poly-unsaturated fatty acids) – Omega-3 and -6 are essential fatty acids.

All these fatty acids are necessary for the formation of healthy cell membranes, the proper development and functioning of the brain and nervous system, and for the production of hormone-like substances called eicosanoids (thromboxanes, leukotrienes, prostaglandins).

These chemicals regulate numerous body functions, including blood pressure, blood viscosity, and vasoconstriction, immune and inflammatory response. They have profound beneficial effects on the body an influence hormone production, immunity and cardiovascular health in addition, they keep the skin and other tissues youthful.


  • Daily with food.


  • Optimises metabolic function
  • Balances hormone production
  • Promotes cardiovascular health
  • Boosts sports performance
  • Reduces exercise related pain


An advanced, multi-phase extreme thermogenic, fast activating fat loss activator, scientifically formulated to rapidly increase fat metabolism, appetite suppression and to boost energy production.


PHEDRA-CUT ULTRA XT is an advanced fat loss activator, consisting of a synergistic blend of natural ingredients, which have all proven to assist in safe and effective weight loss.

Benefits of PHEDRA-CUT XT:

• Increased fat burning activity (incl. abdominal fat)
• Blood glucose regulation (which may eliminate cravings)
• Reduced carbohydrate absorption
• Appetite suppression
• Reduced glucose production in the liver
• Reduced fat accumulation
• Inhibit fat cell formation (Anti-adipogenic activity)
• Mood and mental acuity enhancement
• No estrogenic interactions
• Anti-oxidation during fat breakdown
• Energy boosting


Prior to meals.


  • Increased fat burning activity
  • Advanced blood glucose regulation
  • Reduced carbohydrate absorption
  • Appetite suppression
  • Reduced glucose production in the liver
  • Mood and mental acuity enhancement
  • Inhibits fat cell formation
  • Antioxidant effect
  • Energy-boosting
  • Non-hormonal


A non-stimulant primary weight loss supplement designed to optimise the metabolic pathways associated with increase fat and carbohydrate metabolism without increasing thermogenisis or central nervous system activity.


PHEDRA-CUT ULTRA SF has been formulated for individuals wishing to achieve optimal weight-control and energy levels, without central nervous system stimulation.

It can also be used in combination with Phedra-Cut Ultra XT to continue the weight-regulating process during the night as well as over weekends.

  • Increased fat burning activity (without CNS stimulation)
  • Blood glucose regulation (which may eliminate cravings)
  • Reduced carb absorption
  • Appetite suppression
  • Reduced fat accumulation (also in liver)
  • Mood & mental acuity enhancement
  • Anti-oxidation during fat breakdown
  • Energy boosting
  • May lower the level of CRP (C-reactive protein) in the body and hence reduce leptin resistance.


  • Prior to meals.


  • Decreases weight and fat mass
  • Suppresses appetite
  • Improves blood glucose regulation
  • Reduces starch digestion
  • Inhibits amalayse enzyme production
  • Improves thyroid function
  • Increases fat and glycogen metabolism
  • Improves metabolic function and energy levels
  • Non-hormonal


A non-stimulant weight loss supplement that supports weight loss and the metabolic processes involved with fat burning. With further health benefits including blood sugar regulation to promote a lean physique.


Conjugated Linoleic Acid is seen as a “wonder nutrient” that occurs naturally in a wide variety of foods such as beef, some dairy products and turkey.

This “wonder nutrient” has been scientifically proven to inhibit the process that is responsible for the deposition of fat in the body (especially in the abdominal and leg areas). CLA directs the body to use fat reserves for energy. Research has shown CLA to increase lean muscle while reducing body fat. A number of other studies also revealed dramatic cholesterol-reducing effects with CLA supplementation.

USN CLA 1000 primarily provides the Cis 9, Trans 10 and Trans 11, Cis 12 isomers in a 50:50 ratio, as recommended for optimal efficiency. Supplementing with CLA should result in a leaner, healthier body.


  • With or directly after meals.


  • Promotes fat metabolism
  • Protect lean muscle mass
  • Increases energy expenditure
  • Anti-cancer properties
  • Enhances immune function
  • Powerful antioxidant
  • Prevents high cholesterol


Premium high protein
Low-carbohydrate meal replacement
Contains the USN Lean System for effective weight management


USN DIET FUEL ULTRALEAN represents the newest and most advanced technology for the reduction of body fat as well as the maintenance of lean muscle tissue.

This delicious, low-GI, low-kJ meal replacement formula provides you with a complete, nutritious meal for anytime of the day. It contains all the essential nutrients in adequate quantities to ensure healthy and lasting weight loss.

The USN Lean System blend consists of N-Acetyl-L-Carnitine, HCA (Hydroxycitric acid) and a high level of bio-available Calcium, which has been shown to assist the weight-loss process through various effective mechanisms (excluding central nervous system stimulation).

The formula has a high fibre content to increase satiety levels and to assist with digestion. The reduction in hunger is further promoted through the addition of 25g High Biological Value Protein from various sources, which triggers a natural weight loss hormone (PYY) in the body.

The high quality Protein substrates also assist in improving Protein synthesis, regulating blood sugar levels to reduce cravings and improving overall health. Lactazyme is added to assist in the breakdown of Milk Protein and improved absorption.


  • As a dietary supplement
  • Two servings daily at 10:00am and again at 3:00pm


  • Muscle retention
  • Muscle growth
  • Stabilises blood sugar levels
  • Suppresses appetite
  • Increases fat and glucose metabolism

Watch this space for the next update on the Challenge.

Remember Sunday evening/Monday morning to take your first “BEFORE” photos with your measurements. I will keep you updated on how you must go about the next step 😉

Can’t wait to start!

About lifestylechallenges

Brand and Marketing Manager | Hotel General Manager | BA Graphic Design and; Multimedia | Higher Diploma in Photography | USN Ambassador | Lifestyle Athlete | Trifocus Fitness Academy Ambassador | Studying to become an accredited Life Coach | Busy with Personal Training Diploma | USN 12 Week Challenge Contestant | Proud mother | Homeschool Teacher | Passionate about healthy living, being fit and an inspiration to others

Posted on January 25, 2012, in USN 12 Week Challenge and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 24 Comments.

  1. Hi

    Can i start the 12 week program while trying to get pregnant?


    • Hi there, It will be best to contact USN directly about the supplementation and what is approved. I know once you find out that you are pregnant stop with all products…

      I’m also trying for a little one and therefore decided to be clean on my diet and to only continue with my Whey Protein. It will however be for your own benefit to lose the unwanted fat/weight before pregnancy.

      Good luck let me know…


  2. Started taking the phedra cut xt today(27/03/12


  3. I need to loose weight. i want to know which product i can use


  4. Hey Mavis where are you from?

    Remember your nutrition is the most important aspect of losing that unwanted weight/fat. Good sound nutrition and a training program is crucial.

    Get the nutrition in place and add the supplements to assist you in reaching your goals. USN Phedra Cut Lipo XT / CLA 1000 and Diet Fuel UltraLean (meal replacement)


  5. Hi I would like to start the 12 week challenge as from 20th April 2012, I am from Cape Town and am hypertensive, can I use the XT with the SF? VERY CONFUSED ABOUT THIS.



    • Hi Ester thank you for the comment. I would not recommend Phedra Cut XT if you are sensitive to caffeine or hypersensitive. The stimulant free will be a better option and can be used in the evenings before dinner. And add your CLA’s + Diet Fuel

      Remember the success will be in your diet that I can promise you. For in depth details or concerns about the product you can email and they will assist you 101%.

      Please let me know how it goes or if you need any motivation.


  6. So pleased I found your blog!!! I started the challenge at the beginning of April, this is the start of my week 3!! I have never been a gym person and always crave the naughty kind of food but I have been so motivated and been in the gym at 5am Monday to Friday, really feeling great and can see a big difference in myself already …. just really craving pizza 😦


    • Hi Jen welcome glad to have you as a visitor :-). Well done on starting the challenge!

      I know what you say – I was the queen of junk food and sweets. Your body will adjust as time goes… Do you have a “cheat” meal per week?

      IF you have pizza have Primi Piatti Pizza – Why? They use BIGA?

      Primi Piatti use a traditional natural leavening method to prepare its Pizza bases.

      This is done by means of using a naturally cultured sourdough which is fermented over a 24 hour period – this is called a “BIGA”.

      The BIGA is then combined with base dough which is made using Molino Alimonti Flour (Flour “OO”), olive oil, water and yeast.

      What does this mean to you? The biga-dough, thanks to the slow leavening (min 24hours) ensures easier digestion, it also contains about 70% less fat and fewer calories compared to general dough methods found in the market place.

      Always option out for the healthier options 😉

      Good luck with the challenge and please keep me posted on your progress. Believe in yourself and let the journey become your lifestyle!


  7. I want to do the 12 week challenge but without entering. Where can I get more information?


  8. Hi Marnelle you are more than welcome to ask me questions if you need more information? Or alternatively email

    If you don’t want to enter the Challenge you can buy the products separately and no need to purchase the Starter Pack containing the passport.

    Good luck


  9. I’m one of the people tht can loose weight fast,my problem is tht I need something to tone my body,especially the buttocks and my butt, nd my hips look like its sagging.I’m suffering of cellulite aswell.Is thr anything or any of your products tht u can recommend


  10. Hi Mellaney, first of all you need to look at your nutrition/diet plan for this is what will give you 70% of your results. There is definitely products that can assist you in reaching your goal for example the CLA 1000 that is an advanced body toner from USN followed by a fat burner later on…

    Read above more about the products and their specific functions. I also struggled with cellulite and believe me the less fat there is under the skin the less cellulite will be visible so it is possible to shake it! Don’t look for a quick fix get your nutrition right and you will gradually loose the weight!

    Let me know girl.


  11. Hi,im triying to loose weight,iv been using phedra-cut ultra xt fat loss activator for 3 months,so im not sure if im using the right product for my body coz results are slow,or should i increase my workouts?im frm Pretoria any advice without consulting a doctor?


  12. Hi Kgongoana, the most important part of your success is your diet! This is 70% and the supplementation & gym the rest! Make sure to challenge yourself if you feel that your intensity while training is too low! Adjust your diet always remember the products are there to assist you in reaching your goals. Do NOT determine the success or your results on a “scale” make sure you take your body fat % because that is after all what you want to achieve – Lower fat % = Leaner Body! Let me know if you are unsure about the advice given. Don’t give up and WELL done on wanting 2 change and be a healthier YOU! You can do this. Claudine


  13. Bianca. Bester

    Hey guys I want to do the 12 week challenge without having to buy the whole starter pack. I have already purchased most of the substances but I want tips on workout and eating. Can someone help me with a diet and workout plan. I need to lose weight. I have to do this!


    • Hey Bianca,

      You don’t have to purchase the starter pack – if you have the necessary products that GREAT! I’m in the process of finalizing my 12 Week Total Body Transformation training program! You can also go under the USN drop down above and download the USN Diet…Remember you must make this work for yourself so sit down and adjust your meal plan accordingly that is only a guideline or you can stick to it 100%. I can guarantee amazing results as you can see my transformation! Please do ask ANY questions that you might have on the blog or on my facebook page. Will gladly assist where possible.

      Good luck you can do this!



  14. Hi there. I have a pack of USN XT fat burner and CLA toner. I exercise and follow a good eating plan. However, I’m not sure when to take the CLA? Do I take it on the same days as the XT? For example, I take 2 XTs for breakfast, will I then take 2 CLA tablets after I eat breakfast? A bit confused.


    • lifestylechallenges


      Phedra Cut to be taken 30 min before breakfast/lunch/dinner and CLA to be taken after breakfast/lunch/dinner. Remember with the Phedra Cut it is 5 days on 2 day off.


  15. Nyalleng Chabane


    i have started on the Phedra Cut Liquid SF about 3 weeks ago and would like to know if the Phedra Cut Ultra XT extreme thermogenic is more aggressive in burning the fat than the SF? What other product can i use to accelerate the weighloss as i do workout 3 times a week and follow an energy controlled diet?

    My main worry is that i tend to overeat at Dinner and want a good meal replacement that will leave me satisfied and not having any cravings.


  16. Hi

    I wanna know more about the 12 week challenge and how the women program is different from the men program


    • Hi, you can view the category on my blog named USN 12 Week Challenge. You will see the training programs supplied by USN differs for Men/Women. Why? Because we differ in our bodies and the way we have been “created” 😉 The program for the ladies is a Fat Loss Training Program and the one for the Men is a Muscle Gain plan. The reps and sets differ as you will see. The diet is also differently compiled. Let me know if you are unsure if I can assist in a more direct question. Most important have a goal and then take it from there by having direction. Good luck!


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